What If #1

Hey guys, what's up? The story is slowly approaching to the parts I want to write the most, and yet, my university works are becoming more and more time-demanding. I apologize, but I'm not sure how many chapters I will be able to post starting from now on ^^;

With that said, I decided to make a short chapter regarding 'what could have happened' instead. No need to read, as this is entirely irrelevant to the plot. Hope y'all have a great day!


The alternate scenario (Chapter 2): If Rowan never reincarnated at all, who would 'Youchiha Bob' be?


"Greeting, humans." The blue skinned man with saw-like nose, Arlong, growled as his sharp eyes swept through the villagers of Cocoyasi.

"From today on, I, Arlong, am the king of this land!! As the owner, whoever lives here must pay the rent, 50 thousand Beli-" In midst of his ferocious shout, Arlong was suddenly interrupted by a boisterous laugh from a boy.

"Bofakfakfakfak!!!" His name was Bob, a 13 year-old boy who does not know the very definition of fear.

The villagers around Bob slowly distanced themselves from him, afraid of getting themselves caught in the crossfire.

"Human scum..." Arlong gritted his sharp teeth and clenched his hands, barely containing his anger. He slowly approached Bob with his eyes reeking of malevolence.

"Bofakfakfak!!!" Bob didn't cease to laugh, but instead, wiped the tears from his eyes and held his stomach to stop himself from crying any further. "You? King of this land? Bofakfak, that's the funniest thing I've ever heard!"

Arlong reached his hand to his back and grabbed onto the saw-like sword, before pointing its blade towards Bob, "Kid or not, I don't care. This is a good opportunity to set an example, it seems."

"Heh," Bob grinned as he crouched down with his left fist cocked back. Subsequently, he jumped up from his spot, and punched Arlong on his face, "Super Power Great Awesome Best Punch of the World!!!"

However, Arlong didn't even budge from his spot. As Bob landed back on the ground, he was confused to see Arlong glaring at him with the veins popped out of his forehead.

Bob's eyes widened upon noticing that Arlong didn't sustain any damage, "What?!! How can this be?! This is how I always won against Pob!!"

"...Is that your last word?" Arlong snarled as he lifted his sword up.

The villagers gasped in horror, upon seeing how Arlong's sword was directly above Rowan's head, ready to strike at any moment.

"Wow, that's a nice line!" Bob exclaimed with sparkles in his eyes, "'Is that your last word,' wow, I definitely got to say this to Pob. He will be amazed!!"

"Bob!!!" Suddenly, a voice was heard from nearby.

Bob excitedly turned his head to the source of the sound, and waved his hand with a wide smile, "Dad, mom, Pob!! Are you guys here to join our game?"

"Bob, step back!!" Fob shouted with a tone of urgency in his voice, "That man isn't an ally of Sora! He is one of the underlings of Germa 66!!"

"What?!!" Bob's eyes widened as he heard it, before his face became furious as he turned his face back to Arlong, "Y-y-you... how dare you trick me?!!!"

"Arlong-san, why don't you just kill him?" On Arlong's side, Kuroobi asked in curiosity and mild irritation.

In reponse, Arlong simply held his left hand up, "Hold on for a second. I want to see how idiotic this fool can be."

"Hmph, I shall unleash my strongest attack!!" Bob shouted before he knelt on one knee, and placed both index fingers into his nostrils, before taking them out, which were covered by... questionable substances. "Mega Ultra Thunder Electricity!!"

Arlong's expression immediately turned to that of a disgust, as he retracted his sword and turned back, quickly walking away from Bob, "Kuroobi, erase him."

Kuroobi stared at Arlong with are-you-serious-look, "I hate you, Arlong-san," before walking towards Bob, who stood with his fingers pointing at Kuroobi.

That day, one family was brutally murdered. The scene forever lasted in the minds of the villagers of Cocoyasi, and haunted them, to an extent where they couldn't muster enough courage to fight back against Arlong, until Luffy eventually came to help Nami.