Chapter 133

Hey guys! Thought I'd post this chap in advance (this is the portion for tomorrow, which means… no chappy tmw). Ended up finishing fast.

Man, the pace of this story is going faster than I expected. Hmm, maybe I will be able to finish bf reaching 250 chaps? Dunno anymore. Let's see how it goes, though I wish to finish bf the summer ends.

And u remember my preference about romance of this fic? Bruh, non-harem that seems like harem… that just isn't working out. Pure romance all the way way, and no harem at all!! It's set. Uh huh, it's not changing. Writing anything harem-related… makes me cringe so hard now. It just makes no sense, no matter how hard I try to reason it! I just can't anymore.

As for the MHA fanfic… not sure if I will continue that, hehe;; Not my strong suit, due to me having lost interest in that manga (apart from One Piece and Naruto, there actually aren't that many that I know in-depth). Instead, I am thinking of Naruto fanfic after finishing this one, maybe if I have time to do so.

Title: [Naruto: Master of Genjutsu]. How does that one sound, eh? Smtg like 'we weren't moving at all from the start' type of oc mc. Smart but no op talent. Dunno if my brain can handle it though.

Or I might consider an original fic as well. Who knows?

Anyway, hope y'all enjoy a great day!


"S***, s***, s***!!!" One marine soldier muttered repeatedly as his whole body trembled, "W-why are we doing this again?!"

Another marine soldier replied with a gulp, "Grimheart killed a Celestial Dragon."

"We're f*****, man!!! Buster Call?! What the f***?!!! They expect us to pull a win against that monster?!!"

"Oh~ I think I heard something that I shouldn't have heard~."

Two marine soldiers froze. Turning back, they were granted the sight of Borsalino, who was staring down at them coldly.

"A-Admiral Borsalino..."

*Thud* *Thud*

At the next moment, those two marine soldiers were lying dead, with the bleeding holes on their heads.

"Don't spread false truths such as this~ Grimheart's rumours are highly exaggerated, after all."

Of course, they weren't exaggerated. Borsalino knew very well. However, in wartime, any act that lowers the ally's morale is considered a crime. He couldn't allow such an atmosphere to spread among the whole fleet.

"Listen, men~." Borsalino's typical tone resounded to all ships, "Trust in your Admiral Kizaru~. Unlike the last time, Grimheart is alone... given enough space, I alone am enough to defeat him~!"

Although the Five Elders stated that there was no need to defeat Rowan, Borsalino knew that the Buster Call won't succeed with Rowan's presence.

However, at the same time, Borsalino, to some extent, felt confident. The last time, he let Rowan deal a critical blow upon him, simply because he was caught off-guard by Carina's teleport... or so he thought, at least.

Given enough space where he can freely combat Rowan,

the abilities granted by his Devil Fruit Awakening...

Borsalino believed that his victory wasn't far off.

"Therefore, let us comply with the decree given by those from heaven and purify the contaminated Sabaody Archipelago down to the ground~!"

From the side, Vice Admiral Bastille nodded firmly,

"Sir, yes, sir!"

Following suit, the other marine officers and soldiers all replicated Bastille.

"""Sir, yes, sir!!"""

Then, Borsalino shifted his gaze toward Sabaody Archipelago with seriousness. Noticing such demeanour, Bastille immediately raised his hand up,

"All marines, get in position!"

And just as the marines positioned themselves in caution,

"Greetings, marines." Rowan made his appearance, with his hands in his pocket as he slowly walked in the air.

"I've come across this kind of situation so many times that by now, I lost the capability to express a shock against the likes of you. Forgive my lack of hospitality, will you?"

Borsalino unconsciously placed his hand on his eye patch as he replied,

"Oh my~ I believe that the situation doesn't require hospitality."

Rowan casually stood in the midair with the small noises of bounce booming from the sole of his feet.

"One, two, three... twelve? Twelve warships..." Rowan's lazy expression slowly morphed into a ferocious grin, "I believe that you brought too little."

Borsalino placed his hands in his pocket as he replied,

"How confident~ I believe otherwise, however."

