Chapter 184

In the concealed space with gloomy atmosphere, many individuals with spacesuit-like attires were seen cowering in fear. It was primarily due to the frightening noises that rumbled non-stop beyond the walls.

"A-are we winning?" One man in a spacesuit-like attire whispered nervously, but no one answered.

"I need wine!!!!"

"Where have my chair-slave gone to?!! B-bring it to me instantly!!!"

"A-ahh!!!! A bug!!! I see a bug!!!"

They were the Celestial Dragons, the so-called gods of the world. It was quite an incredulous scene to look at, with all of them whining like babies. However, unlike the usual cases, there was no servant to grant their wishes. After all, a war was happening outside.

"Roswald!!" One Celestial Dragon said with nervousness, "Are you sure that we are safe in here?!"

"Shut up, Reginald! For the hundredth time I tell you, there's no safer place than here!!! Do you have an idea of what this ship is?!" Roswald, the obese Celestial Dragon with huge beard and sunglasses, said with an annoyance, "This is the Pluton, one of the three ancient weapons that belonged to the Ancient Kingdom!!!"

"P-Plewton?" Another Celestial Dragon muttered in confusion, before snapping in anger, "B-but there's no wine!!!!!"

Just then, Roswald froze upon having realized something.

"Wait." Roswald looked all around frantically, "Where is Mjosgard?!"

The Celestial Dragon named Reginald perked up, "Oh. He refused to come with us, saying that he's got something to do!"

"Hmph, serves him right!" Another Celestial Dragon cried, "Once, he stole my slave and didn't give it back!"

"Mine too!"

"Yeah, he should die!!"

It was an unpleasant sight to look at, with the obese men and women shouting death over and over.




The whole ship, Pluton, began to move, due to it having been activated.

"What's going on?!!" One Celestial Dragon cried before his head was smashed into another's, causing the both of them to fall unconscious.

"Watch out, Roswald—ahhhh!!!!! You b******!!!!!" Reginald cried in pain as Roswald's huge body crushed him from the top.

...The group of fatsos were in a chaos of their own, just simply by the movement of Pluton alone.


"...What is this?" Vivi said with quivering eyes as she looked up at the sky.

The Lunarian prince, whose eyes were still closed, levitated up high and spread out his huge black-coloured wings. However, that wasn't the source of Vivi's shock.

No, it was due to the countless number of huge bird-like creatures, ferocious enough to be called the 'Sky Kings,' that revealed themselves and surrounded the whole Mariejois.

"Upon Uranus's call, the creatures in the sky listened." Kong muttered knowingly, "A saying that comes from the past."


Simultaneously, the huge ship, Pluton, too floated up from its position, revealing its gigantic size to the Revolutionary Army.

One notable aspect of Pluton, was an incredibly huge drill that was attached in the front, instead of the usual cannon.

"Pluton paved the path. It provided the way for all tribes to meet and party altogether. Though we call these the ancient weapons," Kong said as his expression slowly turned into a crazed grin, "the Ancient Kingdom called them the 'Embodiments of Freedom.' Ironic, isn't it?"

"Ha... at this point, they are going against every statement that they said." Sabo sighed as he saw Pluton and Uranus in function, "The primary reason why they forbid the study of the Poneglyphs was due to the presence of the Ancient Weapons. Now, who's using them against whom?"

Nonetheless, the Revolutionary Army and their allied forces watched the scene in front of them with determined expressions. Though the power of the World Government was frightening, something of this magnitude was to be expected for those who stood at the top.


'Luffy. We can't stop here.'

that's right. They had Luffy to save.

"Pluton? Uranus? Doesn't matter!" Garp stated ferociously as he blasted Mihawk away from him,


"You can't stop me from reaching my grandson!!!"

Garp propelled from his spot, toward the Pangaea Castle. Though it was faint, he could feel Luffy's presence within, and there was no reason for him to hesitate.

Upon sighting Garp's sudden action, all Pacifistas turned their heads to Garp and began to charge another round of laser beams.

All sky creatures began to descend toward Garp, ready to knock him down from reaching the Pangaea Castle.

The Pluton began to move forward, through the path that the Marine cleared, with the intention to push through the clustered group of enemies.


In midst of this calamity, Garp blasted the strongest punch that he was capable of.

Sakazuki and Kong's eyes widened, having realized what Garp was about to do,



A gigantic impact emanated from Garp's punch. It drove through all beams of laser at once, pushed the sky creatures away from reaching him, and caused Pluton to come to a stop momentarily.

However, it failed to reach the Pangaea Castle. After pushing against all those factors at once, it was easily blocked by Mihawk, who appeared in front of the Pangaea Castle.

Then, Mihawk swung his sword vertically.

A pressured wave of air, imbued by the domineering infusion of Conqueror's Haki, shot toward Garp, which Garp frowned before countering with Conqueror's-Haki-infused-fist of his own.


With Garp's charge as a cue,


everyone began their charge against the World Government and Marine with high spirit, disregarding the built-up fatigue within them.


[January 4th, 1523]

"What the..."

On the deck of the Prominence, which was flying at a fast speed just like any other day, Dan was standing at the Crow's Nest, in disbelief of what he saw just ahead.

"What is this island?!! It's huge!!"

The land was much more vast than any other land that the Grimheart pirates have come across before.

The word 'huge' was used a lot to describe many islands that they came across before, but none would be comparable to this island.

