Living Thoughts

What type of life you want?

Mulana Rumi has said that don't you eat grass and barley like donkeys but prefer to eat like deer, that way they eat Argwaan flowers in the deserts of kaftans. When a man eats grass and barely means when a man deals with a life like a donkey, he just carry the burden of it like a donkey but when you deal at the higher level of life or you become above to it a man becomes like that deer whose stomach has the fragrance of kastorhi when he eats the flower of Argwaan. From the fragrance of kastorhi whole of the jungle fills up where these dears are found, the fragrance can be felt in far most areas that it allows to attract hunters towards it. To eat like donkeys and like an aimless, useless life is itself a waste of life. Furthermore, Mulana Rumi said that who only eats grass and barley they just die like sheep and goats means they are slaughter like them but who makes themselves the part of divine light means that eats the divine light, he becomes the Quran himself.

Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is the one and only completes personality in the universe. The life of Holy Prophet (SAW) becomes the whole and complete Quran because of your complete surrender to Allah.

Both words of Mulana Rumi summaries that the materialistic life spend only to eat and drink leads to nothing instead lead a life so that you will be an pathway and good leaders for others. This all means that to lead a common materialistic life leads towards a common death like all. No one remembers you and opposite to it a life lead in the way of All Mighty Allah means the people who make the Noor of Allah there part of soul, body and life they stands away from greediness and they become like a Quran. Quran is a complete code of life. Those who impress others, give others the lesson of ultimate Love, ethics and morals they are the people higher than others. They are to be remembering after their death. Now, it only depends on man either he wants to leads an ordinary life dependent on materialism or he wants to lead an ordinary life dependent on materialism or he wants to lead a higher life, independent of greediness and all materialism. He wants to become a path of righteous ones (successful ones) for others so he can also lead others to righteous path. To tell this entire means the one wants to live a life like Sufi that is a higher life or a soulless life. What type of life you want?  

21st Century Man


21st century man has become the slave of scientific advancement. He does not have time even for himself. Machines has made everyday life easy and mass has become use to of these machines but the harmful effect of it which we all are ignoring is that man has become too much busy and involved in this ordinary life monotonous routine. Yes, no doubt it is true that man wants or searching for better and much better living standard of life. On the other hand man has become unaware of himself in his search. We not only become use to of these materialistic needs but we have become slaves of this machine. Simple and humble has been spent by our ancestors but now, these wishes have spoiled as by soul and by body. It is true that wishes have no limits. At every wish, one of my breath is done, there are many wishes I urge for, still I urge less. A decent man always tries to lead his life in simple ways and always remains in his shoes. Where science has made life luxurious to spend, on the other hand it has spoiled the inner original soul of life.

The governance of machines is death for hearts. They are the killers of emotions and feelings (humanity).  The hustle and bustle of this life has made 21st century's man a machine too. If we look forty or fifty years back, we can analyze or we can feel that there was not much advancement in science but still the quantity of intensions, anxieties and worries of man were less in number. There were not many diseases as it is today. If we critically analyze the average age of man few years back, it was 90 to 100 but now it is 50 or 60. What was the reason behind it?

Man was use to work from his own hands. Moreover he was strong enough to bear the strong intensity of summers and winters. Despite of poverty, diet was pure. Today science has increased the growth ration of agriculture. Different fields are no more dependable and fruits are now stored using preservatives. At that time there were no such things, all eatable were fresh. These colorful sweets and juices were not available. No fans, no air conditioners, not even electricity was available. People were used to spend their summers under the shades of trees. They were used to drink pitcher's cold water. In summer sotto, shaker and gur were their daily drinks. In summer they were used to sleep in open grounds and on roofs. The profession of most people was farming and trading. There were limited scopes of luxuries. In cold winters, people were used to sit together. They were bonfires to lessen the intensity of winters; spiritual music, different folk tales and folk lore were sung to lighten the weight from heart. People were used to sleep early and rise early in the morning.

