Chapter 70

[Yuba, Alabasta]

The Marines were seen to be standing in front of Yuba with determined gazes, led by Vice Admiral Onigumo, who frowned deeply. On his left, Crocodile was smoking casually, with his eyes half-closed lazily.

"They should be the Baroque Works." Crocodile stated smoothly, as he lifted up his watch and checked the time. 'Four o'clock. Judging by how fast the Grimheart pirates traveled from Tamarisk to Katorea, their travel from Nanohana to Yuba should be lesser.'

On the opposing side, the officer agents of Baroque Works were standing cautiously, seemingly shocked to sight the Marines out of nowhere.

"M-M-Marines?!!" Mr. 3 sweated profusely as he stared at the marine troop, "This isn't good, our organization has been discovered!! What happened, did Mr. 0 get himself caught?!"

"Whaaattttt?" Mr. 2 exclaimed in surprise after hearing Mr. 3, "Boss is caught?! Ughh, we got to go save him!!!"

"Shut up, you two." Mr. 1 said calmly, as his eyes flashed left and right, "Marines may be formidable, but in terms of number, we are much more superior."

The joint marine forces of Vice Admiral Onigumo and Captain Hina amounted to around a thousand in total, which lacked in comparison to two thousand agents of the Baroque Works, who were standing in front of the officer agents, glaring at the marines menacingly.

"I see I see, so this is what boss wanted us to do." One Millions agent said with a crazed expression on her face, "Kehehe, two thousand of us against the marines, I think the result is obvious."

They seemed to have placed a deep faith in their sheer number. After all, they used to reside in the four seas, where common sense applies to some extent, before having joined the Baroque Works in the Grand Line.

"To think Crocodile's words were true..." Hina muttered to herself as she saw the scene unfold in front of her, "These ruffians were waiting for Grimheart. Hina shocked."

Onigumo's visage darkened hearing that, as he stepped up with his hands in his pockets, glaring at the Baroque Works agents.

"Filthy scums of the sea," Onigumo growled deeply with a speaker in his hand, having every agent to hear his insult, "I will give you ten seconds to end your lives yourselves."

Mr. 1 stepped up arrogantly after hearing that, "Seems like you are quite high-ranked within the marines, but... so what? Just another target to assassinate."

Unknowingly, Mr. 3 was slowly backing out from his colleagues, as his brains already calculated that no one here is able to defeat the marine officer in front of them—based on his instinct alone. However, before he could do any further, Miss Doublefinger grabbed onto his arm with irritation and pointed her sharp nail towards his neck.

"Coward, how did you even manage to become an officer agent?" She said coldly, causing Mr. 3 to gulp, "I will give you a choice. Fight, or be killed by my hands."

Mr. 2 was staring at Mr. 3 angrily, "How can you dare to abandon your friends like this?!!"

"Friend?" Mr. 5 tilted his head as he looked at Mr. 2 weirdly. He simply shrugged in the end, before turning back to the front.

The veins popped out of Onigumo's forehead after the lack of care in the demeanours of the officer agents. Crushing the speaker in his hand, Onigumo held out his right hand sideways, before stating, "Bring my swords."

Without any delay, eight marine soldiers walked up to Onigumo, while struggling from the sheer weight of the sabers that they were holding onto. With shaky arms, they held out the sabers to Onigumo while huffing heavily.

"For the weaklings like them," Onigumo growled, "one is enough."

The marine soldiers, who were holding onto the sabers, had their eyes pop out and snot drop from their nose hearing this, as they were already drenched with sweat. Each one of them thought to themselves, 'Please, please pick mine!!!'

Onigumo's hand finally outstretched and grabbed onto one sword, relieving one marine from the struggle. Without bothering himself to look at the rest of them who were holding the swords, Onigumo stepped out and began to walk towards the Baroque Works agents, with a cigarette in his mouth.

Mr. 1 watched Onigumo's leisurely walk to them, before stepping out from his group as well. He confronted Onigumo alone, with his arms crossed.