"Let's see whose word is true, shall we?" Rowan stated as he raised his hand up, before bending his index in a flicking motion.

"All marines, prepare yourselves!!" Bastille shouted in a commanding tone, "Grimheart is on the move!!!"

Then, as Rowan flicked his finger,


The formidable blast of air shot out toward the farthest warship, to which,



Borsalino shot out a beam of light to impact the blast of air, nullifying the force prior to it impacting the warship.

'...Weird, I thought photons don't have any mass.' Rowan thought in intrigue, 'And yet, it managed to... whatever, I'm not even a physics expert anyway. Besides, this world isn't the same.'

Raising his left arm and quickly imbuing with Armament Haki: Hardening,


Rowan easily blocked Borsalino, who was holding onto a bright light sword with his right hand.

'Light? No.' Rowan thought, 'Light barely seems to be doing anything. It's the Armament Haki emission.'

Subsequently, letting go of the light sword in his hand,

"Yasakani Sacred Jewel."

Borsalino shot out the countless beams of light toward Rowan at point-blank distance.

However, much to Borsalino's surprise, Rowan, whose eyes abruptly turned amber, began to dodge the light-speed attacks, as if,

'He's seeing the future...!' Borsalino frowned before quickly raising his guard as Rowan suddenly appeared in front of him.



Borsalino gritted his teeth as Rowan smashed his elbow into his arms, causing him to propel backward.

Swiftly transforming himself into light, Borsalino flashed away from his position to dodge Rowan's powerful kick,


before appearing behind Rowan with the intent to blast a beam of laser through the latter. However,


Abruptly turning his body and bouncing himself upward to slam an upward kick, Rowan managed to hit Borsalino's chin with the sole of his right foot.


'His reflex...!'

Borsalino thought as he was sent rocketing up high, before transforming his body into the light once more.

Subsequently, he retreated back onto the deck of the flag warship while placing a hand on his bruised chin with a frown.

"Light surely is fast." Rowan commented with a sense of casualty still intact. "But monkey seems to be quite slow."

In response, Borsalino's face twitched in anger, before he raised his right hand up and clenched it into a fist.

"All marines, fire!" Taking Borsalino's signal as a cue, Bastille ordered in a loud voice.


Complying with the command, the marine soldiers lit the fuses of the cannons, before,


Firing the countless number of cannonballs repeatedly toward the Sabaody Archipelago behind Rowan.

Watching as the sky turned black from those cannonballs, Rowan raised his Haki-imbued left arm up.


Then, the golden emission around Rowan's left hand began to expand to an incredible size. But that wasn't the end.

'For Conqueror's Haki, there was Manifestation. For Observation Haki, there was Hyper Sense. These eyes of mine granted me the exclusive usages of Haki that only I am able to perform. Then, what about Armament Haki?'

The incredibly large golden emission, then, began to morph.

'The ocular will, granted to me by the Poneglyph within the Alabasta, enhanced my Observation Haki instead of Conqueror's Haki, due to me not being capable of using Conqueror's Haki during then. However, was it solely the Observation Haki that received the boost?'

Only after the Marineford War, did Rowan realize. These amber-coloured eyes of his had one more ability to exploit.

"Armament Haki: Manipulation."

As Rowan's eyes blazed brilliantly, the huge emission morphed into a shape of a gigantic hand, before grasping all the cannonballs at once.



All of those cannonballs simultaneously exploded within Rowan's gigantic hand of Armament Haki.

"...Oh?" Borsalino unconsciously gazed at such scenery with a widened eye.

'Armament Haki is something that you wrap around oneself or an object through the will to defend! This... what kind of sorcery is this?!'

Borsalino began to wonder if the name of Rowan's fruit wasn't Bounce Bounce fruit, but something akin to Haki Haki fruit.

And this was just the beginning.

Surprisingly, the remnants of those cannonballs didn't fall to the water but were suspended in the air through the continuous bounce forces bouncing them up from the bottom.


Upon Rowan's command, they began to swirl rapidly.


Borsalino grimaced as those pieces of cannonballs rotated at an incredible speed around Rowan, catching fire due to the incredible energy generated by the air resistance as they were doing so.

