What If #2

Hey guys, how are y'all doing? Unfortunately, I got no time for additional chapters right now, but I still decided to hop in momentarily to tell you that... a discord server for this fan-fic has officially been established! Feel free to join if you'd like!


With the important news delivered, I might as well end the day with a short 'What If.'

Have a wonderful day!


[What if Rowan had a system?]


A young boy's voice was heard in a quiet forest. Although such word wouldn't have made any difference to any other, that wasn't the case for this boy named Youchiha Bob or Rowan as he preferred.


With the iconic sound, a blue, semi-transparent screen popped out of nowhere. Although it was easy to notice in Rowan's sight, if any other was to stumble upon the scene, he or she would find nothing but a boy staring at the blank space.

"Let's see..."

Scratching his head weakly, Rowan locked his eyes on the screen.


Name: Youchiha Bob (Rowan)

Age: 8

Level: 1


Strength: 2

Endurance: 3

Stamina: 2

Speed: 1

Reflex: 17

Luck: -99~99

Free Stat Points: 0


Yeah, are you disappointed that Rowan's level was merely level 1? Well, you see, he just awakened this system a day ago!

"Very generic it seems," Rowan muttered quietly after having finished looking, "Every time I level up, I probably gain some free stats that I can freely distribute in any of those categories given."

And as for the levelling method... it's obvious, isn't it?

"Time to grind." Rowan grinned as he placed his hands on the ground, readying himself for series of push-ups.


[5 hours later]

"*Huff*... *Huff*... You gotta be kidding me. 5 hours of exercise and not even a single increase in stat?"

Rowan, who was full of sweat, wobbly walked back to his home, and slowly creaked the door open before entering.

"Ohhhh, Bob Bob!! You are back!!!!!"

And as always, he was greeted with his cute psycho little brother, Pob.

"What's up, Pob?" Rowan greeted back with a tired expression, before muttering, "System."



Name: Youchiha Pob

Age: 6

Level: 1


Strength: 1

Endurance: 4

Stamina: 1

Speed: 1

Reflex: 7

Luck: -1


'Hehe, this is fun.' Rowan thought to himself as he swept the system pop-up away from his sight, only to see his parents approaching him with jovial expressions on their faces.


To be continued... on who knows when.