Chapter 30

"So captain, where are we heading off now?" Carmen, who loosened up after getting to know Rowan and Carina better, asked in curiosity.

"We have three goals at the current moment. First, recruit doctor and shipwright as crewmates, and if we can't both, at least a doctor. Second, earn a sufficient amount of money before heading off. How? Currently, I'm thinking of taking a visit to the 'Angels.' And for last, of course, is to enter the Grand Line safely, before the marines start to bombard us endlessly." Rowan held his finger up as he explained.

"Although we have managed to earn 3 million Beli by auctioning the golden salt to ingredient-hungry chefs, plus another million Beli from Carmen, it's still far from enough! When we reach Logue town, we need to purchase a log pose and various other equipments for navigation in the Grand Line. At the same time, we don't know how inflated the prices are there; we need to seize every opportunity that allows us to earn money." Carina added on from Rowan's point, and Carmen nodded in an agreement.

"Well, if I were to voice my opinion, the kitchen is not in the best state either. The fridge is old and not functioning efficiently. Many of the cooking tools are also poor in terms of quality. We need to renovate that section as well." Carmen voiced her opinion.

"Yes, definitely. We will try to do that as soon as possible." Rowan inwardly sighed. The more he sailed, the more he realized how important it is to accumulate wealth. An adventurer was such a money-consuming occupation! "Well, don't worry too much about it. Who knows how much we'll be able to rip off of the 'Angels.'"

Afterward, Rowan began to elaborate on the next set of plans.

"It would be for the best to stay away from the marines' radar as long as possible, but our clash against the Buggy pirates is bound to be spread eventually. Therefore, we will deal with Rowly as quickly as possible and temporarily hide here-" Rowan pointed at the part of the map that indicated an island with a warning sign for abnormal weather, "-Sixis. With my ability to grant 'bounce' property to our Prominence, we will be able to reach the island without substantial damage.

After the marines return to their posts, we will head off straight to Logue town. If we were to look for advanced degrees such as a doctor, it's definitely got to be a town as large as this. Besides, the marines have not seen our new jolly roger or Prominence; we have the most chance of safely entering the Grand Line before we lose this advantage." Listening to Rowan's plan, Carina and Carmen nodded. They didn't have much time, and once the world learns of Rowan's new pirate crew, entering the Grand Line will practically be impossible.

However, Carmen seemed unsure about one point. "It's just three of us against a thousand and five-hundred of Rowly pirates. How can you be so confident to win," Carmen looked back at the sniper rifle that was sitting in the corner, "with just that?"

Carina laughed at Carmen's remark, and answered the question herself. "Let's just say, that our captain has recently acquired a particular skill. You will see when we get there."

"It seems that we are all set. Let's head off without wasting any more time." Rowan stated, with his eyes glued onto their next destination, Sohelm. His eyes were firm and determined; he knew that the next time he fights, he will be committing mass murder.

"Peace was never an option, was it?" Rowan muttered as he and his crew stood up and began to prepare for the leave.


Over 2 days, the ship sailed through the sea without much difficulty. With adequate navigation by Carina and advanced cooking from Carmen, Rowan was able to hone his abilities even further without a worry.

Currently, Prominence was situated in the middle of the calm ocean, where Sohelm island was visible at a far distance.

With her hand above her eyes, Carmen squinted her eyes in an attempt to get a clear view of the island. "I can barely see anything here. How are you planning to do this, captain?"

Now, if there's one thing that Rowan realized since his life in this world began, it was an abnormally good sight that he seemed to be born with. Although the name Youchiha didn't really grant him an overpowered Sharingan or any other abilities like the Uchiha clan, his visual prowess was clearly above the average. One example was when he was able to sight Arlong's pirate ship from a far distance, and it was only due to his sight that he was able to warn other people before Arlong's arrival.

However, how did Rowan become so skillful at handling the gun? The answer is: he wasn't; he is unable to aim accurately unless the distance is close enough, just as when he shot Buggy. All he was good at, was being able to shoot in the intended direction, as his physical strength easily ignored the recoil. However, what he trained over the days, was the use of 'micro bounce' to amplify and adjust a bullet's speed, power, and trajectory path.

Carina looked at the sniper rifle Rowan was holding. "Sometimes, your ability just doesn't make any sense. At this distance, they shouldn't even be able to sight us without using a binocular."

Taking a deep breath, Rowan crouched down and aimed the sniper rifle towards the island. "Alright, let's do this."

There only lied silence in Prominence, as all members tensed up for the battle. In the next moment,

*Bang* A loud blast was heard as the sharp bullet flew out of the sniper rifle at a rapid speed.

*BOOM* *BOOM* *BOOM* Subsequently, the bullet's speed was further amplified by the consecutive applications of the 'bounce' force, causing it to fly at a blinding speed towards Sohelm island.

