Aina Kagurazaki (1)

Boring. That's all you need to describe the opening speech the Assitant principal of each grade gives.

Nina almost fell asleep. She remembers the pre-battle motivation speeches the hero would give every time. Whenever she heard them, she felt they were too dry and were not something that can keep people's attention for long.

The soldiers however would cheer after every one of his sappy announcements.

"Only one class for the first day." Nina looked at a thin blue bracelet that displayed a holographic screen.

She was able to see her schedule for every day on it. Today is Solo Dungeon Diving Guidance. Nina followed the digital map to the southern part of the school.

5 minutes later, there was an open field with 200 students staring blankly at a woman wearing heavy medieval knight armor. She carried a gigantic broadsword on her back that was bigger than 3 of the students combined.

The armor seemed to be not made for the teacher though as the curves on it did not align with the teacher. Her gait seemed off-center and she wobbled around. The students could only imagine her expression as the helmet only allowed them to see her eyes.

"Aa...g...g..good morning students. I am your teacher for solar dungeon tactics for the year. My name is a...a...Aina Kagurazaki." The teacher's voice feminine yet deep voice reverberated in everyone's ears.

She had deep black eyes that felt like the abyss staring back at you. This is a stark difference from her cowardly way of talking.

The entire group of 7th-grade students just look at her in confusion as they don't know whether to clap for that teacher or not who seems to be quite awkward.

On one hand, they could encourage this teacher to be confident with their cheers or they could be lazy and just torment her with silence.

There was a silent consensus reached among the students very soon as many of there were succumbing to their lazy side.

'We won't be nice students this year. You, teachers, made last year hell so it would be nice to get some revenge.' is what many of them were thinking. They really did not want to recall those memories though.

It all started on the first day of 6th grade where they had t go into a solo dungeon, unprepared.

Tak! Tak! Tak!

One person started clapping. Which in turn led to a dozen more students clapping.

'There's always that goody two shoes.'Fuckin teacher's pets!' Everyone sighed as they realized it would be awkward to have just one person clapping. So as mob mentally takes over after even the smallest applications of peer pressure.

There were the odd ones out that did not accept this pressure. 5 students out of the entire grade did not care about what their peers were doing.

The female teacher's eyes scanned the crowd of students as an indescribable pressure started to fall on them.

"Norman Osbon

Peter Parkent

Yuna Kim

Ashley Ashton

Nina Rothcinth

All five of you shall step to the front this instance." The teacher's voice was no longer shy and awkward. It felt devilish and commanding just like a demon queen.

Nina could feel that this was exactly what others felt and heard when she used to command them. It felt good when seeing a person move according to your words but it feels terrible when you are the one being commanded.

The five people who the teacher mentioned had stressed faces as they stepped forward. You could clearly see the struggling against the invisible power that felt like gravity had quadrupled.

Still, they wasted no time reaching the front as they could start to feel this teacher is crazy.

"Listen up you maggots, anyone who dares to not show their teachers respect is on that should be beheaded instantly. Since you 5 are still naive and spoiled children, I will forgive you.

But...if you ever dare show me or any other teacher such disrespect....."

Aina then took her thumb and did a slashing motion around her neck prophesizing their future.

The pressure was then lifted and everyone started to take deep breaths to regulate themselves back to normal.

All five children at the front were at the worst as two of them were laying on their backs while the other three had fully knelt.

"I'll give you five kids 10 minutes to rest up. Then I'll toss you into one of these gates behind me." As she said this, Aina snapped her fingers and some sort of cloaking mechanism was lifted from the empty grass plain from behind her.

It revealed 5 black obelisks that stood next to each other in a circle.

"The Pylon!" the students were somewhat startled but they were not surprised. Their seniors had already informed them that they would start entering dungeons in the second year.

In the first year of the Vulcan Intermediate Academy, the students are trained to have precise control over whatever stats they specialize in. They are also taught how to handle themselves better in stressful situations and how to work together as teams or solo.

It is purely just mental and physical preparation to enter a gate.

Most of the students in 7th grade had never stepped foot inside dungeons no parents would allow their inexperienced and unprepared kids to do so.

The government also restricts the entry of minors without proper credentials.

*Fun Fact: About 85% of all dungeons in the USA are accessible to the public as there is an overabundance of them. It is not enough for the government, guilds, and corporations to clear.

If they are not cleared regularly, monsters will spill out and attack everyone they lay eyes upon. By using preexisting media s a reference, they named it dungeons breaks.

Many of the kids were nervous at the moment as they knew that the first-day assessment meant a lot for their personalized courses for the year.

Being a school focused on nurturing individual talents, Vulcan Academy creates and edits a personalized training plan for each student throughout the year.

The groundwork of that is laid by the teacher that tests you on the first day.

"Big sis said the dungeons here are just free exp. I'll take her word for it," said Nina as she dusted herself and stretched a little.

"What did you just say?" asked Ashley Ashton who was still trying to catch her breath.

"I said it free exp.....oops!. I wasn't supposed to say that out loud. My bad." Nina laughed and shrugged off her blatant insult to all the students who were nervous.

"She called it free exp."

"Is she crazy? Those 5 dungeons are the hardest G-Grade solo dungeons."

'She might be cute but there probably no brain in there."

"Yeah, money doesn't mean skill."

"Her sister's probably an idiot too."

" don't want her to hear us."

"Yeah, she might hire people to kill us."

"Let her try then. The school protects us with all their might."

The students were in outrage. They had trained for a year to tackle the dungeons in front of them and were still unsure about the prospective performance.

Then a transfer student just comes out of nowhere and claims that dungeons are just free exp. The gall on this girl!

Both Aina Kagurazaki who abhorred arrogance and Leila who despised the rich stared at the little with deadly eyes. Their facial muscles were twitching as they wanted to teach this little girl a lesson.

Aina Kagurazaki was about to lift her sword when she remembered what her master had taught her.

'I can't be impatient. I just have to wait for the master to come back and I can teach my lessons freely.'

Aina steeled her nerves as she was determined to teach the brat in front of her friendly lesson later. She also noticed the deathly stares another girl in the middle of the class was given to Nina and Ashley.

Aina had noticed Leila and smirked eerily inside her helmet.

'It looks like that I don't have to teach them myself.'