Chapter 125- Mock Battle

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A blue lighthouse was flying above in the air, overlooking the dense population of trees below. On top of the lighthouse, a graceful white-haired woman sat casually.

Parts of her body that wasn't covered up by her robe was wrapped in bandages up to her neck. Her head calmly looked below as her eyes stared at the scenery below.


Suddenly, one of the trees shook and broke apart, creating a loud noise, and shrouded the area in clouds of dust as it hit the ground hard.

When the dust receded, a yellow-haired, medium-statured young man could be seen struggling to get up from the broken tree.

However, before he could even get up properly, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him and kicked his chest, sending him flying uncontrollably hitting the trees and going through them, destroying every tree he passed through in a straight line until he finally stopped as a thick and big tree managed to stop his momentum.

"Ugh…" Xin let out a groan as his body jolted in pain. He felt numbness all over his body, and he could hardly move his body as it became so heavy.

"What is it, Xin? You can't just stay there idle like that. Your enemy won't be so kind to give you any free time to recover, will they? Or maybe they will if they are stupid enough." Liu Guanyi approached him slowly as he spoke with a playful tone.

"However, I am not as stupid as that, and you know that well, right, Xin?" Said Liu Guanyi as his body moved in front of him in an instant.

Liu Guanyi picked Xin up and tossed his body up in the air. He rotated his fist casually as Xin began to fall, and when he was about to fall to his height, Liu Guanyi threw his fist at his head.

However, before it managed to connect, Xin summoned his lighthouse right under his body and used it to change his course midair, making Liu Guanyi's fist hit the lighthouse instead, breaking it apart effortlessly.

Using this split-second moment, Xin reinforced his hand with shinsu and jabbed his fingers toward Liu Guanyi's left eye. Anticipating this, Liu Guanyi only moved his head slightly, making his fingers hit his hard forehead instead.


The loud sound of creaking bones reverberated in the area, making him clenched his teeth in pain.

Losing his opportunity, Xin jumped off the ground and backed away quickly.

Grabbing his broken fingers, he endured the pain and straightened his fingers before wrapping them with a cloth, and tying them up.

Then, Xin put up his guard and watched the smiling, jet-black-haired figure warily.

As expected of Liu Guanyi, he couldn't take him by surprise at all. Moreover, his body was also as tough as hell. No matter what he did, Xin couldn't harm him at all.

Xin wasn't even sure that his attacks would even work on his soft tissues. Hell he wasn't even sure that poking his eyes would work.

Unfortunately, this was his only best shot, not that Liu Guanyi would allow him again.

At this moment, he realized how tough Adori really was and how far the gap between him and her was, and even with her best ability, she could only graze Liu Guanyi and was defeated by him easily in the end.

No matter how he looked, fighting against Liu Guanyi was just plain impossible.

Xin even speculated that he was already much stronger than the common Rankers that they had met in their journey who served as the tests administrators.

Fortunately, this was merely training and not a real battle. What Xin needed to do here was to do his best, not to win or survive the fight.

If close combat was impossible and suicidal, then a long-ranged battle was the obvious answer!

Channeling shinsu around his body, Xin created moderate-sized ten bangs. He controlled them finely and changed their form into a sharp needle with yellow color.

Shinsu Control Style: Yellow Needles!

Each of the ten yellow shinsu needles floated in the air and pointed their sharp end at Liu Guanyi. With a wave of his hand, they quickly rushed toward him in a torrent.

Liu Guanyi responded with one shinsu control of his own. With only a flick of his fingers, he created more than a dozen of blue shinsu spheres that quickly spread out to block each of the yellow needles.

They collided against each other in a flash of blue and yellow.

Xin's yellow shinsu overpowered Liu Guanyi's blue shinsu, but since there were more of the blue shinsu sphere, they managed to rival the yellow needles' superior piercing power and neutralized them as both of them disappeared.

Seeing this, Xin wasn't discouraged and ran circling Liu Guanyi, rapidly sending a barrage of his yellow shinsu attacks from every direction.

Liu Guanyi calmly stood his ground as he controlled the shinsu skillfully. Every time the yellow needle closed on him, a blast of blue shinsu would quickly intercept and destroy it before it touched him.

The stalemate lasted for a few rounds before Xin wisely decided to stop it as it wasn't working in his favor at all knowing that fighting a drawn-out battle against Liu Guanyi was the height of stupidity.

Inhaling a long breath, Xin drew a lot of his energy reserves and channeled it within his hands.

A massive shinsu ball appeared within his hands. Xin exerted his control on it, and it quickly became more and more condensed until it finally became a thin disk with a deep yellow color.

Xin rushed toward Liu Guanyi as he leaped into the air, and pushed his palms forward.

Shinsu Control Amplification Style: Yellow Chakram of Reversion!

The disk launched forward and flew toward Liu Guanyi at a breakneck speed. Many blue spheres quickly appeared in its way and blocked it.

However, the disk effortlessly split all of them apart and arrived upon him in a blink of an eye.

Liu Guanyi reacted quickly and turned his body, managing to dodge the disk very closely. However, before he could relax, it suddenly turned back and was heading toward his ear.

Without any time to dodge, the yellow spinning chakram managed to strike true at its target!