Chapter 49 : Dual Fears

There is always that moment in life where you thought you knew enough that nothing would surprise you, only for that belief to be shattered when someone disproves you. For Hakai this was that moment, seeing the manifestation of a power that Nyoko wielded alongside her base fear.

He wasn't sure what to expect but within a single moment his blade wielding arm was restricted by a multitude of threads that originated from Nyoko's hands. Her eyes were focused on his hands and her powers immediately reacted. How does one react to such a situation?

'' What is this? This material is tough. ''

Hakai couldn't pull his hand away, the density of the material was something he had not seen before. As much as he tried to pull away, the more he felt it tugging in resistance. He looked at the female while trying to hold his ground, digging his feet into the ground so that he wasn't immediately pulled towards her.

'' Are you aware of your current predicament? This is my Secondary Fear, Complete Threading. I am capable of creating threads from my energy and mold it into physical form to be used as I please and its durability is amplified by the strength of my spirit. You will not be having such an easy time anymore, not that it was going to last long. I still have more tools in my arsenal compared to a child like you. ''

The Dark Hand Commander Nyoko talked down to Hakai who was slowly being pulled still towards her. He could feel the pain of the threads as he continued trying to delay being pulled to her. His wrist was hurting and despite wielding the Iron Skin technique, the effect may've been worse if he had acted without it.

'' I have to use that power if I'm going to break free from these threads. The only thing that worries me is being in a place where the Aspect of Underworld is amplified in conjunction to wielding that power. I'll lose my grip on things if I'm not careful but I'm going to lose at this rate anyway. There's no other solution, I'm going to have to do it. ''

The male allowed his darkbrand, the mark on his palm which proved he had come from this organization to reveal its latent power just like it did aid him a month ago. His marked tattoo started growing throughout his body and amplified his power even further, allowing him to yank and shred through the threads that Nyoko had wielded and allowed the male to close the gap between him and her immediately as his speed increased even further.

By the time he was within range, he had stabbed her through her stomach with his blade with force strong enough to make her feet lift from the ground. His blade immediately expelled dark energy at the point of impact, causing an engulfing shroud of flames to overtake her physical form. Her body was damaged by Hakai's attack and it seemed that the battle was over but Nyoko had still stood. Her body was seared with dark markings caused by Hakai but she was not gravely wounded, she wouldn't allow herself to be done in so easily.

'' I have big shoes to fill and I can't let this be the end of me. I've heard stories about the former person who sat in my seat. The last Commander before me was someone who was an invaluable asset to the team. Their skills were not so easily replaced and it haunts me constantly that I'll never live up to the shadow left behind by that person. That is why I must work twice if not three times as hard to earn my keep and anyone who gets in the way of both my personal and business goals must be dealt with accordingly. ''

The female created several thread tendrils that formed into several fists that connected to Nyoko's back that now aimed to barrage Hakai with the consecutive blows that were being dealt. Hakai's Malevolent Dissonance was helping him deflect against their numbers but ultimately he could feel that his brain was losing its control over his consciousness. This was a battle that was falling out of his favor but before it did, he'd have to make a decisive choice. If he knew he would lose then at least he'll make a grave opening so that whoever may follow will deal the finishing blow.

'' My best still isn't enough but if I can't do it then I'll at least wear her down. ''

Hakai had looked at the female up and down while deflecting the fists, checking for any spots that may classify as a window of opportunity practically asking to be seized and he had found it. The very spot that he had stabbed earlier, he just need to give one more push.

'' I may lose to you but this won't stop me from ensuring that you won't win! ''

The black haired male screamed as he deflected all of the female's fists so that he could run directly at the female before shooting a piercing purple laser through her stomach where his blade landed earlier. In this moment of blood pumping decision making, Nyoko's fists were aimed once more for the male as his defenses were open. His attack landed and Nyoko's immediate retaliation had pummeled Hakai into the ground until he was heavily bruised.

As his eyes began to lose consciousness, he had looked upwards to notice a pink haired ally finally walk down the corridor.

'' You have to finish this.. Sakura. ''