Chapter 194

"This war is over." Imu stated.

Around him, all the noteworthy individuals—Dragon, Ace, Sabo, and more—were lying with newfound injuries on themselves. And the problem was, the side effect of the special medicine from Zou was yet to come.

Within Imu's lifted-up right hand lied Luffy, who seemed vividly exhausted. The previously white-coloured form that he had on himself was now gone, and he had no strength remaining within himself to continue the fight.

Carina, who was barely clinging onto the consciousness, groaned. She turned her head to where Imu stood with Luffy, and attempted to exert her ability one more time to prevent the straw hat boy's death.

"*Huff*... *Huff*... Well, s***." But eventually, Carina ended up lowering her arm. She already used up everything that she got, and there was no way that she could prevent it.

All the allies were out of commission, including the Grimheart pirates.

With Imu, Mihawk, Sakazuki still standing, and the other allies being busy dealing with the remaining force of the World Government, the future seemed bleak.

"I admit," Imu said coldly, "I made a mistake."

His grip on Luffy's neck tightened,

"It was a foolish idea to keep you restrained, Joy Boy. How thoughtless was I, to think of controlling you within my hands... when the only way is to kill you over and over, for eternity."

From Imu's right arm, the water moistures combined and clustered into a sword-like shape, before condensing into the seastone.


The crackling noise of the Conqueror's Haki: Infusion. By personally executing Luffy, Imu planned to call the end of the war.

Mihawk and Sakazuki silently watched Imu from the back, unknown as to what they were thinking. However, one thing was for sure: Imu's immense Conqueror's Haki momentarily sipped away their will to move. They simply stood and watched, having forgotten of the advantages that they can take by taking the lives of the already-fallen enemies.

"It's my victory, once again."

Finally, he moved. Imu pushed his right hand forward, intending to stab Luffy through the heart and end the boy's life.

Or he tried to.


In front of Imu, all of a sudden, stood: one man whose entirety was encased within the ferocious white lightning that crackled potently. Just like a bolt of lightning, he made an appearance at a speed that no one was able to follow.

And his hand was gripping onto Imu's seastone sword.

Mihawk's eyes narrowed as he unsheathed his sword.

Sakazuki grimaced. Jolting up from his trance, he immediately got ready to fight the enemy in front of him, though unknown to himself, his body was trembling from dread.

Then, the man's free hand slowly moved and gripped the wrist of Imu's arm that was holding Luffy's neck.

"...How did you get out?"

Imu growled. His eyes blazed murderously as the Conqueror's Hak exploded from him. However, it was then abruptly suppressed back—Imu felt hollow.


Imu couldn't continue his words. His wrist—which he encased with not only the Armament Haki, but also the seastone—was broken without any resistance under the man's grip. His entire right hand was detached from his forearm.

Imu found his eyes widening from a shock. Luffy was falling down to the ground, out of Imu's grip, and safely landed within the man's arms.

"Idiot..." From afar, Carina whispered in relief, "You are late again..."

"Yeah, sorry about worrying you." The man, Rowan, responded with a serious expression, with his eyes still on Imu, "You can relax now. Take a nap, and when you wake up,"

Rowan stood against three men who are known to stand on the top of the world,

"everything will be over."

Sakazuki, the current Fleet Admiral of Marine, clenched his sweaty hands as the magma slowly emanated out of his body.

Mihawk, the Strongest Swordsman in the World, stood in silence, ready for the battle.

And in the middle, Imu was massaging his temple with his remaining hand, trying to ease his rage.

Watching Rowan's back, Carina slowly closed her eyes with a smile, placing absolute trust in her captain.

"...It's not suitable to fight here, isn't it?"

Rowan's ivory-white-coloured right eye then blazed brilliantly once again,


and before the three could even react, they were standing on the sea far away from the site.



In the middle of another piece of land, Kuma sat on the ground, having been defeated by the surrounding rebels.

"...What have they done to you, Kuma?" Ivankov placed his hand on Kuma with sorrow, but the cyborg didn't respond.

"My condolences." Jinbe placed his palms together in respect of Kuma.



Upon Prominence's huge flame blast, Pluton was rapidly being heated up from within.

"*Huff*... *Huff*... Roswald!!!" One conscious Celestial Dragon screamed, "I can't tolerate this no more!!!"

That man stood up and wobbled to the staircase.

"N-no, don't, Francisco!!!" Roswald screamed in terror, but the man didn't listen.

"Don't you dare 'don't' me, Roswald!!! Enough of this idiocy!! I'm going out and calling my slaves!!"


The thick metal door slowly opened. Within there lied another metal door.


One by one, the Celestial Dragon, Francisco, slowly opened the way to the exit, ignoring Roswald's cry.

"STOP!!!!!" Roswald, if he had enough strength, he would've physically stopped the man. However, he was currently crushed under many unconscious Celestial Dragons, who were all obese beyond belief.


