Chapter 166

"Haa... I suppose that will do for now."

The dusk was approaching. Now, with half of the sun having been hidden behind the horizon, Rowan was witnessing a sunset right in front of him.

Currently, sitting by the rock on the calm shore of the Runelight, Rowan relaxed as he ceased his final training before the upcoming war.

And frankly, at the current moment, it felt strange.

'East Blue. Cocoyasi... I wonder if everyone is doing fine.'

He first began by travelling the vast amount of islands in the East Blue. He remembered when he used to command a fleet foolishly, poking his head into the matters like a Marine would've done. Then, there came an official start of the Grimheart pirates with Carina.

Syrup village. Baratie restaurant. Bakery town. Sixis. Logue town. Breman town. Marine base G-11. Honey Dew Valley. Nidaifuku. Alabasta. Spriggins. Skypiea. Marine base G-8—

'I've really come a long way, didn't I?'

Perhaps his incredible rate of growth could be explained by how active he and his crew were.

He started as a weak individual who barely defeated Arlong by a stroke of luck. And now, here he is, about to go into a full-blown war against two Emperors of the sea simultaneously.

'Whether I win or lose...'

Only time will tell.

Now, just as the sun fully set, Rowan stood up from the rock.

"So, when are you going to actually shoot that gun?"

Standing behind Rowan was a young boy, whose hands trembled as he aimed the gun toward Rowan's head.

"I... I heard that you are a pirate! S-soon enough, you are going to start doing evil stuff just like any other that we've seen... damn it!!!"

Rowan could see the horror in the boy's eyes.

"...That gun." Rowan, unfazed by the sight of the weapon, stated, "You must know what it means to point it at someone, right? It's not meant to be a joke. It's the sign that you are about to take someone's life. It means that you are ready to risk your life to do so."

In an instant, Rowan was standing right in front of the boy. Grabbing the barrel of the gun, Rowan leaned down and placed it on his forehead.

"It's the sign of a conviction."

Rowan stared at the wavering eyes of the boy at the same level.

"If you wish to protect your close ones, shoot it. Show me your determination."

"Haa... haa..."

The boy's breathing quickened. His arms shook uncontrollably, and eventually, he ended up dropping the gun.

"...You are delusional." Rowan, leaning away from the boy, muttered, "A reluctance to kill, yet a desire to protect one's close ones. Your desires contradict one another.

Pirates are evil just as you said. We are selfish. We are lawless. We cry that it's the freedom that we seek, but harm the lives of others to achieve such means."

Rowan walked past the boy without any care.

"However, at the same time, we are foolish. Each and every one of us yearns for a dream of our own. We risk the lives of everyone else just to reach our goal. The only way to stop us… is death."

Rowan looked up at the sky, where the full moon was now brightly shining.

"Next time, don't hesitate to shoot if you wish to protect your close ones."

The boy couldn't say anything as Rowan walked away from him.


The entire central area of Runelight island seemed to be very lively. With the plants brightening up the place and the various transportations busily moving back and forth, the people of Runelight didn't seem to live by the natural law of day and night.

Right in the middle, there lied one huge screen. It was currently playing performance of a famous singer.

"""Uta! Uta! Uta!"""

Many citizens of Runelight all gathered right in front of the screen, enjoying the live show.

"Hmm... not bad, not bad at all!" At the back of the audience, Cavendish was seen to be looking at the screen with an arrogant expression on his face, "However, it doesn't match the level of yours truly!"


"You have to show us your singing skills, prince Cavendish!"

He was surrounded by numerous women whose eyes were mesmerized by his appearance.

"Guahaha! If it's the request from my fan, who am I to refuse—"


Cavendish's word was cut short by a group of muscular men screaming in deep voices.

"Utaaaa!!!!!" In the middle of the group was Dan, who seemed to be the most cheerful one out of them all.

"...Hmph! As expected of the ruffians who got no sense of etiquette!" Cavendish frowned in displeasure—which itself caused few women to swoon.

"Stop screaming, you burly monkeys!! Can't you see that our prince is suffering?!!"

"Heed no attention to them, my prince! Geez, why don't we go somewhere else?!"

