Chapter 118- A Beautiful Ending

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The shinsu in the surroundings quickly parted away in two as if something very sharp had cut it apart. A massive, surging wave of white shinsu was created the moment Adori had completed her slash.

The surging wave of white shinsu suddenly changed as it rapidly rushed toward Liu Guanyi. It became countless number of pale-white roses petals that drifted like snowflakes in the winter.

The rose petals congregated and flowed together beautifully in harmony, turning into a magical spiral of countless roses stacking up one another.

However, even though it was beautiful, if one was to entranced by its beauty and ignored its lethality, they would be consumed by it as it suddenly rotated wildly, becoming a pale-white spiral twister of death!

Every gravel, grass, and stone that were unfortunate to be passed by the majestic slash was instantly split and cut into smithereens, turning them into dust, laying destruction and wreaking havoc to everything on its path.

The massive and powerful slash didn't stop its havoc until it reached Liu Guanyi to finally unleash all of its terrifying power upon him and consume him just like everything it touched.

Liu Guanyi was calm. Looking at the terrifying sword slash that ravaged everything on its path, he was unfazed.

He brought both of his hands together and flowed a massive amount of shinsu toward them, creating a small ball of shinsu. He pushed his hands forward and launched the shinsu ball.

Special Shinsu Control Style: Shinwonryu!

The tiny shinsu ball was sent hurtling forward, blocking the spiral torrent of pale roses midair just when it almost reached him.

However, instead of the expected clash of power or the tiny ball completely erased by the unstoppable stream of roses, they only harmlessly touched each other as if both of them weren't destructive energy.

Suddenly, the surging twister of roses stopped in its track as if the time had stopped itself. Then, its petal of roses started to disappear rapidly one by one into the thin air.

The majestic and beautiful pale-white twister of death become smaller and smaller as its countless petals vanished.

And finally, the previously surging torrent whirlwind of roses completely disappeared along with the tiny shinsu ball.

This was the power of Shinwonryu!

Capable of absorbing shinsu in the surroundings, and blowing it up to attack, or to defend by neutralizing even the strongest shinsu attacks as it was able to directly absorb their energy!

This was a higher shinsu control ability exclusive only for irregulars with the privilege to control shinsu in the tower freely without the contract of permission from the floor guardians.

This was Shinwonryu, the gate to the true power of shinsu control!

Adori could only stare fixatedly at the result wordlessly. That sword slash was the most powerful attack in her repertoire.

It contained all fiber of her strength, willpower, energy, and spirit as a swordsman. But it simply disappeared just like that?

It was… unconceivable.

Adori blinked her eyes, yet, what she saw was still the same. Shaking her head, she wondered. If Liu Guanyi could neutralize her most powerful attack so easily, just how powerful he had become?

Just how far the gap between them had become?

She could vividly remember the time when they met for the first time as if it was yesterday. At the time, although Liu Guanyi was powerful and skillful, he was nowhere near her.

However, in just a few decades, now, it was Adori who was nowhere near him.

How quickly the tables had turned.

This left a really bitter sensation in her whole being.

Despite all of her efforts and training that almost matched with his intensity, she was still left far behind in the dust.

Instead of feeling dejected or disheartened by inferiority, however. Adori didn't contain the bitter taste in her heart for long and her lips, bloomed into a pure, breathtaking smile.

Her hands loosened their grip as the sword fell to the ground and broke apart into particles of white light.

Her body finally relaxed and staggered forward as Adori didn't have the energy to stand anymore.

Before she plummeted forward, a hand held her shoulder and another grabbed her back. Adori looked upward and saw Liu Guanyi looking at her gently with a soft smile.

He held her broken and battered body gently and carefully. "It was a good fight. Now, just rest, Adori." Liu Guanyi whispered reassuringly as he looked at her softly with a smile.

Hearing the sweet whisper and feeling his warm body, Adori finally relaxed her body, and as the exhaustion set in, she didn't resist anymore and let herself fall into the cold embrace of darkness.

Liu Guanyi lifted up her body and carried her body in a gentle princess carry.

After scanning her body for a moment, and deeming that her condition wasn't critical, Liu Guanyi quickly walked away.

. . . . . .

Xin had been watching the fight between them the whole time. Honestly, he felt thrilled and excited, yet also shocked witnessing the incredible fight, especially near the end of it.

Instead of a fight between two C-ranked regulars, Xin felt that it was more of a fight between two powerful Rankers.

Both Liu Guanyi's and Adori's abilities had already far surpassed what the best of C, B, and also even those of A-ranked regulars!

From the speed, battle techniques, power, shinsu control, endurance, and even split-second decision making, everything was top-notch.

Of course, those were overshadowed by their destructive capability as they had completely wrecked the surrounding areas in the fight, especially that last attack from Adori.

It was ridiculous that a mere C-ranked regular could have so much power to be able to dish out such a powerful attack that only Rankers should have been able to do.

Xin thought that she would finally be able to land a decisive hit after being at a disadvantage the whole time, however, he didn't expect that Liu Guanyi would do something even more incredulous to counter her powerful attack.

He only created a single, small bang of shinsu, and suddenly such powerful attack vanished into nothingness?!

Xin had never seen such ungodly shinsu control, it was utterly preposterous! Such a feat was a direct violation of the basic understanding of shinsu itself.

As long as the type of shinsu wasn't the direct counter of the other, it must be comparable in bang, myun, and soo to neutralize the other one.

However, Liu Guanyi only used such a small shinsu to instantly neutralize a shinsu attack with such a great amount and intensity with such ease.

If Xin didn't witness it in person, he would never think and believe that such something like that was possible.

Even Adori couldn't help but stare blankly when her attack had disappeared just like that.

Was this the power of an irregular? Was this what made them special?

"Xin, let's return. We need to take care of her." A voice resounded near him and broke his reverie.

"Ah! Alright." Xin answered promptly as he broke out of his reverie.

Liu Guanyi patted his shoulder lightly. "No need to be surprised, just continue to work hard. You might not be able to catch up to us anytime soon, but you could become the best regular after us."

Xin only stood there solemnly, thinking about his words. Liu Guanyi didn't say anything more, passed him, and continued walking.

Looking at the beautiful girl who seemed to have slept soundly and comfortably in his arms, Liu Guanyi's mouth curled up into a smile.

Every piece now had come into the right places. What he only needed was to turn the gears on to let them work as planned.

'Everything has ended beautifully, hasn't it?'