Chapter 132 : Succession

Ryousuke wasn't exactly fond of the new developments, no not when it meant the safety of his village was in jeopardy and because of this he would not respond to the comment made by the man encased in mud.

His first choice of action after getting up was to perform a sword art in hopes that it'd catch Tagawa off guard, naturally this was the decision to make given it was his duty to stop the Dark Hand Lieutenant.

'' Fierce Steel Sword Art : Razor Cutter!  '' 

Ryousuke's blade swung right to left, creating an emissive sword arc that would slice through the body of the Mud Golem separating torso from his legs although whether or not it did lasting damage was another discussion entirely.

Tagawa's control over this state was quite adept as he regenerated the area where the space was torn between the body immediately.