Meeting again

" Oh, wolves, I thought i sensed boars, oh well, they taste just about the same "

Shu said to himself as he landed on a tree branch, looking down at a pack of five wolves whom were feasting on a deer's corpse

" I guess they were also having lunch—oh well "

Shu whispered as he slipped off of the the branch allowing gravity to push him down to the ground, landing next to the wolves a few seconds later

" Hey guys, sorry to disappoint but this is your las- "

Shu couldn't finish his sentence as one of the wolves dashed toward him, biting down on his leg in an attempt to rip it off, only to shatter a few of his teeth the moment he made contact with the boy's skin

" Oof- That must hurt "

Shu said before his body began to flicker, shaking only to disappear in a blur of speed a few seconds later, appearing behind the pack with his hands inside of his pockets

" Now for the spices "

He said to himself as the necks of the wolves behind him snapped whilst he himself couldn't care less, his attention was now on a sack of pairs attached to a tree

" But before that "

The boy continued, to then take a small leap into the air, jumping eight feet high, proceeding to grab the sack of fruits by its branch, pulling it out seconds later

" Great! Now- "

His expression changed as he felt two new massive energies appear where Ayami and Yuyen were, not wasting any time he quickly grabbed one of the wolves by its head, gripping it tightly so that his fingers would piece through its skin and skull.

The boy would then engulf his legs with sanctuary energy, only to then dash forward, leaving behind a trail of his blue energy, appearing in front of the two new unknown people in a matter of a second to then kick one of them right in the face, sending them flying whilst causing a crater and a huge shockwave which destroyed Tristen's house.

" Shu stop! "

Ayami yelled, jumping in front of her mother, causing the boy who had already prepared a kick right in his tracks, causing a burst of wind from his sudden stop

" Oh, it's you aunty "

Shu said to then lower his leg, smiling a bit to then look up at the sky

" If you're aunty, then who did I kick into the air? "

He questioned, as he slowly lowered his leg, paying close attention to what at the moment was falling from the sky at a high speed rate

" Oh! It's Ana! "

Shu yelled, as he raised his left arm, opening his palm whilst sliming, happy to see people he knew

" Ana seems upset, Ayami, help me move anyone who's near- "

" It's fine aunty "

Shu said interrupting Elena as Ana herself flew down from the sky at a very quickly pace, to then bring her fist back, thrusting it forward a few seconds later, only for it to be caught by Shu's left hand.

Once her fist was caught, a shockwave was supposed to destroy the entire area but right when he caught her fist, Shu formed a bubble made out of pure sanctuary energy which surround them two

" He caught it!?! "

Elena and Ana said to themselves as Shu simply placed Ana on the ground looking up at her with a smile

" Where's bro? Is he not with you guys? "

Shu questioned as the bubble disappeared, letting all the dirt that gathered up inside of it out

" By 'bro' you mean Fu? "

Elena replied as Shu nodded, scratching the back of his head to then turn to the girls who seemed a bit startled

" Oh and, uh—Ayami, Yuyen, I'll have to go back and hunt some more cause.. "

Shu paused as he raised his right hand, showing everyone who was there what he had on it, the destroyed head of a wolf

" Shu you idiot!!! "

Tristen yelled as he pushed the rubble of his house off of his body

" Now where are we supposed to sleep!?!? "

Tristen questioned, yelling at Shu who simply stared down at him with a confused expression

" Why are you so upset? "

Shu replied, causing a vein to pop out of the boy's forehead, showing off his rage

" Ugh! I don't have time for this, my mom is stuck in there because of you, she might even be in- "

The boy couldn't finish his sentence as he saw Vivian push off bricks from her body, seemingly just as mad as Tristen.

Already mad at the boy, Vivian now began to hate Shu, tired of his ignorance for everyone else's feelings and choices

" You. I am going to kill you. "

Vivian whispered as she pointed her finger at Shu, dashing toward him a few seconds later just to be knocked out by the boy yet again

" Whats up with her? "

Elena questioned, causing Tristen to sigh, Ayami to smile and Shu, well, Shu was no longer there

" I'm going to look for food!! "

The boy yelled, causing everyone to look up, trying to find where his voice originated from, only to see him in the sky, diving down to the forest near by

" Well, now that we're together, how about we catch up? "

Elena questioned, as Ayami simply nodded, whilst Ana looked down at the hand that Shu caught, she found herself in an odd state of mind, or rather in disbelief, how come he was able to stop her so easily? Surely the boy didn't grow that strong in a matter months, that's impossible, right?

" Since we don't have any seats, let's just use this "

Ayami said as she grabbed a few rocks, placing one beside every person there, stopping for a few seconds when she was about to place a rock down for Yuyen

" So, we were trapped in——— "

They began to share what happened to each one of them, sharing their experiences throughout their separation, of course the two women got worried for Shu the moment they heard that he was captured, but, the stories went on regardless.