Dan's expression was becoming more and more stoic as his ears picked up the conversation between Cavendish and many women. He couldn't help but feel miserable while screaming the name 'Uta' as loudly as he could.

However, such a lively sight didn't last for long. In an instant, the intensity in the atmosphere arose, as the live performance by the singer named Uta was suddenly cut off.

Now, someone else was live on the screen.

"Greetings to all of you. Now, if you aren't the Grimheart pirates, scram!!!"

It was Kaidou and Linlin, staring toward the people from the screen.

"Grimheart! You must be there somewhere in the Runelight!!" Kaidou seemed to be trying to suppress his anger as best as he could. Just the thought of Rowan brought an incredible rage to him,

"I've... come to bargain."

"Kaidou—!! Why don't we just invade Runelight and kill every single one of them?!!" From the side, Linlin snarled murderously.

Many citizens of Runelight unconsciously gulped.

Dan and Cavendish's eyes narrowed as they instantly became serious. Their eyes were locked on the screen.

Just then, from the back, two individuals appeared out of the back, walking toward the screen.

"So here they are, finally making their move."

It was Rowan and Carina.

Kaidou, ignoring Linlin's remark, stated within the screen, "I propose an exchange of hostages. In return for Doflamingo's life, we will return the lives of those... tools from Dressrosa."

Carina asked Rowan with her eyes on the screen, "What do you say, Rowan?"

"A mere word-play. As soon as Kaidou regains Doflamingo, he will blatantly attack us." Rowan replied calmly, with his hands in his pockets.

"The location shall be Delta island, one week from now." Kaidou growled, "If you were not to come, we will ensure that every part of that Runelight is destroyed."

Not even a breathing sound.

Linlin shrieked, "Dressrosa as well!!!"

"Bulls***." Rowan grinned ferociously as he stared at the screen.


Before Kaidou and Linlin spoke any further, the screen instantly broke with a huge dent in the middle.

"Heh, they really want Doflamingo back, don't they?" Carina snorted in amusement as she stared at the now-broken screen.

Turning to his left, Rowan spoke up, "Law. You finished?"


All of a sudden, Law appeared from the thin air. His sight seemed quite frightening to many, with his sword, Kikoku, drenched in a bloody red.


Law's eyes seemed nostalgic as if reminiscing over something.

"Captain." Dan made his way toward Rowan, Carina and Law. The time for fun was over.

Cavendish placed his right hand on top of the hilt of his sword, Durandal, out of habit. He emitted a sharp aura that caused the women around him to jolt back in fear.

"Yeah, I know."

As Rowan stated, his eyes flashed in red,

"The war has already begun."


[Briss, South Blue; December 18th, 1522]

There existed no noteworthy feature but a desolate plain. The island itself seemed to be lifeless as if sucked dry.

Within this environment, there lied... millions of soldiers.

No, to be more precise, the 'undead' soldiers.

"Zehahahaha!!! I never expected to see you here, Red Hair Shanks! But nonetheless, since you bothered to come all the way here... I will welcome you!"

In front of them all, Teach, along with his crew, were standing with arrogance within his eyes,

"I must say though... you sure took your time here."


In opposition to the Blackbeard pirates along with the undead army, were the Red Hair pirates. The difference in number was drastic, yet there existed not even a trace of fear within their eyes.

Shanks was standing in front of the Red Hair pirates, with his hand on top of his forehead. He seemed to be enraged beyond belief.

"Even among pirates, there exists a certain degree of honour. And yet," Shanks, glaring at Teach with fury, growled, "you seem as atrocious as ever."

Among the army of dead, the Red Hair pirates saw.

There stood one particular undead who was a female when alive. She had pink-blonde hair. Although there lied another shadow within that reanimated her as the undead, Shanks recognized her just fine.


It was the wife of Gol D. Roger and the mother to Ace: Portgas D. Rouge.

If Teach was trying to infuriate Shanks, he was successful.

"Atrocious? Zehahaha!! What a compliment!" Teach raised up his hand as he laughed boisterously, before clenching his hand as if signalling for something.


