Tired some training

" Miss Ayami, I think that's enough training for today, you should take a break and continue some other time, you haven't been resting properly, you need rest

A man with a scar on his forehead exclaimed, as ayami, who was floating in the air, throwing shockwaves from her hand simply ignored him

" Please you must rest, if this goes on you're core will undoubtedly suffer the consequences "

The man insisted, but just like before, Ayami would ignore him, spreading her arms with force as the air around her began to spin, resembling that of a tornado, but as quick as it formed, it shrank, taking the size of a marble, it was then grabbed by Ayami's right hand and later squeezed, forcing it to take the form of a transparent circular diamond made out of air

" I don't need any rest, mother told me I have a lot of energy reserves, this should be nothing "

Ayami finally replied, while staring at her creation, as a smile grew on her face

" Sure you may have a lot of energy, but your core won't be able to withstand this much energy release, you must stop at once, before something you'll regret happens, please my lady "

The man said, continuing to persuade the young looking girl

" No! If I want to help protect this village I have to become stronger! A guardian like you should be able to understand that much! "

Ayami yelled, making the man sigh, as she then stared at the great amount of compressed air on her hand

" I wonder how powerful this would be if I used it as an attack "

She whispered to herself as air began to gather around the diamond-like construct

" Maybe I should test it, it wouldn't hurt anyone would it? "

Ayami said to herself as her eyes of curiosity stared deep into the crystal.

The diamond began to suck in the air around it, like a black hold in the middle of a field.

Her clothes which consisted of, a small t-shirt that left her stomach out in the open, and small black pants which only reached down to her thighs, would begin to be sucked in, as well as her long black hair

" It seems like the more I hold it, the harder it becomes to control. This small marble is undoubtedly powerful! "

She said to herself, as a smirk of confidence grew on her face, and as soon as it did, she threw her arm back, preparing to throw the marble she had just created against a mountain, and she did, hurling the small ball with all her strength.

The Crystal reached the mountain but to her disappointment, nothing happened, nothing whatsoever. Her expression of happiness soon vanished as well, turning into one of tiredness and boredom, and just when she was about to fly down to the man, the mountain which she shot the marble at, blew up, along with smaller ones that surrounded it

" Ho- Hahahaha!! Did you see that!?!? "

She yelled in excitement, proud of her newest achievement

" See? These are the results you get when you train a lot, there's no need for resting! "

She yelled once again, before flying back up into the air, clasping her hands together as air would then begin to gather in front of both her hands, just like before

" Do you plan on doing it again? My lady you mustn't, releasing great amounts of energy one after another is practically suicide, you must stop at once! If you don't, I'll have to stop you by force "

The main said, but all Ayami did was ignore him, getting tired of his blabbering, but her irritation did not stop her from continuing the creation of the diamond-like attack

" Nothing's going to happen, I promise, I know what I'm doing, trust me! "

She exclaimed, before gathering a great amount of air in one singular part. Air rapidly began to gather in front of her chest, taking the form of a small tornado, and just like before, she would grab it, squeezing it into the diamond-like shape it had before, unfortunately for her, the shape came out incorrectly, though, she did not notice it

" Now, let's try again! "

She yelled in excitement, while squeezing the compressed air even harder than before, to then hurl it towards another pile of mountains, but before the piece of compressed air could go any further than a few inches from her, it exploded.

" NOO! My lady! "

The man screamed, proceeding to duck down, later hurling his body into the air, using all the muscle strength on his legs to do so, and because of it, he got to Ayami in less than a second. Grabbing her leg he would proceed to pull her down, bring her back to the ground with him.

To his surprise, she wasn't injured, not one bit, but she did find herself unconscious, maybe from the shock that she might die? Or even worse, the reaction of her core after she released so much energy from her body

" My lady! My lady! "

The man screamed, multiple times in the girl's face, shaking her body back in forth, in an attempt to wake her up, but it was futile, she wasn't even opening her eyes

" No... "

The man whispered before picking up Ayami's body from the ground, carrying her in his arms, to then head over to what seemed to be a big pitch-black cube

After getting close enough to the cube, he would then place his hand in it, which caused the cube to open up a door shape entrance in front of him.

The man would take a step forward, entering the cube, and just like how quickly it opened, it also closed, leaving the man inside of a white void, but not before long that void begin to shake. After a few seconds, the shaking would seize and they were then moved to another place, a traditional Japanese household

" Madam, you must help Ayami! "

He exclaimed, practically screaming while placing Ayami's body in front of a woman, who seemed to be sitting in a throne-like chair, staring down at Ayami

" What happened? "

The woman questioned as her experience swapped from that of a calm one to a worried one

" She was training none stop, I told her to stop multiple times, but she did not listen, and, I would've resorted to force but I didn't want to hurt her, so I waited till she got bored of training, but she didn't stop, and then one of her own attacks exploded right in front. Luckily as you can see, she seems fine physically, but she won't wake up, her pulse is still there and her warmth as well, so she isn't dead, but I'm still worried, what if her core- "

The man was stopped, the woman had stretched her hand over to his face, indicating that he should shut his mouth

" Yanu, you're speaking too fast and too much. I'll handle Ayami from here on, don't worry, she'll be fine, my daughter is very strong "

The woman said, as the man now known as Yanu simply nodded while bowing his head

" Then I shall take my leave, Elena "

The man said before bowing his entire body, leaving the cube entirely right afterward

" You must've trained a lot to be put in this state, but don't worry darling, you'll be good as new right after I heal you "

The woman now known as Elena said while staring down at what she called her daughter, with worried eyes.

After a moment of silence, Ayami's body began to rise, being surrounded by air which began to change into a bright white color.