
"Can you believe it? I was nothing more than a normal village girl when at the early age of 9, the empire kidnapped me."

"They told me that my parents sold me to them but I would never believe them. I may have been 9 but being raised in a poor environment had given me a more mature mind."

"Plus, I'm pretty sure I heard screams and cries for help right before they tossed me into that duffel bag.'

"Next thing I know, they tossed me into an empty cell and started their experiment. 10 years of having countless machines pierce through every part of my body does make for quite the nightmare."

"They went in raw, no rubber. Ahem, I mean no anesthetic. They did have some treatments after each session but they were as effective as decade-old 'Plan B' pills."

"It didn't take long for my body to break and my mind to follow it."

"Why did it stop after 10 years you ask well that's because the scientists and their lab disappeared. I shoved a sword up all the backdoors as soon as I gained the power they were working with."

"If they were making new holes in my body, they should have been happy to let me widen theirs."

"I blew the facility to bits, stole their computerized data, and hunted down everyone related to the experiments using it."

"I later joined the hero's party since they were interested in my strange strength and lead me onto the battlefield against demons. I only agreed because I had no goal in life. If I died to the demon king, I would have accepted it with ease."

"We did in fact take the demon king down but I ended up taking his place to maintain the world balance or some crap like that. "

"Guess what? I ended up being too powerful after becoming a demon. That's why the hero's party came after me and shoved guns, swords, spears, and magic staffs down this young lady's throat."

"And that's why I'm here. Not that you care anyway since you are a dead rabbit."

"AHHHH FUCK! Im going nuts in here. Where the hell is the floor boss?"

A young girl was muttering her quite tragic story the pile of bones that represented the dozen berzerk horned rabbits she had killed in the past hour.

She had long black hair and ominous red eyes. She had pale skin that was on the verge of making her look like a ghost. Actually, she isn't that far off from being one.

She looked up and stared at the glowing panel of blue that was meant for only her to see.

[ Name: Nina (Changeable)

Race: Inferior Spirit (Evolution Requirments Unfulfilled)

Class: Spirit Mage, Demon Queen(LOCKED), Ethereal Weapon(LOCKED)

Level: 5

HP: 140/200

MP: 220/600

STR: 9

AGI: 12

DEF: 6

INT: 56

VIT: 19

STM: 6

Assignable Points: 20

Currency: 90 USD



"Heh. Pitiful you say. I'll make you swallow those words soon enough. Just as I'm going to make that hero swallow ten thousand demon tentacles."

Nina was not in a good mood. She was sure she had died after all of the hero party's legendary equipment imploded inside of her.

She had no idea about why she had become a spirit but knew exactly why her two main classes were locked. The two classes were classes unlocked after Level 700+ and even if she had them at level 5, her body would not be able to withstand the perks that come with them.

"Hmm, at least I have a basic idea of where I am. A dungeon. I should start with the goal of getting out here." Nina got up from her seat next to the rabbit bones and swiped her and over them.

They shone with a dull white light and were gone within a second. Nina thought in her mind to open her inventory screen.


G Grade Mana Stones x18

Rabbit Horns x7

Rabbit Meat x16

Rabbit Pelt x3

Belion Dagger (Common- Usable by levels 1 through 20)]

"The system never leaves me no matter what happens. I'm probably still somewhere on planet Soreibus."

Dungeons and the system that came with them. On planet Soreibus, the two things have coincided for over 200 years. The dungeons allowed for everyone, regardless of age, race, or gender to be able to become immensely powerful.

As long as you are killed within the dungeon, you would get whatever kind of strength you want. Whether it be physical, mental, or financial, the system would work together with dungeons to lay down a route for it.

Nina had deep experience in diving through multitudes of dungeons in her past life and she was sure that this was something she could beat.

[Current Location is the 2nd floor of the F Grade Dungeon- Ghastly Forest in New York.]

The system would always provide the users with the basic location so they wouldn't be too lost. Nina was sure she had never heard of a place called New York. She ignored that though as she had not visited 2 of the 11 continents on her planet and thought this place was from there.

As she walked towards the area she presumed would be the floor boss of the second floor, she once again opened her skills screen.

[ Skills Below are Sorted by Class

Spirit Mage:

Spirit Transparency (Passive): A skill exclusive to all spirit beings as it gives them a basic understanding of the spirit language and allows them to go through most walls.

Fireball (Active): It's a fireball. A ball of fire. It burns people. You need mana and the correct chant to cast it. (If you don't have this skill as a mage, go hang yourself.)

Ice Spike (Active): A spike made of ice. Perfect for piercing any hole as the thickness can be adjusted according to the mana used.

Demon Queen: All Skills Locked

Eatrheral Weapon: All Skills Locked ]

"I do remember the chants for the multitudes of other spells so I guess I'll test most of them out here anyway. Ghost-type monsters are weak towards magic anyway so it's a perfect training ground."

Even though magic was very prevalent on Soreibus, Nina could never really use advanced spells since both her classes had to do with mostly melee fights and cold weapons. The hero's party did have a good versatility when it came to magic.

They had 7 mages with a different specialty each and since they were the best in their field, they had access to hundreds of spells each.

They didn't mind teaching Nina some of the chants as she couldn't cast them anyways.

"Huhuhu. There's my little guinea pig. Come and fill mommy's tummy with some delicious roasted pork."

Nina crouched down near a tree and had a sadistic smile across her pale face as she stared at a certain monster. The pig had pale skin just like her but with a more greasy and yellowish tint. It had horns protruding forwards from the sides of its face and glowing red eyes laced right above that disgusting snout. The pig was the size of a full-grown cow.

[ Evil Pig Spirit - G Grade Boss Monster ]

Level: 10

HP: 500/500

MP: 120/120

STR: 88

AGI: 16

DEF: 80

INT: 8

VIT: 80

STM: 75]

"As expected. The damn boss monster always has more stats than their levels should allow."

Nina's eyes shone with hunger. This hunger led to a greedy glint in her eyes as she aimed her palms at the pig. She was very hungry, hungry for some good old pig EXP.

"Duan mata voirm mo mo masa. FIREBALL!"


Authors Note: Well, what did you think? I'm open any to suggestions.
