Chapter 62- Workshop Battle Part 10

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kö or Patreö


In a luxurious, elite, and comfy room. A man in a spotless scientist robe was sitting on a sofa casually. He had short, straight, black hair which was neatly combed to the side. There was a hot cup of coffee on the table as he picked it up every now and then to relish it.

There were many floating screens in front of him as many different images could be seen clearly on them, from many people moving around in parks, restaurants, and swimming pools to armed people walking around inside dark tunnels.

Yep, it was the screens that showed all kinds of activities on Archimedes as they were meant to observe the regulars on the ship and in the test as the host oversaw the overall situation on both ends.

"Ahh, it's always nice to be the host for the Workshop battle. Not only I can slack off for some time, but I will also receive an additional paycheck and earn the higher-ups trust as long as the battle performs exceptionally." Uno sighed in contentment.

Indeed, the man in scientist robe was Uno, the host for the current Workshop battle who was currently enjoying his leisure time in the main control room of Archimedes as he was "diligently and seriously" overseeing the event.

Uno had taken this appointment a couple of times and he was absolutely loving this job.

However, getting the job wasn't exactly easy, he had finally earned this only after working for years as a researcher with incredible performance and some well-packaged bribery with praises for his superiors to smoothen the deal, and finally… voila!

His amazing resume was sent to the great teacher to be recommended as the host of the 30th floor's workshop battle for once.

He was a smart man so he didn't waste the opportunity as he managed the event amazingly, giving him the chance to host the event once again.

Since then, he always hosted the event and never performed poorly so nobody couldn't give an excuse to snatch his position as the host, nope, never. This was his glorious seat, and he wouldn't give it to anyone even if it was the great teacher himself.

Of course, it was a joke!

If it was the great teacher, he would still kiss the great teacher's shoes even if he wanted to kick him off his position. There was no reason to be so stubborn if there was a better choice than being stubborn, after all.

Against such a great figure, he was nothing and couldn't do anything so it was far better for him to just accept whatever the great teacher ordered than suffer a much worse fate for going against his will.

Because this was the way a small person like him could survive in this unforgiving world.

And certainly, Uno wouldn't throw away his life because he was being stubborn over a setback, this didn't mean he wouldn't try to protect his position though.

He simply would let it go if he couldn't defend it as life was about to let go of some things and earn the other things, at least that was what he believed and learned from his long life.

"I wonder if there are some interesting regulars this time. What was it again?" He rubbed his chin as he tried to remember the information.

"Oh, yea, about some princess participating in the event right now, though it's a bit odd since there wasn't any news about it. They are usually acting high and mighty in a high profile manner so it's a bit weird that there wasn't any press about it."

"But it can also just because she's different from your everyday princesses, which means that she's much more exceptional than those spoiled kids."

Those little kids think they are the masters of the tower just because they are chosen as Zahard princesses?" He snorted in derision.

"If they do their due diligence, they should know that only around half of the regular princesses could finish their climbing let alone survive in the dangerous competition in the Zahard family after becoming Rankers."

His mouth curled up into a smirk. "If not, why there are only dozens of Ranker princesses of Zahard after many millenniums if they are chosen every one hundred years? If I can live for thousands of years easily, they should be able to easily live twice my lifespan with the king's gift and greater shinsu quantity."

He shrugged off his head. "Unfortunately, those little kids couldn't see past the fake glory and luxury that their status brings to their lives and understand the reality of being a princess of Zahard truly is."

Uno shrugged off his shoulders casually. "Well… who cares about them? Most of them are dead as nameless characters anyway."

He lifted up his cup of coffee and sipped it elegantly as he savored the taste. "That's why, it's better to have a comfy and stable life to enjoy than being under the spotlight and fight for something that's actually not really worth the trouble."

"Let those big guys take care of their own politics and schemes and I, as a small person, will simply enjoy my time here, unbothered by their shenanigans." He casually sipped his coffee again.

"Well, if she's truly capable, I will certainly see her in the finals. For now, let's just relax since it's still halfway to the time limit so I got plenty of time." He put the cup close to his lips as he was about to sip it again…

"Huh?" Before he stopped it midway as a big notification appeared on all of the computer screens.

"Someone already escaped from the fish tank!?" He exclaimed in disbelief.

"How? It's barely thirty minutes since then. Even if they are really smart and figured out the test from the beginning, they still can't be this fast."

Uno touched his chin as he pondered and spoke. "There must be something else."

Controlling the computer, he quickly looked into the images on the screens.

"This is!?" He was taken by surprise once again as he scrutinized the image of the tunnels.

There were many broken walls in the tunnels which created a straight path to other tunnels and eventually reached one of the correct escape tunnels which were connected to the outside.

"Interesting… no wonder they managed to get out super quickly. As for the one who did it? I don't even need to check it to know them. There's only one person among the E-ranked regulars who can break such thick walls…"

A smile appeared on his face. "It seems that the finals this time will be much more interesting."






Well, since some of you guys managed to guess it quite accurately so here it's the bonus chap. The best credits go to skeithking and chori35 by the way.