Now have a view on today's life. Today there is no concept of day and night. Scientific advancement has abandoned the facilities of life. Mobile phones, computer, internet, TV, air conditioner and every new invention are making man too busy. Today the dealings of our life have completely changed. People are use to wake up late night, watching different programs on TV, films, dramas, listening loud music and get themselves entertained by watching current affairs programs. They wake up hardly early in the morning. Watching TV late night has badly affected our eyesight. Brain, eardrums have been harmfully effected by listening loud music continuously. Junk food and drinks have added fuel to fire. In this way human's health and happiness have been destroyed badly. Moreover, this inflammation, poverty and economical problems have made man a patient of depression and sadness, hopelessness. Every man wishes for every new invention at his home. Everyone wants to be rich in a night and want to be in the race of being rich. In this race a man wants to crush others head to win the race. The business of artificial diets is on its peak. People are becoming use to of machines. They do not want to work from their hands. People are becoming greedy for luxurious life and to earn life, they are pondering over short cuts and easy ways. Emotions like loyalty, love, care and kindness are fading away. Man is cutting the throat of other man. Fundamentalism is increasing day by day. At the edge of weapons (power) the peace of society has been destroyed. Confusion is prevailing in social set up. Comparing the life of early man and new man, the life of today's man is far worst. Children and youngster are becoming the patients of blood pressure, sugar, heart, lungs and other havoc diseases.

Pay keen interest or eye on it. Was our past good or today? Have a wise look on today's problems. Environmental pollution, chemical weapons, restlessness, lawlessness, inflammation, unemployment, killing and meanness, all these cancerous diseases have made man helpless. It seems like man is a guest on this world for few years. What do you think?

Man Slave of Wishes

Wishes never come to an end ,even if man is fulfilled and the other wishe takes birth.Man always run behind is wishes and whole of his life come to an end in the struggle of fullfilling his wishes. Todays man has made his wishes his god, that his heart is always fulfilled with wishes and thoughts  of having them continusly hits his brain. Man is never humble and satisfied . This is the reason, man is always in the state of restlessness. There was a time when man used to live in a single room, salaries were less and people used to earn for ten people at a time. There was blessing in money,they were used to live simple lives and they were happy but how about today's man? Those who are earnign in thousands and in lacks are now seems to be unhappy. At surface level hinger lessen but inner apitite is increasing. People were used to ride bicycle, they travelled through buses and there were not much cars seen on roads, To ride bicycle was not considered shamless,people were used to walk more. Despite of liveing in small houses they were satisfied , Now people are living in houses like placeses but they are alone, sad and in tensions. It was rare to cook mutton or chicken in villages poverty was having another face , i remembered  the phase of my village, my mother was used to get up b the firot Fajar Azan and used to grand floor from her own hands daily,fresh floor chapati was made. There was no tradition of breakfast, lunch was used to ready by 10 or eleven o' clock. I remember exactly that in summers, all the womens of common comunity were used to made chapaties at a common tandoor. And afterward lunch  was used to held together with lasi,Achar and chatni. Chicken was used to cooked only at the arival of guest and it was slaughter by  the maulvi sahab of Mosque. New clothes were usually made on Eids only but all the rituals are fact of past . Few good years people lived humble lives  but now a days everything is happening in opposite direction. Different  kinds of dishes ,sweets ad facilities are present but with the lack of happiness and peacefulness. People only want rest and easiness in their lives. Wish of more and more has opoiled the true meaning of living higher life. This disease of wishing more is spreading at larger scale day by day.


Knowledge ,Education and Training

The meaning of knowledge, education and taining are taken as same. knowledg is the name of knowing. Education is to know and to act upon it is most important thing. "knowing to know" develops bus in accumatating the degrees of wordly knowledge for the better future and better life, for the high standard of livign life,degrees are considered to be important. We love luxuries life and we do all this to earn a happy life, but we are not aware from the skill to keep ourselves happy, peaceful  and satisfied. We gain best degrees, earn higher status for us , we still remain unsatisfied and willingless to keep ourselves which is the most important step to be taken. The knwoledge and Education which is not able to give you peace of and heart. What use it is? If knowledge is in our hand ... it is useless , The real taste of knowledge is gained when we are able to attain peace through it. But we still spend a lot o9f our life just to attain facilities of life.. and stay away fom peace of heart and real happiness, and when we are surrounded by  the  illnes of health and weakness of body and then we start thinking about death and life hearafter death seems to be close. This is the reality of life which we should realize earlier, now it is of no use when we are on death bed. Mian Muhammed Baksh (RA) Siad : do not have trust on breath or be proud of it, its not in our knowledge the other will come or not. We keep ourselves neat and clean  from mud,whoese ultimate place is beneath the mud. At one more place he said : my body is in pain like we crush the sugarcane to get juice from it, O, Muhammed now tell how you will now escape from it , you have only one choice and that is act patiently.

