Chapter 3 : Son of the Blacksmith

Seiya didn't expect to run into the son of the blacksmith as soon as he did, nor did he have any pre-existing knowledge that the blacksmith had a son at all.

How much was withheld from him by his sister?

He couldn't help but think these thoughts of doubt pointed at his own family but maybe just maybe the son was simply just that young that any knowledge gained was from before his birth.

'' Hey are you okay? You've been in a daze since I mentioned who I was. '' Shoichi waved his hand in front of Seiya's face while asking if he was all right.

'' I'm fine, you just caught me off guard. I didn't realize Tengo had a son. '' Seiya quickly replied to Shoichi.

'' Well I mean, I am pretty young. I'm only twelve so if you knew anything about my father that came from before then that's probably why you wouldn't know about me. '' The orange haired boy joked about the lack of information that Seiya received.