"My body is as hard as steel. A mere sword? Please." Mr. 1 said stoically as he lifted up his forearms before they turned into sharp-like steel blades. "I've met many arrogant people in the past, who dared to use a weapon against me-"

"Shut up." In the next moment, Onigumo, who was in front of Mr. 1, suddenly vanished before appearing behind him. Mr. 1's eyes widened seeing such a display of speed, before looking down onto his body.

"...How?" Mr. 1 said in disbelief as he saw a large gash, nearly severing his body, that cut through his abdomen. He didn't get to say anymore, and collapsed on the ground while spilling gallons of blood. Ironically, the last thing he saw before succumbing to his death was Crocodile, who was lazily staring at him while puffing smoke.

'As expected. All of them are useless. Not even capable of being pawns.' Crocodile thought in disappointment, as he watched the Baroque Works agents backing up with widened eyes, in shock of what just happened.

"Vice Admiral Onigumo, this man is known as-" One marine officer inspected the dead body of Daz Bonez and was about to report, before Onigumo raised his hand.

"A mere weakling. It doesn't matter."

Watching Onigumo's display of strength, the marines were empowered and looked more determined than ever. In contrast, the Baroque Works agents gulped watching the scene. Mr. 1 was the strongest among them, and he was killed in one go—there was no one who could defeat Onigumo within their rank.

"All marines, charge. Don't leave any of them alive." Onigumo stabbed his saber on the ground and puffed out smoke, having lost interest in fighting himself due to how weak the opponents were.

"WRAAA!!!" The ground rumbled with the marines charging towards the Baroque Works agents. With a war cry, they clashed against each other.

"Don't falter, we are still superior with numbers!!" One agent cried as he and one marine soldier clashed their swords, seemingly in a struggle.

Hina also pulled the black gloves onto her hands and approached the officer agents in a serious manner, ready to strike.

"What should we do? Still no sight of Mr. 0." Miss Goldenweek asked Miss Doublefinger next to her, who clicked her tongue as she watched Hina walking towards them. Miss Doublefinger's eyes showed a trace of fear as she briefly glanced at Onigumo, who was watching the battle, before turning her eyes back to Hina.

"I-inhumane speed and swordsmanship he displayed just now," Mr. 3 gulped while adjusting his glasses, "it even severed through Mr. 1, who had a very tough body. If we stay like this right now, we are going to end up dead without a doubt."

"Mr. 1!! How can this be..." Mr. 2's eyes moistened as he stared at the dead body of Mr. 1, before gritting his teeth as he stared at Hina.

"This woman, I am pretty familiar with," Miss Doublefinger muttered as she stepped forward with a cold sweat, "she sails around this area. Known as 'Black Cage' Hina."

"Oh?" Hina exclaimed in surprise hearing Miss Doublefinger, "Hina flattered."

At the next moment, Miss Doublefinger grimaced as Hina began to rush towards her. Mr. 3 realized that there was no way out, and that the best they could do right now was to collaborate.

"Candle Lock!" Liquid wax expelled out of Mr. 3's hand, traveling towards Hina.

"Nose Fancy Cannon!" Similarly, Mr. 5 flicked his booger.

Hina watched the assaults of two officer agents with disgust, before jumping up.

*Boom* An explosion and wax collided, causing the wax to be shot in all directions. Miss Doublefinger saw this as an opportunity and raised her finger to attack.


However, before she could launch her technique, another marine officer with a justice coat intercepted her attack with his katana.

"Now now, one versus eight doesn't sound fair, does it?" He was wearing a unique-shaped marine cap and a veil across his face, which only revealed his black-coloured eyes. He was known as Captain Shu, who possesses the ability of Rust Rust fruit.

Seizing the chance, Miss Goldenweek positioned her behind Captain Shu, with her paintbrush ready to draw on his back. Captain Hina saw the attempt and quickly blasted her iron cage, which caused Miss Goldenweek to retreat.

"Tch, how annoying." Hina glanced sideways, watching how not only Vice Admiral Onigumo wasn't participating, but so were the Commodores, who leisurely walked and slashed through the Baroque Works agents lazily.

