Your future

A few hours went by, and Shu finally woke up, he found himself in one of his castle's living rooms, his entire family and friends were there, including Bjorn the dwarf king, Emma the Elve queen, and Flouray the mermaid queen whom up till now has just been sleeping in her room, or well, the room that Shu had given her.

" What's going on? Also why's this guy sitting in my couch? "

Shu questioned as he turned to look over at Tekken who gave him a small reassuring smile

" This person here says he's your uncle, me and the rest of us can't sense his energy so we can't confirm if you two have any sort blood relationship , but he also told us we all needed to be here for what he was going to explain "

Ean explained, to which Shu nodded whilst slightly rubbing his forehead, feeling a huge pain, most likely from the fact that he was knocked unconscious by the man that now sat next to him

" Yeah, I can't completely sense his energy, but I can tell we're family, like I said before demons are able to recognize another demon just from a glance "

Shu explained whilst moaning a bit, feeling the pain on his head worsen

" Wait a minute, if you knew that we were related then why did you continue to attack me? "

Tekken questioned which made turn to look at him with a look of annoyance

" Well, because you entered my home demanding things from us like you owned the place, also, like I said, I can barely sense your energy—if anything, why did you attack me? Demons can tell when someone's a demon no? "

Shu said, sounding irritated the more he talked, only to turn away whilst rubbing his forehead

" Well for one, you're a hybrid, even though I could tell you were, demons can't tell demon and human hybrids apart from angel and human hybrids, plus, your human side was the first thing I was able to sense, and on top of that, it's rare for a being to have a broken soul, especially for hybrids; I had to put the pieces together, unlike—"

The man explained only to be shushed by Shu who covered the man's mouth with his hand, staring at him with a look of irritation

" They're arguing as if they've known each other for decades "

Ayami said, to which everyone in the room agreed, nodding their heads whilst staring at the two men with their eyes squinted

" I think this is just enough proof to tell that they are related, I suppose that personality runs in the family "

Ean added, to which yet again everyone nodded, and just when Yuyen was about to add something to the conversation Tekken clapped his hands

" Alright! Enough of the nonsense, I gathered you all here for one specific reason, and that's to talk about Shu "

Tekken announced, loud enough for everyone in the room to hear

" What about me? "

Shu questioned, pointing at himself, only to make Tekken sigh a bit

" Well, to put it simply, you aren't supposed to exist, your parents weren't even supposed to meet each other, if anything, your parents shouldn't have even been born "

Tekken said, which completely shushed everyone in the room, no one said anything, no one even moved a muscle; how were they supposed to take this?

No one has ever questioned their existence, and neither have them, no one truly does, unless they ask the question of from where humans originated, but that's about it, no one in this room has ever questioned such a thing as their existence

" What do you mean? "

Ayami questioned, breaking the silence, only to receive a short look from Tekken who immediately turned to look at Shu

" Shu, the reason I'm saying this, is because back when your mother left hell, the place we demons come from—no one heard from her for three years, and then I'm told she had a child, but I wasn't told with who, so I investigated, and eventually I find out who "

" Now, the reason I went out of my way to investigate was because, female demons can not reproduce with a being that isn't of their own race, only us males are capable of it; anyway, the point is, I knew it couldn't have been a demon, and whilst investigating, I found out that it was a human, and a Himura on top of that "

Tekken paused, looking around, seeing that everyone else in the room was intrigued, even the children who were by their mothers legs

" But what surprised me the most is, that she reproduced not only with a human or Himura but with the reincarnation of the blue d——- "

Suddenly Tekken threw up an inhumane amount of blood on the ground

" Wha-what happened?!? "

Everyone yelled, stretching their hands out and getting closer to Tekken to see if they could help, but the man simply raised his hand, stopping everyone getting closer only to smile and let out a small chuckle

" I almost forgot, I'm not divine enough to tell you about the four reincarnations, which is funny to me, considering there are two in this room— anyway, the point is, she married a reincarnated being, and had you, now the fact that she gave birth to you is weird in it of itself, but what's weirder is, that you inherited the reincarnation part of your father, which doesn't make sense at all "

" Anyway, soon after your birth, both of your parents were killed, im not sure by who, but they were both murdered, im still in the process of finding out by who, but the point is that they're both no longer alive, anyway now it's when it gets complicated so pay close attention "

Tekken explained, but before he continued, he was interrupted by Shu himself who stared at him with confusion

" But wait, if you knew all of that, then why didn't you come to my grandpa or me? "

Shu questioned to which Tekken nodded

" Well I was just about to explain why "

" The other reason I believe you should exist, comes from the fact that, whilst I was investigating I got into a huge accident, or rather a fight, I can't remember who I was fighting, but when the fight ended, my mind was transported to the future, and I saw a lot of it, most of it I can't remember, but your existence or your parents existence, were no where to be found "

" Now, you all might be thinking that the reason for that would be that they were both dead, but that shouldn't matter, because for every decision there is another timeline where the opposite happened, and that would also include the fact that your parents died Shu, now what was even weirder than that was that you were no where to be found either, I couldn't see your existence at all, it was as if you weren't even there, so because of that reason i couldn't find you, nor anyone that was related to you "

Tekken explained, only to pause as he began to look around, staring at everyone's faces, seeing as they began to think and analyze the situation

" Now, Shu I need you to tell me the most major things that have happened in your life "

Tekken ordered to which Shu simply frowned, feeling annoyed at the fact that he was being ordered around, but still complied

" Uh, well, my grandfather was killed by this guy named Lucifer, soon after this man named Adam appeared, said a few words that I can't remember and sent Lucifer away, then after that not much happened, besides the fact that the old king of this continent became a God, and that when he did, Lucifer reappeared, that's about it "

Shu said as Tekken would then open his eyes wide, staring at Shu in a complete surprise

" Shu, none of what you just said happened, I looked into the future, before you were even a year old, so back then, the present that we're in now was the future back then, so I should have seen everything you've just stated, but none of that happened—I think… "

He paused and rubbed his head a little as more ideas entered his head

" I think you're life is being controlled by someone else, either that or whoever is behind this, is preventing anyone from looking into the future when it's— hmm, I don't think I should say much else, if my thoughts are correct then we're being watched right now, it's best if we stop discussing this all together "

" Hmm—so how about we have dinner!! "

Tekken yelled, smiling at everyone in the room, as if he had just completely forgotten about what they were just talking about