"The island of this magnitude... it has to be!" Dan exclaimed with an excitement, "This is Elbaf, the kingdom of giants!"

Rowan too saw the scene from below at the deck. He was in a contemplation as his eyes were locked onto Elbaf.

"We have no idea how long it will take for the Log Pose to finish its recording." Rowan turned to Carina with seriousness, "Eternal Pose. We need to find one here, fast."

In his hands was the newest copy of the World Economy Newspaper, reporting the recent-most situation in the Mariejois.

Rowan couldn't help but feel some degree of anxiousness build up within him. Though the newspaper stated that the tide of the war was quite even on both sides, the fact that Imu was yet to reveal himself—this was what worried Rowan the most.

'But, I couldn't afford to go with them.' Rowan grimaced, 'One Piece is a must.'

The treasure was a necessity. Rowan vaguely knew that One Piece was somehow related to Imu's downfall, and that this was the most prominent reason why the World Government tried so hard to prevent any pirate from reaching the final island of the Grand Line.

Carina, staring at Rowan with a serious demeanour of her own, asked, "How will we do this?"

Rowan has already thought up of an answer,

"Stay on the ship." He then called, "Dan! Cavendish!"

The two members of the crew immediately revealed themselves, by transforming into their own respective elements.

"What's up, captain?"

"Is it my time to shine?"

Rowan gazed at the two as he pointed at Elbaf with his thumb, "We're going down. You have one job to do: to bring any Eternal Pose you see on sight."

Dan and Cavendish grinned confidently,

"Give me ten minutes."

"Give me five minutes!"

Dan stared at Cavendish with raised eyebrow, before changing his statement,

"I meant one minute."

Cavendish snorted, "Thirty seconds is enough for me!"

However, Rowan was long gone from the ship.


Then, the whole crew saw—a huge giant being blasted up from the distant land of Elbaf, abruptly.

"GRAHHHHHH!!!!!" A monstrous scream boomed forth from the giant in pain, causing everyone in the ship to cover their ears momentarily.

"Geez," Carina looked at Dan and Cavendish with a feigned disappointment, "you two are so slow."

Dan and Cavendish instantly turned into a bolt of lightning and flash of light and travelled to Elbaf without any words—having felt a dent in pride by Carina's words.

'I'm... slow?'

'I, Cavendish the light, am slow?!!'

That day, Elbaf faced a disaster that even they, known as the strongest kingdom of the world, couldn't fight back against.

If Linlin, who desired to gain Elbaf's power in her hands, saw this scene, she would've expressed a disbelief.


[Fish-Man Island]

"Everyone, get in! Quick!! We don't have any time to waste!!!" The first-born of king Neptune, prince Fukaboshi, cried urgently as he aided the citizens of the kingdom to enter the huge ship that awaited on the edge of the island: Noah.

Jinbe, who watched the scene from some distance away, thought as he closed his eyes,

'To think I would see Noah, the Ship of Promise, in function...'

it all began from the arrival of the Whitebeard pirates.

Jinbe couldn't imagine it. The Fish-Man Island sat at the depth of the sea, unknown of the events that were ongoing around the world. Coupled with Rowan's victory against the two Emperors, the existence of the man named Imu, and the war that involves the whole world... he realized that it wasn't the time to sit idly by.

He persuaded king Neptune along with the help of madam Shyarly, who repeatedly sprouted how the Fish-Man Island will soon be destroyed. After a brief thought, king Neptune decided to heed to the warnings of the two credible people, and here they are now, about to take the whole Fish-Man race to the sea above.

"All right, everyone's in, brother Fuka!!" The second-born of the king Neptune, Ryuboshi, shouted at Fukaboshi, who nodded in response.

"Good, close the entrance!"

From atop the Noah, king Neptune was seen to be standing with the gigantic princess, Shirahoshi, next to him.

"Shirahoshi. You can do it. My dear daughter... it's something that only you are capable of doing."

King Neptune held Shirahoshi's hands gently.

"Close your eyes and speak to them. Tell them that the island is in danger, that the time has come. They will surely listen to someone as gentle as you."

Shirahoshi, the timid individual, was shaking as she bit her lips. However, she nodded with determination in her eyes before closing them tight.

'Please, although I am not able to do much... if you are able to hear... help us!!' Frankly speaking, Shirahoshi had no idea what she was doing. However, the entirety of her kind now depended on her, and she couldn't afford to fail. Though her frail shoulders felt heavy from the burden, Shirahoshi continued.


Shirahoshi's emotion peaked as she let out a loud scream,

"Listen to me and pull Noah, the Sea Kings of the underwater!!!!"

A wave of sonar burst out from Shirahoshi's words. It swept through all the people within the area and gave a tingling feeling. It continued to travel without a stop, and eventually, king Neptune saw something incredible.

All the Sea Kings gathered from everywhere, toward Noah that sat next to the Fish-Man Island.

One by one, the Sea Kings entered in the ring made out of a huge rope, which was connected to Noah.

With Jinbe and all princes too having came aboard the ship at last, Noah began to move at a frightening pace, with many number of Sea Kings all pulling the ship at once.

"Shirahoshi..." Neptune turned at Shirahoshi and smiled, "You did it. I am proud of you, my daughter."

Soon, within the Fish-Man Island encased within a bubble dome, no human life could be sighted.