
A week has passed since the meeting Shu had with the three continental kings, though after his conversion with them, he met with the vampire king a day after the meeting, and was assured by him that if the entire world were to go to war with Shu, he'd be there to help him, which Shu thanked for.

Now a week later, he was sitting with his wife, watching his children train with each other on his backyard.

Ayami was sitting on Shu's lap, and Shu had his arms wrapped around her waist with his head against her side

" They fight well "

Shu said as he watched his son dodge one of his sisters punches, only to later grab onto her hand, pulling her close to then smash his forehead against her's, making her take a few steps back, following the attack with a barrage of punches which Asami blocked with difficulty

" Why is Dio fighting like that? "

Ayami questioned, looking down at her husband only to then scratch the back of his head with her long nails

" I'm not sure, I suppose because he saw my fight with Ean, and the solo training I do at night, he wants to mimic me? "

Shu replied, his cold eyes analyzing every single movement his children made, although Dio was stronger, and by much, his sister was much more faster, and agile, though that didn't matter much as Dio's odd new way of fighting was throwing her off.

The girl would stab her fingers on the ground, gripping the dirt and then pulling it out, crushing it strong enough to make somewhat of a solid rock.

After she said would coat it with her sanctuary energy, proceeding to hurl the rocks at his brother, one after another, although they were flying at a very quick pace, Dio was able to dodge the rocks, lowering his upper body down to dodge the first, running forward; seconds later tilting his head to the right, bringing his body along, causing him to lose speed due to the sudden change of paths.

This simple mistake allowed his sister to dash forward, bringing her right arm

up to then push it down once she was close to Dio, locking her brother's neck on an arm hold, squeezing tightly an in attempt to knock him out.

" Hmm, Asami seems to be quick witted, her battle intelligence might just surpass Dio's… "

Shu whispered watching as his son struggled whilst Ayami simply sighed

" Yes but, that won't be enough to stop Dio, his passion for battles and his experience far surpasses her's "

Ayami replied, as she would then place her hands on top of her husband's fingers, carefully caressing as she watched her son free himself from his sisters hold by twisting his shoulder somewhat, allowing him to throw a very powerful punch at his sister's gut, making her quickly pull away from her brother.

As she was hurting, Dio quickly raised his guard and punched her right in the face, making her take a few steps back, only to follow it up with an even stronger left hook, now cutting her lip and causing her blood to fall on the ground, though this didn't stop Dio as he would then charge his fists with sanctuary energy.

Once that was done he quickly punched his sister right in the nose, shattering it, causing blood to squirt from her nostrils, then he followed it up with yet another punch to the nose, later a knee to her gut

" Hmmm!!! "

He exclaimed as he jumped into the air, his mind drifting back to an old memory of a conversation with Ean.

" Uncle Ean, so when will you tell me one of dad's techniques!?! "

A younger Dio questioned as Ean simply scratched his cheek, trying to think of something

" Well, there was this one technique he liked to use a lot, I think it was his most powerful, im not sure I can't remember, but he often used to yell… "

" Bringer of punishment!! "

Dio screamed as his entire foot was now completely covered in a flaming aura that illuminated the entirety of their backyard

" Shu.. "

Ayami whispered as Shu simply sighed

" I know "

He replied, disappearing in a blur of speed, allowing gravity to push Ayami down against the seat, as that happened Dio's pants would start to burn away from all the sanctuary energy he was beginning to gather, and once he felt he was completely charged he swung his leg down toward his sister's shoulder, but before he could touch it he heard his father's voice echo across the field of grass

" That's enough "

The boy's foot would then crash against Shu's palm, causing a burst of energy and wind that would push Asami down to her butt, her face was bruised and covered in blood

" You won, your sister's lost "

Shu said as he glared up at his son, only to then let go of his foot, allowing gravity to do the rest and push him against the ground

" I was—I was just "

Dio stuttered only to look over at his sister, seeing all the bruises on her face

" Its fine if you want to prove that you are stronger than her, but you should know when to stop, you would've cut or burned her entire arm off, in an actual battle that would be the right move, but this is your sister… "

Shu stopped and then bowed down on his knee, placing his hand on top of his daughter's face, engulfing her head with his sanctuary energy; completely healing every bruise Dio had left on her, only for her to quickly stand up, running away in tears

" Learn how to hold back. "

Shu said, as he would then turn to look at his son, his eyes glaring at the boy's worried face, bringing not only worry to him but now even fear

" I'll go talk to your sister, for now go to your mother, we'll have a talk after I'm done "

Shu ordered as he would then stand up, walking toward where his daughter had run off to whilst Dio simply stood from the ground

" What did I do wrong? "

He whispered to himself, looking down at the ground in shame as he would then walk toward his mother who would only grab onto his face with her soft hands

" Are you hurt? "

She questioned as Dio simply looked down, ashamed of himself and too afraid of his mother to look her in the eye

" Mom, did I do something wrong? "

Dio questioned, he wasn't ever glared at like that, and the fact that it was his at her who did it, the person he admired the most truly hurt him

" Yes, you did "

She whispered, to which he gripped his fists in anger, preparing to run off only to hear his mother soft voice

" But that doesn't make you a bad person, you can still go to your sister and apologize to her "

Soon after those words his father and his sister came back, with his sister keeping his gaze away from his, and him away from her's for he was too ashamed to look at her

" Go on, apologies "

His mother whispered in his ear, to then place her hand behind his back pushing him forward a bit

" I'm sorry for going overboard "

Dio said, looking down afraid of what look he might receive if he stared at her, but he was surprised to see her hand right below his face

" It's fine, we're siblings, so let's forget about it.. "

Asami replied, as Dio raised his head, looking over at his sister who was looking to a side trying to avoid his brother's gaze, scared that he would see her as weakling, but to her surprise he simply grabbed her hand and shook it

" Okay! Let's forget about it "

Dio said as Asami would then look over at him, seeing a smile on his face that would make her smile in return

" Well don't worry, next time I'll for sure beat you up, they'll have to stop me instead so start training hard or else I'll surpass you!! "

Asami yelled, only for Ayami to smile as the two kids would start to argue, saying how much stronger the other would grow