"Cease fire. I will confront him myself; retreat slightly and maintain a stable gap." Borsalino stated in absolute seriousness before jumping up and flashing toward Rowan at light speed.

"Entropy Blast: Meteor Shower—"

Borsalino's lone eye glowed in light as he reached his hand out in the front,

"Amaterasu Omikami~!!"

Then, the whole area flashed in a bright white.


"Hmm... an awakened ability, I suppose." Rowan, whose eyes were closed due to the incredible brightness all around, stated impassively.

"According to Sebastian, Paramecia varies. Zoan is an incredible enhancement in one's overall physical capability. Logia... it's about formulating one's favoured domain or climate that maximizes one's strength."

There was nothing present in the surrounding. Rowan, through the operation of his Observation Haki, realized that Borsalino somehow managed to make all surrounding particles emit white light, brightening the whole surrounding to an extent where opening one's eyes for even a split second will render that person blind.

"That's why that red dog was able to create a volcano back in the Marineford."

Rowan muttered with his eyes still closed, before quickly bouncing himself backward.


Just as he did that, a ray of light, not viewable due to the incredible brightness all around, bypassed his previous position in a split second.

"In the situation where I don't have to hold back... you aren't able to defeat me, Grimheart." Borsalino's voice boomed out, "Nothing can surpass the speed of light~."

'But I can react against, as long as I can foresee them.' Rowan thought to himself.

Tilting his head, Rowan dodged a beam of light. Immediately after, he bounced himself up and twisted his body nimbly, dodging countless beams of light that blasted from all directions.


With his eyes still closed, Rowan bounced himself to the right to dodge another beam.








Down, left, right, up, back, front, up, right—

'Why can't I hit him?!!' Borsalino, while sweating profusely, thought within himself, 'How is he able to react against light?! Is his Observation Haki, his future sight, truly that great?!'

"You're just like Carmen, eh?" Rowan spoke in amusement as he dodged another beam of light, "Although you can use Haki to a good extent unlike her, your Haki notably falls behind Akainu and Aokiji. Fruit all-in."

"Oho~ aren't you cocky?" Borsalino feigned his confidence as he tried to hide the creeping sense of dread, "Simply stalling you is fine as well. After all~ by the time I release my domain, the whole Sabaody Archipelago will be no more."

"Bohahaha!!!" Rowan, hearing Borsalino's words, couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Sabaody Archipelago? Destroyed? Bohaha! It seems that someone doesn't understand the situation."


Rowan bounced himself back to dodge an immensely wide beam of light,

"Hey, Kizaru, what do you think happened to my previous technique? Do you think they just disappeared out of nowhere?"

Borsalino, hearing Rowan, recalled the event right before he utilized the awakened ability of his fruit.

Borsalino froze in realization. And subsequently,

"Took some time without my sight, but alas," Rowan, with his eyes still closed, appeared in front of Borsalino all of a sudden, "found you.

Juggernaut Drive."

Rowan slammed his Haki-imbued fist onto Borsalino's exposed abdomen.

Out of shock, Borsalino couldn't react. After all, although his speed was definitely faster than Rowan's, his reflex severely fell behind.


Borsalino, as he vomited a gallon of blood, was sent blasting downward. Simultaneously, his bright light domain died down.


Borsalino managed to view the cleared scenery briefly, and to his shock,

all the warships were destroyed beyond repair. All the marines, who were floating on top of the pieces of the warships, were staring back at Borsalino in disbelief.


As the second wave of bounce blasted forth,


Borsalino crashed into the sea, causing a huge surge of water.


As the third wave of bounce blasted from within the depth of the water, the tides created by such force caused all marines to panic.

"Hold on tight, and don't panic!! As long as we don't give up, we can still live!" Vice Admiral Bastille shouted with his metal mask missing, prior to the waves crashing over all of them.

However, much to their demise,









The continuous bounce forces seemed never-ending.

Within the water, Borsalino choked on the water as his body began to lose the hardening of the Armament Haki and be disintegrated by Rowan's technique.

