Chapter 01-Remember the past

°After her departure

The brown boy was sitting in front of the window watching the cars go by, he could hear the laughter of the children playing in front of his house, he even recognized one of the voices that moments before had insistently asked him to play with him, his friend Sean, however, all he got in response was a resounding rejection, to which Sean responded with a shrug. But this did not provoke any reaction in him, he already had many things to think about, so he was not in the mood to go out and spend time with his friends.

Suddenly, energetic footsteps were heard approaching him, and then the familiar scent that reminded him of jasmine fragrance was detected as his body was slightly shaken by the impact of a smaller one.

"What's the matter? Why didn't you want to go out and play with us? Are you mad at Sean? Don't worry, I'll talk to him later. Come on, play with us, I have more fun when I'm with you. " The little blonde's voice sounded lively from his side as he held him tightly.

Normally, he would have blushed but would hug her back immediately, however, his body did not seem to understand what was happening around him and he was numb, he had a feeling of disconnection as if he were just a spectator in a dream or perhaps of a nightmare.

"I don't want to, I just don't feel like going out." The boy shook his head without noticing the little girl's expression of discontent.

"Don't be like that, I came just to play with you."

"Don't insist, Mandy. Maybe later, right now I just want to be alone. " That said, the brunette bowed his head-hugging his knees, to which the girl watched him worried about his gloomy mood.

"Are you sick? I'm going to tell your dad, wait for me here. " She started to walk away from her but then a small hand grabbed her arm, stopping her.

"Mandy, I'm fine, don't call him, he already has other more important things to do."

"What could be more important than you? It will only be a moment if you don't want me to tell your dad it's okay, but I can still ask my mom for some vitamins to make you feel better ". Her concern for him only caused his heart to ache and the boy smiled sadly at her words.

"Silly, that won't make her come back and my dad won't be sad." He thought bitterly, lifting his head to look at her.

"I just want you to leave me alone, go play with Sean, don't bother anymore." He spoke harshly to her, releasing her hold on her arm.

"What's wrong? Why are you telling me that? I just want to play with you "

"When are you going to understand that I don't want to play with you? Leave me alone, Amanda". The brown boy frowned and got up from her chair turning it towards her exit, she moved away from her and looked at him angrily with her bright eyes.

"So, you're going to kick me out, right? Well no, I'm not going to leave here. I'll go when I want to, not when you say so. "

"As you like, I hope it's quick because it bothers me that you're here." He ignored how she clenched her small fists and glared at him as he opened a book and sat in silence.

Observing that after responding rudely he ignored her, the little girl's eyes filled with tears. "You are a boring idiot, I hate you. I will never ask you to play with me again ".

After finishing her words, the boy only observed her, pressing her lips to avoid crying, and raised an eyebrow. "At the end of the day you are only a girl, you do not know more than to cry." A chill passed down his spine, he realized that his declaration had only started the war between both.

"What if I'm a girl? Aren't you the one who always cries when I have to go home? If I am a girl, you are a baby ". She affirmed raising her chin and looking at him defiantly, before her provocation the child felt his body boil with fury, the first emotion after several days trying to go unnoticed, it was as if the ice that had flooded his body began to melt.

"Shut up, why don't you just get out of here ?! Are you so stupid that you can't understand me ?! "

"I can't, because you don't want to tell me anything! You just want me to go and leave you alone while you look so sad. Of course, I wouldn't, because you're my friend. You can yell at me if you're angry, but I won't leave until you tell me once because you've been locked in your room for several days and you don't want to eat."

The blonde girl approached and threw his book out of his reach, while hugging him again, the brunette began to resist pulling his arms away from him, despite this, his fear of hurting her was greater and he stopped struggling while his body began to tremble and a lump was in his throat as he hid his face at the back of her neck, now flooded with tears.

"My mom left, you idiot. How am I supposed to go out to play when every night I hear my dad crying while he's in his room? My little brother misses her too and cries all the time. I had to ask my teacher how I can take care of him because dad comes home late every night. " As he spoke, he brusquely wiped the tears from his face and returned her hug weakly.

"I see, so that was it. That explains everything". A new voice of a woman was heard and her footsteps moved in her direction, freezing the boy in her place. "Don't worry, I'll take care of everything. A child should not deal with the problems of adults ".

A gentle hand caressed his head, combing it very warmly while another gently wiped his tears with a handkerchief, the woman smiled tenderly at him as she crouched down at his level. "I'm going to do everything possible to get things back to normal."

Later she turned her head and looked at the girl seriously indicating that she should come out gently, to which she nodded and smiled farewell to the little boy before heading towards the exit of the living room. Her relief came with every step, she trusted her completely and knew that she would do everything possible to help Lex, her best friend.