Immediately after, Van Augur, who was aiming his sniper gun from far back, shot the bullet toward Shanks.


It was easily deflected by Yasopp, whose gun was seen with smoke at the tip of its barrel.

"Don't you understand, Blackbeard? It's just as Whitebeard said." Shanks said coldly while slowly unsheathing his sword, "The man whom the Pirate King is waiting... is definitely not you. You hold Xebec's distorted desire—to conquer the whole world through complete destruction, before rebuilding it into your ideal dystopia. Your ambition can't be allowed to come true."

Teach grinned maliciously, "It seems that one of us has to die, no matter what."

The calamity hasn't ended in the South Blue. Shortly after the war between the Blackbeard pirates and Marine, now, another one was about to happen.


[Vertruce, New World]

Within the kingdom of Vertruce, there existed nothing but chaos.



At every second, a countless number of people fell from left and right—there was a huge battle between the royal army of the kingdom and the plebeians who joined the rebel force: the Revolutionary Army.

However, the Revolutionary Army was severely lacking compared to their opposing side.


Behind the royal army lied many Pacifistas, shooting the intense beams of laser non-stop.

"Death Wink~!"

Although Emporio Ivankov, the leading figure of the Revolutionary Army on this island, attempted to attack those Pacifistas,


Ivankov's technique was severed by the kick from one CP0 agent.

"Mmmfufufu..." Ivankov grinned in a cold sweat, "A CP0 agent with that mask... Guernica. I never thought I'd be facing you here!"

The agent, who went by the code name 'Guernica,' replied with silence.


"Sparkling Red!"

Ivankov found his eyes widening as he saw the potent light beams being unleashed toward him,

"Germa 66...!"

It was a tight situation for the Revolutionary Army. Day by day, the circumstance worsened for Ivankov, and it seemed that today was the day he dies... until,


Dragon appeared in front of Ivankov with his hand held out.

"Dragon!" Ivankov notably relaxed upon sighting the Supreme Commander of the Revolutionary Army.

"You did well, Ivankov."

"What about Sabo?"

Dragon replied seriously, "He went to aid Belo Betty."

"Dragon... I thought you were in the Runelight with Grimheart." The agent, Guernica, said behind his mask, "How did you manage to reach here in such a short span of time?"

Dragon lifted his hand up in response. On top of his palm, a miniature storm was violently swirling.

"You are about to see how."



On the port located at the edge of the island, many ships were standing by, ready to sail. Each and every person on board was busily moving with a serious demeanour.

"Are you sure about this, senor Rowan?" King Riku said with a worry in his tone, "Is it really a good idea for all of us from Dressrosa to remain on this island?"

Rowan was standing on the deck of Prominence as he stared down at king Riku.

"King Riku. Pirates never play fair." Rowan said knowingly, "If all of us head to Delta, the non-combatants who remain on this island will become another hostages that Kaidou and Big Mom can use to their advantage. For similar reasons, they too will leave their bases, Wano and Whole Cake, guarded."

With the exclusion of those from Dressrosa, the number of their force amounted to 4,379. The Phoenix pirates amounted to approximately 1,200—having declined from 1,600 due to their loss against the Big Mom pirates.

Overall, Rowan was facing off against Kaidou and Big Mom, whose combined force amounted up to 20,000 or so, with an approximate number of 5,579.

"...I wish you luck, senor Rowan." King Riku, although reluctant, nodded firmly. "If you fall, all hope is lost."

"Get the booze ready for a celebration." Rowan grinned, "We will be back soon."

Turning around, Rowan exchanged looks with the captains of three allied crews.

Law, Nojiko, Nami, and Bonney all nodded in determination.

"...Set sail."

Upon hearing Rowan's command, Cavendish, who was holding onto a blowing horn, generated a loud noise.

Then, the citizens of Runelight and Dressrosa were met with a magnificent sight, where the incredible number of ships all departed from the port simultaneously.

In front of all of them lied Prominence, the flagship of the alliance. Its wolf figurehead ferociously gazed off at the far horizon, as if ready to destroy whatever lied on its front.

And thus began, the war where the victor gains all—

—the 'Delta War,'