'...Just like this...'

Have you ever been killed at the speed of light? Well, Borsalino was about to become one.

'...Oh... this youngster sure is scary~.'

That was the last thought Borsalino had before he closed his eyes.

And back on the outside of the sea,

"Kizaru..." Rowan, with his amber-coloured eyes, peered into the sea, " dead for sure."

Within such a short amount of time, Rowan not only stopped the Buster Call single-handedly, but also killed an Admiral.

"As for them..." Rowan gazed at the other marine soldiers who were floating on the broken pieces of the warship helplessly, before letting out a sigh,

"Haa, forget it."

Death of a Celestial Dragon, followed by the Buster Call. Rowan, by now, knew that this was the work of those creeps up in the Mariejois. These marine soldiers were following the orders...

—was just an excuse.

'Don't wanna.' Rowan just didn't want to kill them. Therefore, he won't.

Instead, he simply gazed up into the sky,

"Just you wait there."

If such destiny was unavoidable, Rowan will confront it head-on.

"Your doom isn't too far off either."

Turning around, Rowan began to take a stroll back to the Sabaody Archipelago, where the Twin Cats pirates, Heart pirates, Bonney pirates, and many other spectators were gazing at the scene with their jaws opened wide.



"Still no contact." One elder said grimly, "What's taking Borsalino so long?"

"According to the marines who retreated from the Grove 66, there still is no sign of bombardment on Sabaody Archipelago."

"Tell them to move to the opposite side of the Sabaody and inspect what happened."


"Purururu, purururu."

the fourth elder raised his hand up to silence them, before picking up the dial.

The fifth elder facepalmed.

"So... you are saying that... we let this lawless rookie, who destroyed a Marine base blatantly, jail-break from the Impel Down, ruin the Marineford War, erase Enies Lobby, kill Celestial Dragon, and now... defeat the whole Buster Call and an Admiral."

The first elder slammed the table in fury, "This... how ridiculous...!"

"Stop." The elder with glasses intervened, "Haa... don't touch Grimheart any further. That man... he has grown too much in such a short amount of time. We... no longer have the capacity to stop him by ourselves."

Another elder took in a deep breath before speaking out, "Imu-sama—"

""""Don't you dare!!!!!""""

All the other elders immediately shut down the idea,

"Don't involve our king in this matter!!"

"He is to act on his own will, and nothing more! Don't ever attempt to expose our will in the eyes of our majesty!"

"When the right time comes, he will speak to us. All that we have to do, is to keep the balance of the world until then."

"...However..." The elder who mentioned Imu, retorted, "that very balance is on the verge of being destroyed."


Do you know why I killed Borsalino off this fast?

…I got no idea how I should portray his diction. Weird as hell. Therefore, he's out.

And apart from that, all the abilities of Rowan's eyes are out!

The Eyes of Gorgon: the supernatural eyes that only the king of Yggdrasil wields. It isn't something that you can simply awaken, but requires this strange thing called 'ocular will' to mix with the eyes of a member of Vasilia (or Youchiha; same thing).

As you probably figured out, one above, one below, and one isolated. There are three ocular wills in total, and every time Rowan finds them, they will fuse and add to his strength.

Now, as for their abilities right now,


- Conqueror's Haki: Manifestation. A step beyond infusion; allows the will named Conqueror's Haki to gain a physical property. Dominates and crushes the enemy's body, mind, and soul simultaneously. Currently, Rowan's strongest asset, and must never be revealed to anyone related to the World Government (due to Imu).


- Observation Haki: Hyper Sense. Incredible vision prowess and a sixth sense that allows Rowan to view every single aspect of his surrounding in detail.

- Armament Haki: Manipulation. The emission of Armament Haki gains freedom. It no longer has to simply be wrapped around an object or user's body but can morph into different shapes. Its potency is unchanged, however.

It's already been mentioned before, but the purple eyes change into the following colours when advancing into the next stage:

- Purple -> Red -> Dark Red.

Amber eyes are something that Rowan awakened due to a rare occurrence that never happened before, and their future colours are unknown.

If you were confused before, hope this helped!