Mian muhaamed Baksh (RA) is a famous sufi and panjabi sufi poet. His poetry is compact and keen observation of the aspects ofe life. He shows man the path to be a humanbeing in very sober and intellectual way. The poetry like this peeps down deep into the heart of man and wakes the heart from sleep. Those who keep in their heart the reality of this materialistic world ,never get trapped in its web instead they cross it easily. At one place Mian Muhammed Baksh (RA) again guides us to realize the importance of time. "Man comes in this world and to his surprise crosses all the thee important stages of life that is childhood , youth and finally old age. He tells us that is useful to complete all the work in day light.. before it is night..fetch the water from well, he says as : "O , girl fetch the water from well befor it is too late,full your pitcher with water and go back to home."

How beautifully he guides the important of water He further explains  that one by one all my friends are taking refuge from this day we too will die but this time will never stop so we should take advantage  of it at every second. As in old age man just cry over split mills and in this feeling , he has to hug death. He also guides us while giving the sermo  about self realization. The path of self realization is too difficult. He compares  the journey of knowing oneself with Egypt. Egypt here is used as symbl in his book "Saifer ul Ishq" the prince said ul malook had to travel to Egypt to meet her beloved princes Badi ul jamal. In old ages travilling towards egypt was not os easy, one has to face difficulties like hills, mountains, sea, deseart. That is why Mian Sahab is comparing the path of self realization  to Egypt. Nafs is not an asy task , in this path we have sacrifice the easiness of body ,wishes and wants. To travel in the world now is an easy thing but approch own's own self, first we have to let our heart die. That is the reason Mian Shab has compared this journey just like people used to travel to Egypt bearing all hardships. He futher says if man will keep loving himself and keeps himself busy in fulfilling every worldly wishes.desires and wants, he will never able to know his inner most and reality but if using  desire and will no more care about  his body, he will must cross the stages of spirtual path easily. It is of no doubt that to know one's inner self is too difficult and unbearable and it does not seems to be easy. But the one who start to travel with full devotion and courage finds his destiny. The way of "Ishq" is that path or a journy in which no one helps you out. Same as no one wants to be in other's grave. Everyone has to bear his pain and illness ownself.That is the way mian shabSays  : In this difficult path nothing is of use... we have to leave the ship and jump into the sea...

Allah says that He is close to man more than his breath but to reach Him is not an easy task. If we will not cut the worldly wishes ,we can never reach Him. Only we can know him is through FakAR (keen Thinking and Observation).


Importance of Time

It is said who spoils time, time spoils him. One who does not respect time one day he loses his self respect and importance. Actually ,every man thinks that he has got lot of time and he can achieve his targets at any time, but what hapens in reality is that time passes on and slips from the wist  like small particles of sand. Man keeps on thinking that still he has lot of time , but he realises the importance of time when he crossed the golden age of youth Eventually , he considers himself to be old ,worn out and weak.Then he cries out that he has wasted all the golden years of his life and lot of work is still left to do. There are many works to be completed but when he look upon himself he faces the problems of health and nothing remains just to cry over split milk. So like fact is that time never dies but man dies.

There is no competition in spoiling time in front of our nation.we have lot of time, just have a look around you. Still today people look tangled in spoiling time. Many hours ofday are killed just in usual "Chit Chat"  great number of people are foud in hotels , parks and in the theathers for the sake of  haveing fun" in their lives today they left is being spoil by T.V channels, Mobiles with Internet. T.V for the whole nights. One programs ends in a single channel ,other program starts on another channel. Just because of T.v and internet our daily routines are badly effected. It is causing serious damage to the health of people. Effects on children are more worst but people seems like addected to it. Women spend their whole days watching T.V. We look deeply into it people are becoming patientsof physical and metal health but no one has time to ponder on the reason behind it. Time is precious preal who kills it, it kills him. Burnard Shaw has written somewhere he reserched for forty years and didn't waste a even a single minute even when he changed his clothes his eyes remained on book. He remained involeved in reading every second. After forty years he made people alltenative towards him by talikng and speech... But today the relation between man and book has completely vansihed away. Is there someone who is read to spend his time for knowledge like Barnard Shaw?

