Chapter 34

Grabbing all the items they purchased, Rowan's crew got aboard Prominence. Of course, Smoker's Seastone jitte ended up in Rowan's hand, who quite liked the round edge of the weapon, which allowed him the versatile use of bounce.

"Perfect! What a magnificent execution of plan!" Carmen greeted them on the ship while making a dramatic pose. "Now let's see what you got for me. Hmm, cooking board, not bad, frying pan, acceptable I guess..."

As Carmen was busy inspecting the equipments Dan bought for her, the crew immediately adjusted the ship and left Logue town harbour, with no marines chasing after them.

"Hehe, guess what? Look what I got!" Carina laughed as she slightly lifted the hem of her shirt, and to everyone's surprise, many wallets fell out at once. More importantly, all of them looked very puffy and luxurious.

Rowan smiled and shook his head in helplessness. "In the future, Prominence might sink just because of the sheer amount of wealth we've managed to accumulate, thanks to you." After counting the remains of Belis that Rowan handed out, and coupled with money Carina acquired through thefts and the remaining 22 million Belis, they now had 27 million Belis in their hands.

As they continued to sail, the sea began to lose the stillness, as the currents began to swirl madly and the waves began to crash wildly. Prominence swayed from side to side, and some members had to grab onto the rails to keep their balance intact. The weather around them darkened and became stormy, as rains began to pour all of a sudden.

"Here we are, the Reverse Mountain! The road to my luxurious life!" Carina exclaimed as she pointed towards the fast stream of water in front of them, which flows towards the top of the mountain, in a gravity-defying fashion. The pathway was quite narrow; one mistake will cause them to sink in the sea.

However, they had Rowan, the user of Bounce Bounce fruit. What was there to worry about?

"Wow, what a strange feeling." Rowan said full of emotion, as he reminisced over his past 18 years of life in the East Blue. Although he decided upon the choice of entering the Grand Line due to the endless pursuit of marines, he could not help but feel proud. He felt as if he's completed the tutorial of a game, and is about to enter the real game.

"To think, I, the Fiery Carmen, would enter the Grand Line! Witness my endeavor, world, the greatest venture of the greatest cook in the history!" Carmen held out her arms wide and generated fire to further exaggerate her already-exaggerated manner, but the rains immediately caused her fires to be extinguished, which left her embarrassed.

"An adventure that I want..." Dan grinned as he too stared at the Reverse Mountain in front of them. "Now this is something worth living for."

Ace was leaning against the rail with his hat lowered, covering his eyes. ' The Pirate king? The strongest man in the world? Hah, watch, you old man. I'll surpass you even before you realize. Just keep rolling in your grave.' His eyes were resolute as they looked back at the Logue town, where his father, Gol.D Roger, was executed.

Rowan, seeing that Prominence was nearing the Reverse Mountain, cracked his knuckles, before crouching down and touching the deck of the ship. "Alright, here it goes. Everyone, get ready."

"""Yes, captain!!""" Carina, Carmen, and Dan shouted in joy. Carmen and Dan went down the anchor room, where there lied a wheel with a rope tied on it, which is connected to the sail. Carina strapped log pose on her wrist and was situated at the front of the ship. Ace, on the other hand, remained on his seat; he was a guest after all.

Rowan began to generate countless bounce forces on the sides of the ship. Unlike when they sailed through Sixis, there was one more thing to worry about: safely entering the narrow entrance of the Reverse Mountain. It required precise control, as the waves caused Prominence to shake and interrupt Rowan's maneuver.

"Turn to the right!!" Carina shouted from above while reading the flow of wind and water.

"Right? Got it!" Dan answered and pulled on the wheel, together with Carmen.

As Prominence neared the Reverse Mountain, it began to gain speed at a rapid pace, before blasting off of its spot as the ship entered the fast current of the Reverse Mountain!

"Rowan, here it comes!" Carina shouted as Prominence neared the narrow entrance of the Reverse Mountain.

Rowan gritted his teeth as he stared ahead. "Here it goes. Bounce Shield!" With all of his strength, Rowan generated the bounce force all around Prominence's outer body that touches water.

*BOOM* The water, air, and rock all alike were repelled from Prominence momentarily, and at the same time, the ship bounced off of the left edge of the entrance, before perfectly situating itself in the middle of the path.

"*Phew* Glad that it worked." Rowan wiped his sweat and relaxed, as Carina gave him a V sign with her hand.

"Haha, impressive!" Ace laughed at the back, which earned a tick mark from Rowan.

""Will you shut up?!"" Rowan and Carina barked simultaneously.

Carmen and Dan climbed back up with sweats of their own, as they held an excited gaze.

"We entered the Reverse Mountain!"

Prominence rapidly approached the top of the mountain through the straight current. The current kept reaching higher and higher, and the surroundings revealed majestic views of the vast sky and ocean. The current that reached the top dispersed into the air and sprayed in beautiful rainbow colour. Rowan looked at such incredible sight in awe as he lost his words.

'So this is the Grand Line? I can't help but wonder, what will I be experiencing from now on? A floating island? A giant so big that one stomp will create an earthquake? A sea on fire?' Rowan's mind ran through many unimaginable ideas as Prominence sped through the top.

In the next moment, Prominence passed the top of the current and momentarily flew into the sky. The sun shined upon the ship brightly, radiating a glow that encapsulated the ship in magnificence.

13 years of Obliviousness. 4 years of Vengeance. 1 year of Naivety. Now, Rowan's story was about to move on to the next page, where the true adventure begins!

This scene was unfold in front of the white-orb-like entity, who simply grinned at such a scene.

"It seems that he already changed much more than I have anticipated. Is it for good, or is it for bad? Cocoyasi village suffered a much worse fate. However, the entire East Blue has become a much more safe place than the original. The story called 'One Piece,' led by the protagonist named Monkey D. Luffy, no longer exists. How will it unfold from now on? Show me Rowan, how will you change and morph this world?" The entity said in excitement as his gaze shifted to the book he was holding, which read: One Piece, Volume 1.

"I don't need this anymore, do I?"

The entity threw away the book, which disintegrated. The only thing that remained was a speck of dust, which floated away into the air.