Chapter 36 : Bait

Several hours later, the young prince drenched in hair dye to appear as a commoner roamed the empty plains a few yards away from Gakusha's mountain all alone.

This was of course to bait the person who was abducting the youth who traveled alone with the three hidden out of sight to keep tabs on him. Seiya had spent the previous few hours suppressing his power to appear like a mortal and with some degree of success had passed Gakusha's test to act as bait.

'' I wonder how long this will take. I swear it feels like I've been here for two hours by now and just walking back and forth is starting to get on my nerves. Every time I think its the person, its just a lady traveling with bags needing to be brought from one town to another or a pack of guards patrolling the area. I wonder how she'll approach me and for how much longer I must wait. ''

Seiya's thoughts echoed within his own brain as he had no one to directly converse with as is, he needed to find something to do to pass the time but he didn't want to seem too weird from a strangers point of view so he refrained of thinking up anything odd.

He decided to think more about the parts of the plan that he discussed with Gakusha after Hakai and Sakura left his office. He was told to look out for a woman who was by herself, a woman who noticeably felt like there was something off about her.

The description was still a bit vague but Gakusha never saw the person directly and could only give an educated guess on what to expect and it was up to Seiya to fill in the blanks whenever he observed the coming strangers.

Meanwhile, over in a small gathering of trees and dense bushes laid Gakusha and Seiya's friends. They were watching for sometime and they too had been a bit bored but not as bored as Seiya since they could talk amongst themselves while Seiya had no one. Hakai had looked left and right of the road to see who would come and for the most part everyone so far had just been commoners.

Sakura yawned a bit, hesitant on whether or not the person would actually come today but at long last a peculiar woman with messy unkempt hair walked out from the far left end of the road towards the boy.

'' Is that her Gakusha? ''

Sakura asked although she had a heavy feeling that told her that she had known the answer even though she had asked for confirmation. Gakusha nodded, his eyes heavily fixated on whether or not Seiya could act defenseless to be captured and taken away.

'' Are you alone dear child? ''

The female spoke, her voice was a mixture of caring and tense although the latter was due to a certain conversation she had prior to coming out into the public. Seiya nodded, he tried to appear like a timid young boy and so far it had worked as he could see the tips of the female's lips curve into a smile.

'' I can take you someplace where you'll never worry about being alone ever again. ''

The female looked left and right, checking the roads before raising her right hand which on the point of her palm had a certain mark on it just like all members of the Dark Hand although her ability caused Seiya to be hypnotized.

The young boy's eyes became faded, losing its focus as his mind was swept clean and he became a lifeless husk that followed after the female.

Gakusha wondered what the heck happened to him and he could only assume that she had the ability to enthrall those she comes in contact with and so the three had to tail her. They needed to keep an eye on Seiya since he can't fend for himself as he was.

'' This mission can't end in failure. We have to do whatever we can to make sure that he doesn't get hurt. Weakening his aura as much as he did will actually make him susceptible to normal human injuries so we have to be on the offensive when the time comes. Got it? ''

The platinum-haired male asked the other two and without another second to spare they nodded in agreement. If he can't protect himself then they'd do it but not too soon. They needed to get to the hideout first and work from there.

So far this mission was working out and they just needed to trail after her without alerting her senses. Seiya walked with the woman farther and farther away from the open road until they reached a valley of crystals.

Gakusha had watched as the duo walked into the area, the crystals shining under the light of the moon.

Surely the hideout was somewhere within there and so Gakusha's face had become a bit more serious.

'' It's almost time you two. ''