Finally free

" It's been a few months, even after all those experiments, you're alive still, Shu "

A long white-haired man said, as he looked down at a completely destroyed Shu. The boy's left eye was bulging out of his head, hanging on only by its string.

A quarter of his head was opened, his brain could be seen pulping, every inch of his abdomen had a tube attached to it, pumping in liquid into him. There was no area on his body which wasn't injured, on his right leg he had an entire hole which allowed his bone to be seen.

Half his face was gone, his teeth, chin and jaw were no longer covered by skin and muscle. His right eye, which was still somewhat attached had a solemn look, it showed no emotion whatsoever, almost like this boy no longer wanted to live

" You went on for months, regenerating almost endless, not to mention you regenerate due to biological reasons, not because of any spiritual usage, which means, your DNA can be applied to my—-Well "

The white haired man said, stopping as he placed his hand on a huge tube containing a white haired woman in it

" It's about time I got rid of you, you're starting to stench up my lab, you were a good subject, but, I no longer have any need for you, though, i am grateful, because of you, I was able to finish what I was longing to do, for that I thank you "

The man said, lowering the mask that covered his mouth, revealing an injury across the side of his lips

" I hope you find it in your heat to forgive my inhumane actions, but now, for your sake, I, Vladimir Edwards, will end your life "

The man now known as Vladimir said, as he placed his hand on the boy's forehead, and the moment he did, the boy's still attached eye, closed itself

" I turned off his brain, he should no longer be able to wake "

The man whispered before standing up, beginning to walk out of the basement like place they found themselves in

" You turned his brain off... "

A crackling voice said, as a small laughter was heard across the basement, and soon an energy filled with pure malice engulfed the place Vladimir called a lab

" What the hell is.. "

Vladimir said, quickly turning around, planning to walk back into the lab, but he was soon held by his neck and slammed against a wall

" Man oh man, what a dumb fucking mistake you made. You turned the boy's brain off, which allowed me to slip out, someone worse than even you "

Shu said, or at least, whomever it was who was speaking through him. His body now completely healed, his hair now dyed in black, his eyes no longer blue, just red.

Horns stuck out of his head, he also grew a tail, a pitch black tail with no fur just pure skin, and on his back he had wings that resembled his new black aesthetic.

A crooked smile grew on the boy's face as he tightened his grip on the man's neck

" Heh-Ha..Heh-Hahahahahahaha "

The boy began to laugh, maniacally whilst peeling off the skin on his face with his finger nails.

He stomped on the ground repeatedly, laughing endlessly as he choked the man harder, slamming Vladimir's head again and again on a near by wall

" Finally!!!! "

Shu yelled, letting go of the man, before stretching his arms out, closing his eyes and taking in a deep breath to then smile

" I am free "

Shu whispered, exhaling in relief before turning to look at Vladimir who currently found himself on the ground, out of breath

" I should be grateful to you, but you were trying to kill this vessel so forgiveness isn't something I'm currently able to grant you. "

Shu said as he squatted in front of the man, proceeding to place his hand on Vladimir's head

" Now just like you did me, I will end your life "

The boy whispered as he engulfed his hand in an ominous aura, but as soon as he did, he opened his eyes wide

" No... "

Shu whispered, pulling away from the man who simply stood up cleaning his clothes in confusion

" No! Not after I just got it, no!!!! "

Shu yelled, gripping his own hair as he began to yell, bashing his head into walls whilst doing so

" I can't feel your energy, and the fact that you're free means I can no longer control you, so "

The man said as he coated his right hand in a red aura, proceeding to punch Shu right in his stomach, sending him flying out of the laboratory, leaving a giant hole in one of the walls, but that did not end the screams of pain the boy was releasing from his mouth

" Ugh!!! Stop!!! "

Shu yelled, moving around the ground like a pig bathing itself in mud

" Hmm, it seems like you have a few physiological problems; that's a bad omen, it normally means disaster is soon to come, but... "

The man said, appearing above Shu, planning to stomp his head, but the boy simply rolled his body over to another side, dodging the attack whilst simultaneously gripping his own hair and slamming his own head on the ground

" Stop it!! "

Shu yelled yet again, that scream being the last as a giant pillar of blue energy surround the boy's body, burning away the wings, horns and tail, which pained him even more

" What the hell is going on?.. "

Vladimir questioned, watching what was going on with an intrigued yet worried look on his face

" I was able to cage him back up "

Shu whispered, as he slowly stood up whilst the pillar of energy disappeared, and now his appearance was again the same, White hair and blue eyes

" Now I'll be able to kick your ass "

Shu said, cracking his neck and soon his knuckles, causing the man to grow even more confused

" What?- "

Vladimir couldn't finish his sentence because a kick ram through his face, which shot him miles away from the place where he once was

" Shut up, I don't want to hear your voice "