And now, the final door opened.

"Curse onto you, Roswald!! I'm not inviting you to my next party—"


Prominence's flame blast hit Pluton again, and this time, the way to the inside was open.


Without an exception, all the Celestial Dragons who were hiding within the Pluton burned away in agony. In the end, it was their ignorance and cowardliness that got them killed.

And after,


having received the damage from the inside, the entire Pluton exploded away into pieces. Its exterior may be tougher than any ship that exists in this world, but its interior wasn't strong enough to overcome Prominence's assault.



The sky creatures were gathering over time. Though they were lacking in comparison to the huge Sea Kings, they soon covered the entire sky with their sheer number.


At the same time, Shirahoshi seemed to be tired and scared, being on a barge of crying.

"*Huff*... Hold on, my little Shirahoshi!!" Neptune, while bleeding from his head, smiled, "It's all going to be fine!"

All the fish-men fought off against the sky creatures and the remaining forces of the World Government, with the determination not to let their friends down.

And now, as if their efforts were being paid off,

"Did I make you wait, everyone?"



Jinbe has swiftly made his return, ready to help his race in defeating their enemies.

"I'm here as well, mmmfufufufu!!!"

Ivankov grinned as he stood alongside Jinbe.

"But... it surely is concerning." Jinbe muttered in a cold sweat as he looked up at the sky, "That still Lunarian in the sky... he must be the Uranus. How come he's not reached his limit yet?"

"Doesn't matter, Jinbe." The first-born of king Neptune, prince Fukaboshi, huffed as he stood next to Jinbe, "You know full well... that there's no other option but to kill that man."

Jinbe nodded resolutely, "Indeed, prince. And if I am correct, that man's defence must be down right now, with the flame not being present within his back."

"Yes, if the Lunarians are just the same as what the record says."

Jinbe lowered his posture and got into the particular stance of Fish Man Karate. He was about to begin his attacks, before,


The sound of a drum entered everyone's ears.


The fish-men momentarily turned around, and saw,

"Pirate... Empress...!" Jinbe said in a surprise,

the Kuja pirates.

"Cheh..." Hancock clicked her tongue as she stood on her ship proudly, "A promise is a promise indeed. And... if it's for the fall of that despicable World Government... then I will gladly do so!"

"Well said, my queen!!" One woman behind her said with her eyes turned into hearts.

"All members," Hancock, holding her hand out to the front, commanded charismatically, "attack!!!"


The fish-men found their jaws dropped open. The strong warriors from Amazon Lily all leaped from the ship while holding their respective weapons, before jumping from one sky creature to the other.

King Neptune's eyes narrowed, finding this as the chance,

"This is our chance!!! Suppress the enemies!!!"


The World Government agents who sneaked in from left and right found themselves being pushed back one by one.

"Perfume," Hancock slammed her kick into one sky creature, "Femur!"


The sky creature, whose eyes were turned into hearts, instantly petrified into stone, before falling into the water.

"Fish-Man Karate, Secret Art,"

Jinbe, at the same time, hurled a clustered pack of water within his hands,

"Vagabond Drill!!!"


The condensed wave of water travelled across the packed sky, blasting through the huge number of sky creatures at once.

"Now is the chance, sister!!" Hancock's sister, Boa Marigold, shouted as the sky creature that she stood on top of was descending due to her heavy weight,

"Finishhhhhh him!" The other sibling, Boa Sandersonia, hissed with a grin.

"Mero Mero,"

Hancock's eyes gleamed as was airborne, just as the heart-like substance in her hand was pulled back by her other hand like an arrow,

"Slave Arrow!"

The heart, upon being shot, divided into hundreds of pink arrows and shot out to the still Lunarian prince, Uranus. All the arrows unnaturally bent, flying to the target at once.

"KYE!!!!!!!" The sky creatures cried in panic, but it was to no avail. By the combined force of the Fish-Men, Kuja pirates, and Ivankov, none of them were able to get through.

And now, Uranus was seen with his entire body stabbed by Hancock's arrows.

"...It isn't enough." Hancock whispered in shock.

"But this shall be!"

Then, Jinbe was seen flying to the Uranus rapidly by the help of the water current that rose from the sea in a bizarre manner,

"Fish-Man Karate, Secret Art,"

JInbe's straight punch slammed into Uranus's already-damaged body,

"Demon Brick Fist!!!"


With the exploding sound, Uranus was sent blasting down to the sea without any resistance.



At the same time, all the sky creatures who were struggling desperately, suddenly stopped and expressed confusion.



One swing. Mihawk, knowing that the man in front of him wasn't to be underestimated, swung his blade at his strongest.

Yet, it was blocked with a single finger.

And before he could even react,


his head, somehow, was looking back at his head-less body.


Mihawk's detached head expressed an interest before his vision blackened.

For the World's Strongest Swordsman, it was such an anti-climactic ending.

