A demon

Emma Everline, the queen of eleves, is considered to be one of the strongest beings in the planet, comparable even to the students of Yorujo himself, the strongest human in history.

There's a rumor that goes around the Elven kingdom, the rumor that this very woman, this very elf is a goddess, simply because her powers are of such magnitude that they look like miracles.

Of course, being the queen she was, she wasn't only just powerful, she was smart and always thought logically, for the sake of her race, the elves.

She hates war and is against the death of a living being, but will kill if absolutely necessary, up until recently, no one thought she could be defeated; of course excluding Yorujo's students as well as the Death Knight Ean, and King of humans Shu.

Despite all of those titles and many other accomplishments, she currently found herself nursed in the castle of Himura Shu, being tended to since she had lost a battle, against a foe she did not think would attack her.

" She's waking up "

Ayami said as she watched the elf queen sit up from the bed, rubbing her head a little, she was well bandaged and almost nearly completely healed, but her face expression showed otherwise.

She seemed to be worried about something, not herself of course since she began to talk to herself, in her own language of course, which no one in the room could understand.

" Speak Latin, otherwise we won't know what you're saying "

Ean ordered whilst looking down at the woman with his arms crossed.

As all that happened Shu simply stared at the woman, tilting his head from left to right whilst trying to picture the type of battle she was in considering the odd injuries she had.

Such as her sword wounds, burnt skin, damaged organs, broken bones and depletion of energy.

" Why are you here? "

Shu questioned with a calm expression as his cold and dead eyes stared into the elf's, calming her down a bit

" My kingdom was attacked… "

She whispered, making the four people in the room, which were Ean, Ayami, Petra and Shu confused

" Attacked? What do you mean? Isn't that against the laws of peace? If memory serves, for one to wage war against a kingdom, said kingdom would have to announce that they would do so, otherwise every other kingdom would wage war upon them, or am I missing something? "

Petra said, sounding confused and puzzled, she couldn't possibly think of any kingdom who would break this law, and end well; there wasn't a singular kingdom with such power, except for the humans of course

" What you say is the truth human, but it seems like the vampires are prepared for the consequences "

Emma replied as she moved her legs out of the bed, letting them touch the ground in an attempt to stand up, but it was futile as her condition wouldn't allow her to walk.

As she tried to stand, her legs would shake and she would fall down only to be caught by Ean who carefully placed her back on the bed

" I must hurry back, my kingdom is in grave danger, it seems the vampires have an ally far more powerful than what this entire planet can offer "

Emma said as she tried to stand but was simply held back by Ean, who looked at Shu, trying to find an answer for what was happening

" That ally, is most likely a demon. Even though it's a small amount, I can still feel that demon's energy even from this far away "

Shu said, scratching the back of his head before, standing up from the chair he was sitting on, walking toward the window of the room, staring up at the moon with a calm expression, closing his eyes in an attempt to feel the demon's energy a bit more

" How can you tell it's a demon? "

Petra questioned as everyone else turned to look at Shu, curious as to what the answer for that question was

" Well, whilst I was training, I was able to have a conversation with my demon self, he explained to me that when a divine being is born, be it an angel, a god or a demon, they know the position and the role they are supposed to play. For example… "

The man would then stretch out his hands, forming what seemed to be a small angel with his energy, allowing everyone to see

" If an angel was born and this angel's duty was to protect a god, then it'd already would know that it had to do it. So not only do they know the role they have to play, but they know the role every other divine being has to play. Of course this doesn't apply to every god, but this is how he explained it to me; that's how I am able to tell that it is a demon "

Shu explained, as he morphed his energy, making a small scenario of what he had just explained, for everyone to easily understand the concept

" Well, why don't we just wage war against the vampires? "

Ayami questioned as Shu would then close his hands, destroying the scenario of energy he had just made

" Because fighting a demon would be like fighting another Romulus, so we have to be completely prepared for a war of such magnitude, not to mention that last time, our war nearly destroyed this galaxy "

Shu replied, his voice sounding quiet and slow, as if there were no emotions behind his words

" So you're basically saying, that if we wage war then this planet is screwed, but if we don't then the demon takes over the planet, yes? "

Ean questioned; only to receive a small nod from Shu, and a big sigh from everyone else in the room, who were now immensely scared of what could happen in the future.

" So what do we do? "

Petra questioned as Ayami would then rub her face with her fingers, trying to think of a solution

" How about we take our time and try to come up with the best way to get rid of this demon "

Ayami suggested as everyone would then nod

" But for now, let's just tend to Mrs Everline here "

Petra added.