Dungeon Boss is a Lettuce

Let's go a couple of minutes back to where Nina was still in the dungeon.

"So spirits are not a big deal. No wonder there were not any spirits in the demon army. They wouldn't be good at all in an open battlefield."

Nina was speeding through the forest as she scoffed at how weak spirits were. Even though they made having weapons useless, they were absurdly weak against magic.

The fourth-floor mobs that hounded her were cleared efficiently as she shot holy magic spells on them. The boss was dealt with the same way. Not only are they weak to magic but holy things are their bane.

So holy magic wipes them out with ease. Holy spells do take more mana to cast as they are a higher form of element but it's very worth it.

Although she would love to fight them melee, it just would not work.

"Wait a second..." Nina stopped dead in her tracks as a very unsettling thought came to her mind.

"Since I'm a spirit right now, all my evolutions relate to me losing my current physical form." This means that she would have all the same weaknesses to magic and holiness.

"I'm done for." Nina realized that the reason she had never fought any spirits is that they are horridly weak in an upfront fight and especially so if their opponent is slightly prepared.

Even when she does go outside, how is she supposed to keep her race hidden from the humans she planned to live amongst.

Nina is a strong one though and just because she didn't have solutions now didn't mean they would not show up later. She quickly tossed the problem said and decided to focus on that once she got out of the dungeon.

A minute later, Nina had found the boss. When she saw it her jaw fell as she stared at it with wide eyes.

A 5 meter tall and 4.5-meter wide lettuce was floating above the ground while spinning around.

The giant lettuce is also translucent that indicated it is a spirit but when did lettuces have souls?


HP: 1200/1200

MP: 580/580

[Due to the being above being somewhat impossible just like user Nina, the system will provide its background. A human named Harmon had been born in your usual fantasy village. He didn't any special skills or magical powers but he did have a sturdy body. This enabled it easier to do the same job as his predecessors of the village.

Farming lettuce. The nobles of the capital of their kingdom were found of lettuce for some reason and would always serve it in every lunch and dinner meal. They made sure to get the highest quality of lettuce at all times so they had funded this village for almost 5 decades to make them the lettuce they want.

Harmon fell in love with his job of farming lettuce at a young age since he found their looks when washed to be quite delightful. The taste wasn't much but it was crunchy and fun to snack on for him.

Unfortunately, his kingdom fell into a war against a neighboring empire and he, along with his entire village was the first to burn as the empire hated lettuce.

Fortunately, he was able to be reborn as single lettuce that survived the burning. He attacked the empire but was too weak to fight against their mages so he died again. He's now stuck in this dungeon, dying countless times.]

"Ummm... did you happen to get a system upgrade?" asked Nina as this was the first time she had seen the system provide exposition. Though, she also had never met a being who she could not explain, except herself of course.

[The system is a perfect being that needs no upgrades.] was its response.

Nina was shocked. When did it start doing that?

"When did you learn to answer back?"

[The system could always talk directly to users but has chosen not to do so.]

"Why me then?"

[Kill the boss, we can talk then.]

"Okay, that's easy peasy."

"Miaorta lessta borco finelo mo siata, HOLY SCHLONG!"

A thick, golden spear about 5 feet in length appeared next to Nina as she guided it towards the lettuce using her thoughts.


The spear cut three the lettuce like a knife through you know, lettuce.


The lettuce turned into smoke as it burned out of existence. Since Nina was invisible and the time it took for her to cast the spell was minimal, the lettuce had no chance to retaliate.

"Was that supposed to be hard?" questioned Nina to herself. Ever since the third floor, she had felt that this dungeon was way too easy for it to be soloed by her.

[This dungeon was designed for people between levels 10 through 30. Before level 30, there are very few people who can chant spells so quickly and have access to the high tier element of Holiness.]

"That makes no sense. Most of the non-holy spells I know are the ones spread all over the planet. Scholars everywhere spent centuries developing them into shorter forms. They should have the spell even if they are a backwater nation."

[And this is the reason why you are the first person the system has chosen to directly contact.]

"Aaaaa..What do you mean?'

[Inferior Spirit Nina, that is not who you really are.

No being except the goddesses of your world, the system and you know your true name.

People only knew you from your titles. Such as the Master Of All Weapons, the Ungodly Demon Slaughterer, the Millenium Demon King Slayer, and the Demon Queen of Justice.

The system has judged that the goddesses have violated certain codes of conduct and balancing laws so it has punished the goddesses and decided to compensate you for their transgressions.]

"Wha...." Before Nina could ask anything else and annoy the system with her mechanic tone and repetitive questions, she felt dizzy and crashed to the floor.

As she was losing consciousness, she heard the dungeon announcement go off.

"DING! The dungeon boss is been defeated. Due to unforeseen events, the dungeon will teleport the user [eRr0rr3D5e$Ed%#re4dr] to a safer location."

For the first time, she had heard the soothing female voice of the dungeon turn gritty and glitched out.

She had one final thought before entering the darkness.

"Am I an error?"