the calm before the storm

Fu stood there, looking down at the woman who was his daughter; the woman his once beloved gave birth to, he watched her scream at him, watched her blame him for all that happened to their friends.

Fu had gone through much suffering, he has lost people, and has experienced physical trauma, and although this moment doesn't compare to many of his saddest moments, it still hurt.

He didn't know his daughter that much; he didn't raise her, in actuality he only knew her for two years, yet for some reason, he felt in his heart, he knew her since birth.

He couldn't explain to her his reasons for not being with her when she was born, otherwise he'd sound like he was a dead beat father trying to defend himself.

There was nothing he could say, and nothing he could come up with; not just that, his daughter was completely right, children were depended on him and he let them all down.

Ayami squinted her eyes, and stared at her father's solemn looking face

" Tell me, why was it that you left for six years? I mean I know Shu's reason for leaving, but you—-oh I know, you left because you knew that if you stayed your perfect image would be shattered, so not only are you a heartless, emotionless bastard but you're also a coward, and an incompetent man "

Ayami said, glaring at Fu, who's face expression continued to sink into that look of sadness, but Ayami did not care, she continued to glare at him.

She was half right in her assessment, part of why he left the planet was because he felt out of place after disappointing everyone in that war, in a war he could have ended so many times

" I could've killed Romulus many times; I could've ended his life at any day, but I chose not to; so I take full responsibility for that war taking place, I also take full responsibility for leaving you and your mother by lonesome, I don't want to ask for your forgiveness because I know that'd be selfish but at the very least give me a chance to reconcile "

Fu replied as Ayami simply frowned, giving her father a look of anger and disgust

" I've been gone for most of your life, I know, and I understand how you feel, but I want to try and start a new and fresh relationship between us. I also want to get to know the children you've given birth to, I personally believe that's what your mother would have— "

" Shut up "

Ayami said, her voice sounding deep and straightforward, there was no stutter or tone of nervousness coming from her

" I don't need to hear what you think of my mother when you weren't even there with her "

Ayami added, as she would then take a step back, squeezing her hands into fists.

And just went Fu was about to say something, Ayami shut him up with a sudden release of Sanctuary Energy

" Im going to bed, my husband's waiting for me "

She turned around and walked away, leaving Fu by himself, rushing toward the door to the castle, opening it just for her to find, Ana, Emma and Yuyen at the door; they seemed to have been listening to the conversation.

Ayami just ignored this and closed the door, as Fu simply bit down on his lower lip, took a deep breath and stared at the sky

" This is the most random and odd situations destiny has put me in "

Fu said to himself as he would then smile a little, proceeding to cover his eyes with his right hand

" But this hurts just as much as the deadly wounds I've received "

He whispered as he would then drop his arm, sighing loudly

" Well anyway, there's another demon besides Shu here "

Fu would then disappear in a blur of speed, appearing above the castle, scratching his head a little

" I guess I could kill it; but if he isn't dead yet, it must be because Shu doesn't want it dead "

Fu said to himself, scratching his chin a little as a smile would then grow on his face

" Heh, hopefully I'm not doing the same mistake I did with Romulus "

After a few hours the sun began to rise, and the early morning came, the birds began to sing and the cold weather of the night started to disperse, and with that, everyone woke.

The children were first, Dio and Raven immediately started to chase each other around the castle, playing tag as to test their recently gained speed.

Asterlin, who begged his mother and father to stay last night was chasing behind them as well, but he could barely keep, just how the siblings were going at 50 percent, Asterlin was going at one hundred.

Asami eventually joined in, once she was done dressing.

Then thirty minutes later, the adults woke up; all the jumping and running around the kids were doing woke everyone up.

All who stayed at the castle went immediately to the kitchen, to get a bit of coffee from Yuyen who decided to prepare some.

Bjorn, Flouray, Emma, Ana, Ayami, Queen Netty, Lenmio, Shu and Yuyen were all in their Pajamas, enjoying the coffee whilst sitting comfortably on a couch.

" That's some good coffee "

Emma said to herself as she took a sip of her cup, sighing out of relief seconds later

" You people call this brown stuff coffee? "

Betty questioned, as she happily took another sip from her small cup

" It's good isn't it? "

Yuyen questioned, just to receive a nod from Netty who continued to drink her coffee away.

" We should do this more often "

Flouray said, as everyone in the room besides Bjorn and Shu, replied with a simultaneous 'yes'

As that happened, Fu was meditating on a mountain, thinking deeply to himself, just to open his eyes after a few more seconds of meditation

" I hate this feeling, something bad is coming, something disgusting; this feels like a calm before a storm, and I don't like it "