Chapter 8 : Knowledge

'' So what now? ''

The tired boy said immediately following the words of the elder. He was exhausted and he hoped that he could finally take a breather.

'' You can return to the dojo with the rest of my students. ''

The Teacher spoke to both Seiya and Sakura with his comment although they were a bit confused. They looked around the arena and the surrounding area before an unavoidable question arose within their minds.

'' Isn't this place the dojo? ''

Sakura quickly retorted wondering if she was crazy for thinking it, Seiya would've asked the question himself if he didn't already feel like passing out again.

'' This is just a public training ground. I train my students here occasionally as a sign of good faith and to scare off any people who wish to harm anyone in the village. There has been some cases where they act just out of bounds from the village and I've been trying to spread out my more experienced students to help deal with it. ''

Hieki had gestured to several of his students to be on watch for the evening which left the remainder of them to go get something to eat for the night as they knew the way back to the actual dojo but for the uninitiated, they would have to follow the guidance of the Master.

'' You two have come to this village today? Weren't you afraid of being harmed by people who seek to do you harm? ''

Hieki asked the duo as they were leaving the village from the eastern road , heading deep into the forest where a mountain in the distance had waited at the end of the path.

'' I'm not afraid or I should say I wasn't up until I ran into this strange person trying to blow me up. ''

Seiya's response made Hieki slow down, the tension in the air changed. The Elder had sighed as he decided to explain how the world worked to the young boy.

'' Japan is ruled by Four Empires. The Tenkyoku Empire of the East, where we are located, The Nihon Empire of the North which is ruled by a Human and where a majority of humans and Onmyoji are located. After that, there is the Tamahagane Empire of the West and is ruled by One of the Guardian Beasts Byakko as he is the only one with a tangible presence in Japan. He rules with an iron grip and all those within his borders have long since given up their rights to wield weaponry and any who demonstrate supernatural abilities are sent to the Capital to become part of his elite guard. Finally there is the Yomi Empire in the South, it is where a Sinister Organization known as the Dark Hand functions. They can be identified by dark magatama earrings that provide them surplus strength in times of crisis but there is some hidden exchange that the user must give in return for that power. You have to be careful of these particular people as the Humans of the north will do you no harm as long as you don't go causing a ruckus and the West nation won't bring you no harm as long as you don't go into their borders wanting to go against their laws. It is the South to be the most wary of. You are kids and it is commendable that you reached me but if things were different, you may've already been... ''

The male with a grim tone as he thought about what may've happened if things were different but at the very least that didn't happen. He hoped they understood what he had said about the world, they needed to know how dangerous it was to merely be walking by themselves and while the borders of the nation they were in was ''safe'' at least to those in the general public ; they had no idea what happened to the Empire that was apparently vaporized.

'' I have to come clean about something Master Hieki. The Tenkyoku Empire does not exist where it once stood. ''

The young prince spoke with hesitation in his voice. He needed to tell the Elder seeing as how there was no way around keeping it a secret for much longer.

'' How exactly do you know this to be true? Are you sure you aren't just trying to make an ill-timed joke? ''

Hieki responded quickly after, upon which Sakura shook her head and Seiya spoke up again to prove what he had meant.

'' My full name is Seiya Hiroshi, the younger brother of Kami Hiroshi. I was on my way out of leaving the Palace and before I realized it, the Palace was engulfed by a dark light and disappeared. Sakura found me not long after that and we made it our decision to come here. She was living alone for sometime too so it felt right for us to go together here and pick up some skills to fend for ourselves. ''

The response Seiya gave left Hieki with a bit to digest. He did know that the Empress of the Tenkyoku Empire had a younger brother but there wasn't much else known about him but looking at Seiya, it did fit the description of what he'd believe the prince to look like.

'' Is this providence that has led you to me? It almost makes the test I gave you arbitrary. I can't turn you away if I want this Nation to remain as it is but the load of stress placed on me has been greatly increased. It's no matter, when my life comes to an end at least I can say I lived a fulfilled life and can say that I've trained a Future Emperor. ''

The Elderly male spoke almost in jest but it felt like he was serious. Seiya and Sakura had remained in silence along with the Master for the rest of the way as they reached the base of the mountain where a giant boulder looked like it was covering a giant hole.

'' Beyond this faux boulder is where my dojo lays. ''

Hieki held out his hand , causing a strange reaction to the boulder which made it become transparent. The path behind the boulder lead to a small city located within the mountain, this was the abode of Hieki Meiryo and the Practitioners of the Free Flowing Palm.

'' Let's get you two settled in. We will begin official training tomorrow. ''