Chapter 39 : The Rigid Ice Queen's Request

The shining brilliance of the throne eventually shimmered down for Seiya to properly see the woman who sat upon it.

A beautiful woman with fair skin and bright blue hair, draped in a white kimono with the sleeves removed to show off her arms that were covered instead in blue bandages that covered her hands up to her elbows.

Her hair was partially kept up in a knot while her bangs covered the left side of her face.

She had an intimidating appearance while also being quite beautiful, the aura coming off of her was something befitting a dangerous force of nature if that wasn't already applicable due to the circumstances outside of her palace.

Mifuyu Yukimura was as strong as she was beautiful and to Seiya he could see just how desirable she was as a woman and could only wonder who could've been the person who gave unto her a daughter. 

'' Well, aren't you going to announce yourself? '' Mifuyu stated in a condescending tone.