Chapter 58 : Studies in Medicine

Seiya continued to imitate Gakusha's creation of condensed spirit pills but it took him several tries before he could even properly comprehend what he was seeing. Gakusha decided to explain it step by step so that they could wrap this up, it was something to see that he was capable of creating it within the same day as seeing it even if it wasn't as complete as Gakusha's pill.

'' You are getting there but let me break this down step by step. Concentrate on what you are doing and envision a core of energy melded by your own hand, do not infuse your elemental affinity into it otherwise you'll just be making a block of ice. Keep focusing on materializing your energy into a physical form and don't stop materializing it until you feel like there is nothing left for you to possibly manifest. If you stop too early, the integrity of the pill will be unstable and the quality of your resulting medicine will be questionable. ''