6 Years In 6 Days

Nonsensical. That is all I can say when I go through the questions on the test paper.

The diagnostic test has four parts. Math, Reading Comprehension, History, and Science.

The math section was not something I had to worry about and I finished in a breeze, all 150 questions. They taught me math before I started working as queen since I needed to do a lot of it.

The other subjects were unnecessary for a queen like me.

I finished the other three sections even faster than the math section.

There was a total of 450 questions on the remaining sections which a finished in about 20 minutes. Of course, this doesn't mean I'm some sort of genius, It's just this queen has a very special ability.

It is the ability to make random guesses. It may not be a unique ability but it sure is specials since everything that belongs to the queen is extraordinary.

"Even if they're rags, a queen's rags are worth more than lives of multiple commoners." This was the saying I heard from pretty much every queen I met during my own reign.

All of them were quite arrogant and gave me headaches every time I listened. While they sat around having party's and going shopping, I had to go through so much work that I was practically drowning in paper.

Oh, the struggles were real. I at least had some subordinates to help me out when I didn't know something.

I started to miss them, even more, when I looked at my grades a minute later. Since the test was digital, my score was instantaneous.


Math: 150/150

Reading Comprehension: 29/150

History: 17/150

Science: 72/150

Knowledge Evaluation: Below 2nd grade


Alright, I didn't totally guess for everything in the science section. I had learned plenty of the basic stuff from my best friend at her party.

Delila, a high-end alchemist that made most of the party's potions.

Most of my scientific knowledge came from her but I spent more time talking about the world rather than that boring stuff.

She had many interesting stories about her hometown and nearby villages. Delila was the one that gave me nostalgia for what it was like to live in a small village.

Unlike me, she was able to live a full life with her parents until she was old enough to move out. She went to her kingdom's capital where she gained recognition as an alchemist.

I wonder how she's doing now. She must have been shocked when she heard I died. If you're wondering why I think she wasn't involved, well that's simple.

When the rest of the party attacked me, they had a new assortment of potions I had never seen before. They were not even trademarked by Delila's brand.

There was some sort of logo on it be sheesh, I just can't remember the small details. I never had a good attention span anyway.

I never sweat over the little things, the big picture is what I'm looking at.


"Ms. Nina Rothcinth, your scores indicate a perfect understanding of 6th-grade math concepts, a 1st-grade reading comprehension, and history knowledge, and 4th-grade science knowledge," said Ms. Chandler a she looked at the tablet with a perplexed expression.

"I can see that too Ms.Chandler but what does this mean," asked Nina who is unfamiliar with the American schooling system.

"It means that you need to cram 6 years of studies in the next six days. Your classes start next week Monday and today is Tuesday."



"Huu..." Nina took a deep breath to relax her nerves that were about to get agitated. "Does mean I have to read everything on this table."

Nina looked at the piles of books that numbered over 200 and really hoped she didn't have to go through all of this just for some cake.

"If it's for some sweets, I'll do whatever it takes."Nina psyched herself up and prepared herself for some serious stat point investments.

"Most of these books consist of math and science books so they are more application intensive subjects. I can get rid of 65% of the books here. History is just memorization and your mage class should make that easy. As for reading comprehension, just try your best."

Ms.Chandler then proceeded to press some buttons on her black tablet and over half of the pile just disappeared into thin air after a blue light beamed on them.

Nina let out a sigh of relief as he realized her load had been reduced and she could take it easy but something irked her.

"Ms.Chandler, you said to do my best right?"


"Why is that? Do you mean that reading comprehension doesn't matter much to my grades?"

"No miss. Vulcan Academy is one that focuses on nurturing the skills of talented children such as yourself. They only accept children with only a B-Grade class or above."

"Woah!" Nina understood that she was going to school to train her brain, not brawns. She felt that was much better as she was more comfortable with getting stronger.

She feels like she is already a very smart queen. She can always pad her INT stat and make herself smarter that way.

"Alright then, I'll get started. Let's get the easy stuff out of the way and start memorizing the history books."

Nina was determined to live a relaxed and normal school life as she knew that most children spent a good chunk of their life at school.

She wanted a school experience like everyone else and believed that a school where they train your levels would be quite normal in a world with the system.

Too bad, the Vulcan Academy is considered far from a normal school no matter how you look at it. This is why the system doesn't let her have full freedom. She is substantially a baby with how much information she lacks about Earth.

Nina knows that she is being very ignorant about her very odd situation in that escalated unnaturally fast. She went from being near death in a dungeon, then getting a sister to being enrolled into a special school in less than 2 days.

That's far from a normal life but her EQ seems to be quite insufficient and all her focus was on suppressing the cracks on her soul caused by her traumatic childhood.

There was something bothering Nina though. She felt as if the secretary was being too formal to a child like her. She wondered if Ms.Chandler didn't like cute children like her even though all humans should feel protective towards children.

She did not know that Secretary Chandler was sweating buckets outside of Nina's study room.

"Oooooo...that was scary. Even a 12-year-old Rothcinth gives off the same arrogant and overpowering air as her elders do." she said.

Ms.Chandler knows what the Rothcinth family is like. An island of monsters is what they are called by the upper class.

Nina always gives off the vibe of a dictator-like queen unknowingly. Even, the system controlled her actions, it could not completely hide the pressure the soul of the demon queen exerts.

Ms.Chandler did not even think for a second that Nina was not from that family of monsters. Just her SS-Ranked class was enough to make her convinced.