"And here we go," Rowan said as the bullet pierced the chest of the first pirate it came across.

"Gahh!" The pirate fell as he was penetrated by the bullet traveling at an incredible speed, leaving a bleeding hole in his heart. Before he could register, he was dead.

Immediately after, another pirate fell, followed by another.

"Wha... what is this!!" One pirate screamed in panic as the crew members around him began to fall with a bleeding hole. He didn't have time to say any further though, as the bullet pierced through him.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom* The bullet's trajectory path unnaturally bent and pierced through numerous pirates at an insane pace, and ended the lives of two hundred pirates in an instant. After 10 seconds, the bloody bullet abruptly lost its momentum in the midair and fell to the ground.

*BAM* The door of the ship anchored to the island opened, before Rowly and the commanders stepped out. Their eyes widened as they saw numerous numbers of their crewmates dead on the ground.

"How can this be-" Before Rowly could finish his anguish shout, he faintly heard the booming sound from far away. "This sound... the Bounce Bounce fruit!!" Rowly turned his head towards the source of the sound.

What happened at the next moment terrified Rowly. The bullet appeared out of nowhere and pierced tens of his men at once! Then, the said bullet, with a sound of small *Boom*, was deflected to another direction, before continuing its frightening travel! The bullet's trajectory path was completely random, however, it simply flew and bounced at an insane rate, that there was nothing the crew could do but hope that they won't get pierced through it!

"C-captain..." Greg, who was standing behind Rowly, whimpered worriedly. "It's, it's him!"

While holding the binocular with shaky hands, he sighted Rowan with his sniper rifle aimed towards them.

Biting on his lip so hard that it began to bleed, Rowly order his men, "Fire the cannon immediately! We cannot lose any more than we already have-"

*BOOM* Another noise was heard, and Rowly saw Greg collapsing on the ground while screaming and holding his arm, which is nearly detached from his body.

"AHHHHH!!!" Greg screamed in immense pain. Watching such a scene, Rowly became increasingly pale.

*Boom* Suddenly, the bullet that went through Greg, shot through another commander, who was standing on Rowly's left. Vomiting blood, said commander fell on the ground; Rowly had no idea if he was dead or alive.

"Uh..." Rowly gulped as his legs began to shake, and the sweat began to pour out of his body, drenching him in a second.

"No, this can't be real!!!!!" With an uncontrollable fear that he is unable to conceal anymore, Rowly ran back into the cabin with a terrified scream, before slamming the door shut.

Watching this from a far distance, Rowan finally released his sniper rifle. Holding his shaky hands down, Rowan signaled to Carina and Carmen, who nodded before adjusting the sail to change Prominence's path towards Sohelm island.

"Heh, guess you're finally living up to your title: the Demon of the East Blue." Carina weakly grinned at Rowan, who took a deep breath out.

"Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth... so be it. I'm not a justice-craving marine. A petty pirate like me forgives no betrayers." Rowan said to himself as Prominence reached the island.

The island itself was devastating to look at. Over one thousand corpses lied dead. The remaining survivors were either screaming in pain from their injuries, shaking in fear, or lying unconscious.

Rowan landed on the land with a cold demeanor, as Carina and Carmen stood on his left and right. The pirates watched in fear as Rowan and his crew members slowly walked up to the ship where he witnessed Rowly locking himself within.

*Tap* *Tap* As they walked up onto the ship, there was nothing but the sounds of the footsteps along with the creaking noise of the deck. Calmly standing in front of the cabin door, Rowan simply cocked his fist back before punching forward.

*BOOM* The front of the cabin was destroyed instantly, and Rowly was revealed to be cowering in the room, crouching down on the corner.

"C... captain!" Rowly stuttered pleadingly, but all he received was Rowan's impassive gaze.

"Oh, so am I your captain now?" Rowan snorted, before taking out the revolver from his holster.

Rowly's eyes darted all around, trying to find himself a way out. "P-please!! I was simply too afraid of the marines! I have never thought of betraying you, not even once!"

Crawling towards Rowan, Rowly banged his head on the floor. "Just give me another chance!! Please, I beg you!!" Immediately after, Rowly's cowardly visage suddenly changed to a murderous gaze, and he jumped up towards Rowan with a sword in his hand, trying to use the element of surprise to his advantage.


*Clang* In spite of Rowly's effort, the sword was easily blocked by Carina, who casually placed her knife in front of the sword.

"As expected from the captain of Wimpy pirates." Rowan, not even bothered by Rowly's abrupt assault, pointed his revolver at Rowly's head. "Live like a coward, die as a coward."

Without further ado, Rowan pulled a trigger, and Rowly collapsed on a floor with a bullet piercing through his head.

"End of the story." Rowan whispered softly, as his gun lowered.