Sakazuki's breathing unconsciously quickened in a horror.

It was Mihawk, the one who defeated Sengoku without much trouble! Such a being... was killed with a single strike from their foe—Sakazuki knew that he stood no chance against the man.

"...Hah." Imu refused to believe it—that for a moment, he didn't see Rowan's movement. How did he allow himself to be carried all the way here in an instant?

Out of rage, and out of this bizarre feeling entering his mind, Imu turned his enraged eyes to Sakazuki, who was cowering.

"So," Then, Imu snarled at Sakazuki, "are you going to run away like a useless coward?"

Mihawk's sudden and unexpected death was none of his concern.

Sakazuki's face paled. Either way, he knew—that he too is going to die.

"I—I...!!" Sakazuki, in midst of fear, managed to grab onto the sliver of resolve, "If I were to go down, then—"


Sakazuki was at the loss of words. Looking down, he saw the seastone spike coming through his chest. He slowly raised his head at his right, and saw—

—Imu staring at him with a vivid disdain. Sakazuki wasn't sprout any more words. Just like how Kong has fallen, he dropped into the water and painted it in red.


"Bohaha! What the hell are you doing?" The man in white lightning, Rowan, laughed, "Killing someone on your side? For what purpose?"

"I am the sole king of the world." Imu proclaimed angrily, "My word is the law. My action is the judgment. If I deemed him as unworthy of living, then he shall be dead."

"Well..." Rowan slowly approached Imu in the middle of the sky, as if walking, "I was planning to kill him anyway."

"And you shall suffer the same fate. Your struggle will yield no result, and the absolute truth that I stand on top of the world cannot be subverted!"


The whole sea shook, before the tremendous mass of water arose at once. Upon Imu's command, they sharpened and crackled in Conqueror's Haki: Infusion, ready to pierce through Rowan without any mercy.


they abruptly shattered. All of them, all of a sudden, without any contact, shattered away.

It was an unbelievable scene. The seastone that hasn't been shattered from a pure force before, was destroyed like a frail glass!

Imu's eyes shook. He lost all calmness and arrogance that he held, and he slowly turned his attention to Rowan in a complete shock.

"Why, are you surprised?"

Imu couldn't believe it. No, he won't accept this truth. He was supposed to be the absolute being in this world, and there wasn't supposed to be any power capable of destroying the seastone!


"...Who are you?" Imu whispered with bloodshot eyes, "My power is irreversible, indestructible, and unpreventable. What witchery have you committed?"

Rowan snorted in amazement—Imu probably was the most messed-up person he's ever come across.

"I refuse. I refuse. I refuse! The hallucination, yes! That must be your strength." Imu muttered as if trying to convince himself. Wildly opening his arms wide, the entire sea around them was lifted up, daring to crash onto Rowan.


Rowan's brilliant Haki exploded around him. The chaotic sea was suppressed in a single go, and all that remained was Imu's trembling form.

"I am the great immortal, destined to forever rule this world full of filths. The fate is on my side, it must be!"

Rowan was currently experiencing one person's mental breakdown. The man who believed himself to be the god of the world, fell into the pit upon realizing that he was just a human being like any other—that there lied a power above his own.

"I refuse this blasphemy...!!!"

Imu's body burst into the awakened form of Human Human fruit, model: Umi, once again. The black cloud surrounding his body, the black-liquid-like attire, and the elongated black crown.


But that wasn't the end. The entire sea lifted up, began to blacken in a fearsome manner.

Was this the sea, or the manifestation of Imu's will? it was unclear. However, it didn't matter to Rowan.


The blackened sea swirled above the sky. Its size increased continuously without a stop, and soon, the whole world saw the entire sky swirling in a mix of black water and grey clouds altogether.

Then, they clustered into one extremely condense black-coloured seastone spear. Its size was almost the same as the seastone poles that Imu effortlessly produced previously, but everything else was incomparable.

Without the doubt, this was Imu's maximum capability.


Then, within the darkened sky, the black spear dropped down to where Rowan stood. The wind whistled, the sea churned, and the lightning struck from all around. Reflecting Imu's rage, the whole world moved furiously.

In the middle of this chaos, Rowan, the man who was lit up in the bright white lightning, held his hand out,

before clenching into a fist.

*Pazz* *Pazz*

The subtle noises of white lightning crackling around his fist. At first glance, it was underwhelming in comparison to the gigantic black spear that was threatening to penetrate Rowan.

Yet, Imu couldn't erase the sense of dread within him. Staring at Rowan's figure made him feel human, just like the feeling that he felt over countless years ago when he used to live as a human being.

And now,

'200-Layer Convergence.


Entropic Imbuement.

Haki Incorporation.'

"This is the result of my 4 years, Imu."

Rowan punch forth,


His fist met the black spear,


Then the bright flash occurred, engulfing the whole world—

—the new dawn was rising.