Believe in Yourself

Build your Trust

One who search for knowledge and truth is also a good listner. Good words(advice) goes deep down into the heart of Momin. The words full of wisdom ,inteligence and thoese which touches the heart .one should keep them with him life long. Such words have effective fragrance in them. Heart has faith on them. The quranic verses , the saying of Holy Prophet (Saw), The saying of Allah Kareem, sufies thoughts and words of wises have depth in them. Truthfulness , depth, experience and logic all is find in them. To make them understand for us  sometimes it requires to explain them with example, proverbs and idioms. The motive behind  is to made thing understandable  and approchable. All these explanations are not found in the book and magazines so when it is desired, the first step is to make your self a desire. Thoese who realy wish to learn , never indulge them with negative talks, scientific doubts, they never make such things. Stone of their path  instead they let their heart open so light can enter into it. If there is a urge to know and to learn, so with the passage of time everything become understandable an done get the answer to every question. Then the time comes when lips stay close and with silence you understand the every movements the universe. In silence many secrets are hidden. Just open your eyes wide and stay silent, as it is said that the first stage of "ISHQ" is "Silience". At first we have to surrender compeltely in front of a teacher,  guider, we have to follow the way of trust and believes. That is the quality of a true student (The who realy wants to know him self)

Sometime what we see and what we observe , the reality is totally opposite to it ( remembers the story of Hazrat Musa(AS) and Hazrat Khizar(AS).

Even if you are a philosopher and you are not aware of your inner, for this you need a  real teacher... just like there is a new brand car having petrol ,diseal in it and ready to move but still driver required drive is required to drive it, similary if a man is highly qualified , decent and pious , he needs someone to guide him.

As Waris Shaa Said :


one is this path you have to be humble ,having strong ,true desire and stick to it. But first look inside you. Do you have alive heart? Is your senses are still ready to percive? Heart is our best friend, best guider and gives us the right guideline everytime, our teacher, conoler...

This heart is all we have , Hazrat Muhammad (Saw) said :

  "In human body there is one pice of meet, if it is right, Whole body is right and if it is wrong, whole body is wrong."

The real meaning of life is to live with heart but we never listen our heart and neglects its voice. Gradually it becomes dead and rusting. The voice of heart is the voice of inner.what is heart beat? The secrets of life reveals with the openness of heart.

Lets have a look, do you have pain and kind emotions in your heart? Examine your heart, check if its feel pain for others or not? Then take a strong decision to walk on a right path.. the way will  find you... when you see  some one torturing others, do you feel their pain? Have you ever feel like crying in others paing? If this is the case , it means you have that small flame of faith in your heart. Which can be turned into fire at any time.

Poetry :


In these hearts fear of lords, kindness for others, pain , love and pios emotions take birth. These are the hearts, which are  neat and clean. It is said for these heart ;

"Heart of a Momin is the place of Lord"

Heart is like a mirror, as much as it is clear, universe and ownself seems so clear.

Poetic verse :


If the field of heart is fertile, the seed of kind words grows in it  and that effective words shows its effect and colors. Truthful  word grows into a fruitful trees, shoots grow, flowers grow and the frangrance of it goes into far off land. Verses full of wisdom , enlightement touches the heart fragrance of them enters into the blood..then its effectivness  show its colors. As air touches the body similarly the words touches the soul. As air is hot and cold effective similarly words have both effects. If words touches your heart, its means that your heart is still alive and still working. It is not rusting. Yet it is not so polluted. It can be lead to betterment and maintance. It has that flame in heart which can be turned into fire.

Poetic verse :

what if you say Lailah ha from tounge, if you eyes and heart are not pios than nothing matters.

if heart is neat, clean and commitment is strong and inner is brigen then the path also become bright.