"Haa," Shu sighed, "It's all part of a plan. Can't afford to waste energy against the cannon fodders like these."

Meanwhile, Crocodile was sitting on a nearby large rock and simply smoking his cigar, waiting for the right timing to arrive.

All of a sudden, his and Onigumo's eyes narrowed as they abruptly turned their head to one particular location.

As the sun was setting by, illuminating the scene brightly. In front of the sun,

the silhouettes of six individuals and one horse were seen to be walking towards them.

"Finally, you've come." Crocodile let out a feral grin as he witnessed the scene, before throwing his cigar away and standing up from his spot.

Growling, Onigumo grabbed onto the eight swords as the spider-like arms sprouted out from his back, one that was stabbed and seven that were being held by the exhausted marine soldiers. Following suit, the six Commodores' eyes all narrowed as they left the battlefield, assembling themselves behind Onigumo in a quick manner.

The fight temporarily stopped as everyone sighted Onigumo and Crocodile readying themselves in fear. They followed the gazes of two individuals, and they too sighted the approaching figures.

Mr. 3 sighted such a scene with widened eyes, "Can it be... Mr. 0?"

Mr. 2 was confused hearing this, "Hooold on. I reported to someone about Grimheart pirates... and Mr. 0 is 'Grimheart' Rowan?? What?? What's going on??"

"So it has begun," Hina muttered as she watched the scene with a cold sweat, "the real battle."

'How stupid, they left her alive.' Crocodile's eyes narrowed as she sighted Robin slouched on top of Farul, 'Nico Robin. If I didn't need you to read the Poneglyph, I would've killed you a long time ago.' But at the same time, he was relieved from sighting her with his own eyes; his plan was still valid.

Afar from them, Rowan and his crew were witnessing the chaotic view of Yuba with serious expressions on their faces.

"Marines huh," Dan muttered, "it seems that the situation has become a bit more challenging."

"Carina," Rowan instantly said after sighting the marines, "if the marines are involved in this, there may be more troops of them surrounding Alabasta. Which means, Prominence may be in danger."

Carina's eyes widened hearing this, "No, our money! I can't allow this to happen!"

"You marked our ship, right?" Rowan said seriously, to which Carina nodded. "Take Alfred, Farul, and Nico Robin with you. Don't worry about us; we will meet you back in Tamarisk after everything is done."

"Got it. I'll see you there Rowan." Carina replied. Alfred quickly caught on and positioned himself next to Farul. Walking up to them, Carina placed her hands on Farul and Robin. Alfred placed his hand on her arm as well.

*Zoom* In the next moment, four of them were gone with a purple flash, causing every spectator's eyes to widen in surprise—especially Crocodile's.

Crocodile held his shaking left arm with his right hand and bit his lips to control his emotion for without Robin, he won't be able to reach his goal. At this moment, he knew, he f***** up.

'The only way... for me to successfully acquire Pluton here... I won't be able to leave until at least those three,' Crocodile gazed at Rowan, Carmen, and Onigumo, 'are gone from the picture.'

"So you've finally arrived," Onigumo said with a frown. Subsequently, he and the Commodores behind him dashed and landed in front of Rowan, Carmen, Dan, and Cavendish.

"I wonder," Watching as Onigumo land in front of him, Rowan grinned, "are you stronger than Baten?"


[Alubarna, Alabasta]

"M-my king!!!" One of the two head guards of the kingdom, Pell the 'Falcon,' hurriedly ran and knelt in front of a man of old age.

He was the king of Alabasta kingdom, Nefertari Cobra. Watching Pell with a stern expression, he nodded, signaling Pell to speak up.

"Apart from the rebellions who began to move, a war has broken out in Yuba! One group seems to be the pirates, while the others are the marines; even Crocodile seems to be involved in it!" Pell reported with an evident urgency within his voice.

Cobra's expression darkened as he heard Pell, "Is this truly the end of Alabasta? What is about to happen?" Muttering hollowly, Cobra looked up to the ceiling of the royal castle. "Vivi... are you okay right now?"