2 - Breaking out of the shell.

'This.... Why do I feel that I am breaking out of an egg? Did I really die earlier and reincarnated again as some kind of beast or monster?'

Riser who finally regained consciousness was immediately confused when he found himself in some kind of egg like shell or cocoon.

'No, I didn't became a beast or monster I can see and feel my body is humanoid.'

Riser thought when he looked and checked his current body after he regained his vision clearly.

At first it was completely dark, then his vision started to completely adjust itself from vaguely seeing the surrounding to clearly seeing it.

Riser at this moment in confusion intuitively spread out his senses outwardly.

Suddenly as if it is he had an extra sense, a sixth sense, other than his normal five senses he started to be aware of his surroundings.

Not just his immediate surroundings he could immediately sense many things within few hundreds of kilometers easily just by this instinctive act, with him as the center.

A lot of information was suddenly bombarded into his mind all of a sudden. Other than the initial surprise, this level of information is nothing to Riser.

Riser sighed internally, such growth in spiritual power and perception is the result of his own adaptation and evolution to information flow from Sephiroth Graal which was countless times larger and overwhelming than what he is receiving now.

Suddenly Riser saw a big city with different kind of aesthetics than what he remember from few of his memories of previous life. He didn't extend his perception beyond the city because he wanted to observe the city he is in right now.

First thing he perceived was that he was in a big castle, in a room that looked highly secure,

He was within something like an egg or cocoon.

Beside him a woman was sleeping in the nearby bed that made him instinctively feel like he want to fall into her embrace.

He immediately understood that she is the one that gave birth to him.

There is a strong longing coming from his bloodline towards this woman making him want to be in her arms. just by identifying her.

Its not with just her that he was having this feeling. There was a similarly strong feelings that indicate blood relationship within this castle.

Maybe due to this throbbing feeling from bloodline, the woman beside him woke up immediately just when he was perceiving and observing her after he woke up,

She quickly got up from the bed and stared at his direction and quickly went out with a face full of joy to call people who probably might be his blood relatives.

The atmosphere is very weird outside that he cannot really understand whether its day or night.

Riser saw many things though his extra sensory perception in the city.

He could see each and every corner of the city. Everyone in it, whatever they are doing, thinking, many of their memories. many of their emotions, information about their soul, their health, their current life, who is nearing their death naturally etc...

Riser even saw that there are many soul bodies, especially corrupted souls all over the place maybe because this is Underworld.

Riser suddenly could perceive all this maybe because of his vast spiritual power as well as his abilities he got by merging Sephiroth Graal with himself activating it passively. Therefore it was out of his control.

But soon he was able to take control of his spiritual power, perception and other abilities.

When thinking about it he felt it was like Telepathy or other psychic abilities, maybe they are.

Just from all these he immediately understood that after his birth something might have happened as his soul have aged by more than 10 months and the situation he was in was very odd.

Just from this he guessed it might have been 10 months since he was in this cocoon after birth.

By inspecting himself he found some changes when comparing himself and his other blood relatives and rest of the devils within the city.

Now it could be said that his Phenex bloodline is so dense and pure, it might be proper to say he is a Phoenix himself who have demonic and holy powers.

In simpler term he is a mutated devil that have perfect power of Phoenix, Demonic power and Holy powers.

Yes, Holy power, maybe this happened because he adapted and evolved with the presence of Sephiroth Graal within him just when he was born.

It was said that it contained the trace of blood of Christ which might have forced him a pure blood devil to evolved and acquire holy power to counteract his weakness towards it.

Also the fact that he was someone with real Phoenix powers like regeneration, immortality, purification, healing, resurrection and reincarnation might have helped him get an evolution that not only eliminated the weakness but also gave the affinity to use Holy powers.

On top of his immense spiritual power he have equally vast mystic power which can be transformed into demonic or holy power with just a thought and it is still growing slowly.

It didn't take that much time for him to process all these information that is outside and do a quick analysis about himself.

The only time he spend more was to observe the actions of his mother who was beside him few seconds ago and his relatives that are directly related by blood., before doing all these and retracting his senses and abilities

'It looks like they have instinctively felt my awakening, soon its time for me to break out of this egg or cocoon or whatever, lets wait until they are all here.'

After few minutes an adult man whom should be his father together with his mother, followed by two early teenage boys whom should both be his elder brothers came into the room.

Both his father and mother are extremely happy, but his brothers seems to have some kind of confusion in their faces. Riser just ignored it and got ready to get out of this thing.


Lord Phenex and Lady Phenex after 10 months of waiting finally felt the throbbing feeling coming from the direction of the cocoon of their youngest child. They knew that their son is going to come out.

They immediately fetched their eldest sons and walked in the direction of the room where Riser is.

"Ruval, Ryan both of you come with me to meet your brother." (Lord Phenex)

Lord Phenex found both of them at the library and released the sealed memories about that day.

They were previously informed about the birth of their younger brother by both Lady Phenex and Lord Phenex.

They were also informed about their memories of that day that is sealed and will only be lifted when they are ready to meet their younger brother.

But after releasing those sealed memories both of them were shocked after knowing about what happened that day.

""Yes, Father""

They obediently replied and followed their parents to the room.

On reaching the room that was highly secured by many magic and physical secure measures, they saw the cocoon starting to vibrate.

Then like life coming out of an egg, the shell started to break off, They all saw a small hand punching out trying to tear and make an opening.

Four of them eagerly looked at what was happening.

Then their youngest son, Riser teared opened the shell and looked at them with curious eyes.

They saw their adorable and cute child coming out of it.

Then he clumsily took his first steps,

They immediately knew he was walking towards Lady Phenex.

Seeing this she could no hold on, she rushed to her child.

She have been waiting for him for months and finally she could have him in her arms again.

Baby Riser started walking steadily then rushed into the embrace of Lady Phenex while calling out.


"Ohhh.. my baby boy, Mwaa Mwaa, I thought I lost you that day"

She held him in her embrace and cried in joy,

The baby stretched his hands like wanting to touch his father and brothers while looking at him.

"Papa, Bubu"

With a smile Lord Phenex tightly embraced his youngest son together with his wife.

Two of their eldest sons also came towards him in curiosity.

This was a moment worth remembering where the family was embracing each other in happiness.


'It's time'

Riser thought, when he sensed his father, mother and siblings in the room.

At first he thought he could easily break the shell, but unfortunately this was formed of magic. So he fisted with his clumsy control over his mystic powers within himself.

Then his hand went directly through the shell opening it. Then he quickly tore of the cocoon and looked at his family.

His current desire was to jump into the arms of his mother.

Riser clumsily took his first steps.

'First steps are troublesome'

Riser saw his mother rushing towards him while he was moving in her direction. Suddenly he was in her embrace.

He felt like this is the safest and most comfortable place in this world.


His vocal cords are underdeveloped that he can't talk much.

Now that Riser fulfilled his first desire he wanted to feel the touch of his father and siblings. So he stretched out his hands and called out.

"Papa, Bubu"

With a smile, his father embraced him together with his mother.

Followed by his siblings.