 As Mian Muhammad Bakhsh Said :

 "Brighten my heart from the lamp(flame) of ishq, that its light spread all around me.

Who Am I?

Who am i? What am i? From where i have come? Where i have to go? These are the question in the minds of those people who think big and observes the univrse keenly. A man who thinks is far more better than a man who does not think at all. One who does not think is not a man at all, he is just wearing a flesh of man. If man starts thinking about himself, he can reach at the level of reality.

Quran Said :

 "Who come to know his Nafs, he knows his God"

On which path man is moving on? What is universe? What is this world? What is life and death? These are the questions on which when man thinks, they lead them towards the reality of himself. We are disturbed by these questions at every level of life, we must have to think about them. A  poet has said it rightly :

" Who so ever go beneath this mud, never comes back , tell me whats going on under neath. What is the reality of man? What is an idea? What is heart? How these whshes emerges? As Galib (Famous Urdu ,Farsi poet) said :

"These ideas come from the place of hidden, which is unseen"

what is dream? What is the reality of life and death? What is true happiness? What is sadness? There are thousand ofquestions which strike the mind of a thinkers. They are the true man who thinks , who search for the answers and keeep them self moving on this path, and finally they got the answers, they become satisfied , who surender compeletely to their Lord...This way of accepting lead us towards the true glorious happiness.

With life You have Everything

There is nothing more than important than me in this world, i mean it is of utmost importance to be me... why is it? May be it is in the nature of man, self love is most beautiful, one's own life is most important, may be this the reason that when we love someone and tells him/her we usually say  as" you are more dear to me then my life" Thus , our life is dear to us then only other thing in this world. This is the reason that whole life man wants to keep himself away from worries , tensions and strive for peace and happiness.Man is always surrounded by many fears. Death is the biggest fear. Who likes pain and difficulties in his life? So the whole life is spend in search of happiness and peacefulness. Without knowing what is true life, true peace and true satisfaction? Its in nature that we take of ourselves at very first step. If some accident  or incident occurs near by, man always runs to save his life at first. Due to basic instinct of nature a mother will jump out first from window. If fire occurs in some bulding than she will shout for the life and help of her chld.


People who sacrifies their lives for others but we are talking about very basic nature, that it is in nature to save your life first.come to the basic topic  that man loves himself and he love his self respect.

Life is dear to everyone. Everyone loves himself,who does not care about himself, if we look around we can realaize that man's every movement is to make himself happy, peaceful and glad. Whole life ,we run away from death. We spend our whole to earn all the facilities of life for ourselves and our dear ones. I often think that for ultimate peace man is doing so much but in his mission ,he i surronded by more difficulties , pain and horrors of life. Compelete peace and true happiness is find no where.

               "Death is like a pinching throne in the heart of man."

The throne of death is in the heart of man from the very begining .sometime due to this fear the real talents of man do not emerge at the surface level. Escape from death is not possible, it is truth of life we all know this but still we are trying to run away from death what so ever no one wants to die, who prefer death our life? But at least we should free ourselves from the fear of death.

    "One day of death is fix, why i can't sleep the whole night"

Means the day of death is fixed, it will never come before its time. Here the topic of discusion is our life which is important to us. Thus the most precious in this world is our own self. Our self being and life is so near to our heart. Wishes ,wants ,desires and dreams are the part of life from pain and difficulties. No one wants any illness. No one should tease or irritate us. We want to be happy for the whole life. But these desires very rarely reach to their end.

Lets takes the example of wealth which we earn after much struggle. After this the fear of lossing it takes birth  in the hearts .we somehow manage to overcome  this fear the greed of make it more and more comes in heart. Fine we earn a lot  of wealth , we have all the facilities of life then health begins to break down. Like a snake illness surronds us. We cant sleep for the whole night and many other diseases completely take over of us. For many days man fight between life and death even everyone being to pray for death. Not peace in any moment or in any condition thus...

   "Before death who to escape from worries"

So what to do about all this situation? How to spend life? How to keep away pains and tensions? How to find the ultimate happiness? To find the answers to these questions,we must have to think , observe and finally return to ourselves.