Chapter 28: Who.

That girl... Hah, my chips...

I bought another chips again but it's a smaller amount than what i bought, good thing that they didn't touch the drinks and my candies.

I couldn't be bothered too much, that girl just want to mess with me whatever attitude i show, with smile or calm... I want to show a cold face but that's taking too far.

I'm cycling to a address that the president gave me, i am too early to arrive.

It's a big house, a middle class family base on the house structure, it may look expensive since it's big but it's not, the painting are all white, brown and black roof, the gate is as long as 3 of my armspan.

I knocked on the steel black gate using a penny and in 3 seconds, the door opened and the president in white T shirt and a black short that reach 1/4 of her thighs, a comfy short that gives huge mobility and flexibility.

I didn't look at it directly but with the 20/20 vision of this body, it isn't needed, directly looking into her eyes is enough.

But what's with the sudden call, why she needs to meet me.

"Hello, miss president."

"Un, enter." She responded back

She opened the gate and parked my bike inside before entering the black double door.

Inside, a bright white colors was illuminated by florescent lights, in front was a small living room and in the right is a kitchen, the further space is the dining room while the stairs is in the left middle.

"Are you alone here."

"My cousin will arrive soon."

"I see, when will we talk."

"In my room."


We reached the top floor where the rooms are and her room is in the end, just a one wide hallway and black doors.

When we reached her room, a simple room yet so clean is what greet me, shelves on the left are tidy neatly, the table in the left near door is clear, her bedroom doesn't have any folds of fabric, the place is warm and very welcoming.

She reached out the bottom of her bed to assemble a small table for us to use in ground, we sat down and stare to each other for silence.





Awkward silence remained not until she stand up once again.

"Wait here."

When she left, i opened my basket that are full of chips and pondered.

It's not the same as manga right? Asking a boy in her room... Please no and.... Maybe yes? But her face looks stern, yes, it's always stern but today, her face is seriously asking for answer.

What does she want.

After that, weak footsteps are heard.

She's tiptoeing?

It stopped when she's near the door and opened it, carrying a small tray with 1 juice and 7 sandwiches, but then, she looked at my chips and her eyes narrowed.

"Don't worry, i won't make a dirt, i also want to eat your sandwich."

I respond on her calmly and warm

But her eyes narrowed even more as she stares at me deeply.

"....Hey, i am not flirting with you or doing dirty jokes, don't tell me your going to eat that all."

I am still calm in this moments, but then, she chose to close her eyes, sit down and put the tray on table.

"Ha, if i know that you are going to do this, then i shouldn't just bought this chips."

What a waste of money, these appealing sandwich looks better than this dehydrated potatoes.

"Then give them to me."


How dare you, i already got robbed once and now you too.

"You misunderstand, i'm going to make new kind of dish using those chips you bought."

Oh, are you fooling me?

"Then they are in your care miss president."

I pushed all chips on her, i also want to make a staple dish but i am not in home, asking her kitchen might be too much.

She took the chips and place it behind her in a elegant way, then i took one of a triangular sandwich, a cheap processed ham, a mayonnaise combined with egg and celery and a soft layer of thin cheese melted below.

The white bread feels stiff, must be microwaved to be reheated.

I took a bite and the first texture i recognize was egg and mayonnaise, the taste of egg complimented with the saltiness of ham makes a perfect umami, simple snack but with the amazing tastebuds, it feels heavenly.

She just continue to stare at my pleased face and forward the tray on table.

"There are other fillings too."

"Really? Ha, then what about you?" I asked with a questioning tone.

She stared at me deeply thinking that 'did he really like the sandwich that much?' before she continue to speak.

"It's all for you, i already ate."

"....Then, thank you."

After finishing the egg and ham sandwich, i took another one and have a chicken sandwich that has a sauce of ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, smoke paprica mixture with cabbage crunch.

It really taste amazing.

Next are pizza style, followed by fried scramble egg that is mashed with mayonnaise and pepper, and the two other sandwich are the same egg and ham sandwich.

I finished it and took a drink from the juice she has, it's a fruit juice of apple and melon.

"Ahhh, that was good, i enjoyed your food miss president, you drinks is also good, you can now have my sodas and other drinks."

I pushed the drinks on her with a warm smile on my face, i don't know what she want but with the variety of food she offered to me is definitely good and takes time, she must have a good intention.

I don't want to keep being vigilant or unapproachable, i'm not edgy or emo, i will deal it when it happens, but today, my mood was lift.

"So, miss president, what do you want?"

She's surprised at my compliments and how my face became happy, her forehead twitch slightly that you can't recognize it without getting close.

Unlike you miss president, i am more open, i 'might' understand your coldness, but i'm sure that the mask your wearing right now is well polished, that everyone thought it was your face, but, what is the face behind that mask?

I just stared at her, i noticed the smell of her shirt, she didn't changed her clothes, this is the smell of dried sweat and retained perfume.


"Is my face handsome?"

She finally broke out and closed her eyes.

"Before we start at helping each other, i want to ask something."

"It's been 28 minutes, and i'm still waiting for you to say that 'something' you want to talk about."

She stared at me.

"Are you going to stare at me again?"

"Shut up."

"So what is it?"

".... Are you involved on the raid that happened on tuesday."

"Why would i be involved?" I talked nonchalantly

"Then, let me rephrase it, why are the victims of Akato apartment in room 43 are working there, why are there suddenly increase of girls in your restaurant after the incident on tuesday."

"It's coincidence."

"Do you think i will buy that well written alibi."

"Oh, you're doubting your comrade, how can we even have a proper relationship?"

"You are not my comrade, stop reversing me."

"Is that so, then what is your question?"

"Why is Rose Garden restaurant cafe involve on three incidents like this."

"Coincidence, i truly believe in this as history also repeats itself."

"Then i guess there's nothing i can do, i can't help you, i can't trust you."

This girl, to be able to connect everything, she isn't capable of doing something like this, let's say she's smart, but she won't be able to find out such conspiracy since she just met me last week, she's definitely have a connection to police, if there's wiretaps here, i am already safe, since i used my electric gloves to mess up the EM waves of the room, now, it's time to focus.

"Don't be like, it's not my fault if our clients and employees are involved into something deeper, and as for me, i just want to make people happy, you must know it if you have such knowledge about us, it should be you who's sus-.... who's doubting me, to think that you have investigated about me, what a scary fellow, i shouldn't trust you, you keep your comrades in the dark."

"Why did you smile."

"Broken humor."

"What's funny about what you said."


After she shut her mouth, she took the tray and the glass, as well as the chips and the drinks.

She left and closed the door.

I smiled.

"...Looks like there will be another client."