Chapter 27- Nascent Warrior

As Liu Guanyi cleansed all his thoughts and focused on his body, he tried to "see" all of the blood vessels in his body. From the arteries to veins that stretched from the heart to the entire body, akin to a spider web.

He needed to do it at once so he poured all of his inner energy to encompass all of his blood vessels from his heart, similar to how a spider controlled their web from its center.

Liu Guanyi had to spread the inner energy thin to achieve that, which implied that he had to maintain almost perfect control over the inner energy for a longer time to refine the blood vessels. However, even knowing this, he was serenely calm, no, he was confident and assured.

Controlling inner energy was like an instinct for him. This was due to the long usage and repetition he did in his past life. The only thing that might be wrong was whether his inner energy would be enough to finish the refinement before it ran out.

Having a good knowledge after "seeing" them, Liu Guanyi filled them with the inner energy and broke down their cells to restructure the cells into the better version of them.

He did it in conjunction with his breathing as his breath turned hot with bloody red substance mixed within every time he exhaled.

Liu Guanyi felt immense pain from the inside, akin to his organs being pricked by hot needles as he gritted his teeth to cope with the pain. This was the hard part, keeping his concentration on while withstanding the torturous pain, especially since he was refining all of the blood vessels.

Even with his great pain tolerance and endurance, it was extremely hard. If Liu Guanyi didn't have the will and desire to give his all on the Martial Way, he would probably lose his focus and die from the blood vessels rupture.

Liu Guanyi continued to endure the pain and refine the blood vessels. He felt that every time he breathed shinsu in the air, it would lessen the pain a bit and also energize him.

It seemed that shinsu had even helped him in the process. Feeling the good effect of shinsu, he had an easier time and tried to flow it into all of the blood vessels.

The effect was immediate! He saw that the inner energy was consumed less, he felt much less pain, and the process became way faster!

Finally, after around an hour, Liu Guanyi managed to finish the process with the help of shinsu. His assumption was correct, this magical substance had many unbelievable effects, especially combined with the inner energy.

From what he had seen and experienced before, shinsu could help in recovering an injury but it couldn't do such a hard task such as restoring damaged organs.

However, combined with his inner energy, it could produce a miracle.

'Maybe, Shinsu will become a key point to unlock and see the path that I had failed to find.' Liu Guanyi pondered deeply.

Liu Guanyi got up from the spot. There were many beads of blood on his skin as some of them fell to the ground, creating a red hue painting on it. He clenched his hands, feeling the newfound power coursing through within the the veins.

He turned toward the massive and thick block of ice and smashed his fist into it!


His fist easily crushed right through the block of ice and shattered it into a million pieces, creating a beautiful shower of glittering tiny crystals in the air!

'This power… it's certainly not a new Nascent Warrior should possess, this level should be similar to a peak Nascent Warrior. How much power I will have when I reached that stage again?' Liu Guanyi silently evaluated as he experienced the extent of his new power firsthand.

Liu Guanyi stopped from his musing and cleaned his body after seeing the blood. He dressed up and walked back to the gigantic ship.

When he arrived at the edge of the ship, he started to run and made a lengthy leap, crossing tens of meters at once.

Then, Liu Guanyi climbed the ship's smooth wall with ease as if he was a monkey climbing a tree. It was the truth though, he had used the monkey style from the animal style to climb expertly like he was a natural-born climber.

In no time, he had finally reached the top ship. After walking for a while, he spotted two familiar figures in the outer area of the ship just a distance away. He walked closer to approach them as they quickly spotted him as well.

"Princess Adori, Xin… what are you two doing here?" Liu Guanyi asked with bafflement.

As Adori was silent, Xin was the one who answered instead. "We finally found you! It has been hours since we started looking for you."

"And why would you look for me? I was simply doing my usual training, only a little bit harder." He said casually.

Hearing this, Xin explained the reason. Since he had given Xin some time to rest from the training, Xin wanted to enjoy it. And Adori thought the same, so they want to take a stroll in the city and invite him to join them.

"So you want to take a stroll as a break and decided to invite me, princess Adori?"

Adori nodded and began to explain. "Yes, it has been more than a month since we have arrived on the 20th floor. However, since you are not ready to take the test yet, we are stuck in this city. Since we mostly spend our time to train, we haven't taken a good look around so I want to see it properly as a break."

Liu Guanyi smiled. "Well, I have just finished my own stuff, so let's enjoy this day together. Maybe we should check out those famous restaurants? I heard that they sell some really tasty and delicious foods."

"Umm, what about seeing the fish contest? I heard that they have some interesting shinheuh on display today. You came from a backward place in the outer tower, right? I am sure you haven't seen it, Mr. Liu. Not only is it beautiful, but I'm sure it will also broaden your knowledge about the tower." Xin quickly suggested.

"Oh, that sounds interesting. Why don't we take some days off to visit the interesting places on this floor? We are going to leave this floor shortly, anyway." Liu Guanyi spoke as a matter of fact.

"Really!? I'll register our schedule then." Xin exclaimed excitedly.

Adori was quite surprised hearing this. He was the one who wanted to stay on the floor extensively, but now after some long training, he suddenly wanted to continue the climbing. She quickly examined him carefully and found that somehow something felt different about him.

"You feel… stronger." Adori said slowly, still unsure about what had changed from him.

Liu Guanyi merely smiled. "Indeed, you can say that I have passed a limit because of my training. That's why we don't need to stay here anymore. Let's pass the test and become… E-ranked regulars."