Chapter 35 : Mifuyu Yukimura ; Empress of Ice

'' Among the Elemental Lords, Mifuyu Yukimura is known as one of the most reserved. The other Lords live in regions outside of the east but Mifuyu lives on the farthest end of the eastern lands near the sea in a place known as White Fuschia Mountain Valley. Her domain is surrounded by mountains and it is constantly in a state of eternal snowfall. I'd advise wearing bulkier clothing if you plan on making the trip. As for any personal details concerning the female herself, she has a daughter with someone. I don't know who the father is but I'm certain it's someone that she considers to be worth the romantic attachment if there is one. ''

Gakusha stopped speaking as he looked at the scroll only to sigh.

He wished he had the missing detail but information received from merchants and other folk who hand various goods and supplies to Elemental Lords only go so far.

They could only receive information from observation, not interrogation.