Chapter 104: Midnight Recollection

After the three of them left, he spent the moment thinking about the past.

'' I don't think I can keep a lid of certain truths that I know for too long, especially that detail about being the one that instigated that blacksmith's violent outburst. That boy Shoichi might not forgive me so I should keep that detail to myself for as long as I possibly could, unless of course I control the narrative to make it out so that I was trying to free his father from his burdens. I'll have to wait until they have a bit more faith in me, surely they'll believe me if I make it believable that I am a person to be trusted although that is a tall order. '' Takatsugu thought to himself as the brief moment he had to himself ended.

The three females from earlier returned, the female in the middle having been the same one who held him upright earlier being the one to hand over a plate of food to hand to him to eat.