A Remembered Lesson

Eleven-year-old Leccamaradel Emma Arish brushed her hands against the tall golden wheat fields. This was as close to the ground, to life; the tickling sensation of each strand of wheat made her giggle as it touched her angel soft hands. A gush of wind flew over the large field she stood in, her long brown hair blew in the wind, the small white dress she wore did much the same.

It was early in the evening and the sun had begun to set over the vast green-golden fields stretching to the limit of what her eyes could see, each strand of grass and wheat shimmered in the setting orange glow of the sun. It was absolutely beautiful; nothing could be compared to the gorgeous scene she was staring at now with wide eyes and a bright smile.

"Father… what is this place?" The young girl asked.

Behind, her father spoke in a gentle voice as he pointed out the far fields. "These are your people, Lecca. Everyone, even the lowliest of criminals, are your people."

"I will be looking over these people as queen…" She said to herself in an unsure voice.

"This is not the only reason why I brought you here, Lecca." Her father said as he walked in front of her. Keeping his back towards her, he raised his hands. "You-like me, have the ability to use nullification magic, ancient magic." He explained as he began to mentally cast as spell in his hands. "Though such an art is limited to people like us, it is the ultimate weapon for protecting someone."

Not another word was said as her father released a controlled beam of pure mana into the sky. The Psion waves flew into the sky, the young girl watched becoming acutely aware of the hidden meaning behind the words her father spoke. Almost as if it collided into one of the millions of stars high above, the Psion waves quickly dispersed and exploded into hundreds of thousands of particles as they fell to the earth slowly.

Staring with a serious expression, Lecca watched as her father's silhouette turned around and faced her, the sun blocking her eyes from seeing the man clearly. "Compared to other traditional magic, the ancient arts are truly beautiful, your people will look for such beauty when you defend them. Use your knife to cast a disruption spell."

"Father…?" Lecca said hesitantly as she snuck her hand onto the hidden knife attached to the inside of the belt around her waist.

"Ignore my warning from earlier, go ahead and cast it." He said chipper while turning around towards the grand fields.

"Yes father…" She said withdrawing her knife allowing the blade to shimmer in the last rays of the orange sun.

Along with the knife held firmly in her right hand, Lecca outstretched her left arm and materialized seven more blades. Letting go the blades began to hover around her entire body glowing in a fiery blue haze. "Control your emotions!" Her father said loudly gaining the attention of nearby farmers. "Focus only on protecting those that you serve!"

The metal blade in her hand began to hover into place. Every move she took, the blades shifted with her, slowly waiting for the moment to be used. Two circular casting marks emerged above her hands, and she outstretched her right palm while holding her left by her hip.

"Focus your energy! Let the magic work for you! Do not fear it!" Her father shouted making her face tighten as she proceeded.

A large azure haze began to form circular patterns around her body, around her knives. Streaks of the rainbow-colored Psion waves tightened as it began to flow down her hands, her left coming up to her right. In a moment, her knives stopped moving and faced her direction with the tip of each blade glowing a bright blue due to an immense amount of heat being released from the man a. Sweat ran down the side of her head as she focused all her energy on the release point of her hands.
