Chapter 141- Dangerous Situation

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Hearing Liu Guanyi's warning, Adori and Xin hastened themselves as they boosted their bodies with shinsu, enhancing their limbs as they began to rapidly ascend the steep walls.

Although it was very to climb the walls as the earthquake was still ongoing, they seemed to handle it pretty easily, especially Liu Guanyi as he ran on the wall very quickly as if he wasn't climbing a steep wall but running on a straight path instead!

Every time his feet stepped on the wall, they created a crack as the rocks crumbled under his steps. He wasn't holding back on his speed to reach the top as fast as possible.

Sensing this, Theo who had been freeloading on Liu Guanyi's shoulder couldn't hold his astonishment from forming on his face. His previous feeling and judgment about Liu Guanyi weren't wrong, he was indeed special like his powerful aura had suggested.

The rocks were falling to the ground at a faster pace as they continued to ascend.

With his powerful senses and sight, Liu Guanyi calculated that they would need at least one minute to ascend all the way to the top and reach the previous tunnel.

However, even if they did would that be enough for them to avoid being buried under the rocks in the eventual avalanche?

What if the earthquake didn't only affect this tunnel but also affected the entire whole route of tunnels marked by the Rankers which included all the tunnels they had traversed?

If that was the case, then merely reaching the previous tunnel wouldn't save them at all as the earthquake would collapse the whole section of tunnels before they would be able to escape out of here, and if that happened, more than a million metric tons worth of gravel and rock would fall upon them, crushing them into meat paste and buried them thousands of meters deep underground.

If he used everything that he had, Liu Guanyi could probably survive such a disaster at a huge cost. However, that was a big if. And even so, Adori and Xin would most definitely be unable to withstand the collision of a such massive weight and survive it.

As Liu Guanyi pondered the situation, suddenly a big chunk of the ceiling fell apart due to the powerful tremor and was coming down toward him.

From the size of the mineral alone that was dozens of meters big, it was easy to estimate how heavy it was, and combined with its hardness and speed as it was pulled by gravity, it was a terrifying object capable of crushing anything unlucky enough to be on its way.

Liu Guanyi, however, only pulled his fist back as he channeled his shinsu into it, making his fist swirled by shimmering blue water-like substances.

As the rock move closer, he launched his fist forward as he released all the energy that was charged and contained within the punch toward the rock, creating a massive and beautifully calm blue shockwave of shinsu.

Shinsu Control Style: Water Drop!

The blue shockwave crashed into the rock and enveloped it, spreading its blue waves into the air. It consumed the rock and erased the small falling rocks into nothingness.

However, that was only the start as more and more gigantic rocks started to fall upon them as the tunnel ceiling was begun to rapidly break apart faster and faster.

Sensing the gigantic rocks that were falling toward them, Adori brandished her sword as Liu Guanyi also prepared his fists again.

Arie Sword Style: Fluttering Roses!

Adori swung her sword as dozens of white horizontal sword slashes came out of her sword and spread apart like a fluttering rose in the air.

Each of the sword slashes flew straight toward every falling rock accurately and shredded them into pieces as they continued to cut even more of the falling rocks.

Shinsu Control Style: Rain Drops!

Liu Guanyi quickly followed as his fists struck the air repeatedly, sending a blue calm shockwave each time, creating a torrent of blue streaks that immersed the smaller pieces of rocks that had been cut by Adori and the rest that managed to escape her slash.

However, even after destroying them didn't solve the problem as the ground shook even stronger, as Liu Guanyi could see the cracks on the ceiling quickly spread apart, stretching far and wide, sending off even many more, bigger rocks raining down on them.

Enhancing his eyesight with lifeforce, Liu Guanyi could easily see far into the darkness as he saw the top of the walls were already closing in as the rocks and minerals had started to block them up.

Seeing this, his thoughts quickly collided in his mind as he calculated the best action he could take.

With his powerful strength, he could certainly destroy all of the rocks blocking the path.

However, this wasn't the major problem.

The major problem was if this entrance was already affected this much by the avalanche, it was very likely that the higher tunnels that they had previously passed were likely to be affected even worse, as it was easier to destroy the tunnels from the higher part closer to the surface than directly targeting the lower part.

Meaning, that his previous assessment was extremely likely correct.

Even if they did escape from this tunnel, they would still be buried when they reached the previous tunnel.

Understanding this well, Liu Guanyi stopped ascending as shinsu flowed into both of his hands and put all of his fingers together, and stabbed the hard rocky wall with the tip of his fingers.

Like a hot knife slicing through butter, Liu Guanyi easily carved a hole inside of the wall.

"A change of plan, your highness! We need to take shelter inside the wall if we don't want to be squashed into a meat paste under the avalanche!" Liu Guanyi said loudly as he continued to carve out a passage into the wall.

Adori and Xin quickly understood as they stopped near him and began to help in making the hole inside the wall. They did the process cautiously and patiently under the pressure, disregarding the rocks that were raining down upon them unless they were big enough to harm them.

It was a race against time. They had to create a hole that was wide enough for them to go in but also sturdy enough to not break down when the avalanche reached its peak.

As the ceiling cracked and creaked, falling down almost entirely, they had managed to finish carving the hole and quickly gone into it before the massive rocks and minerals crashed into the tunnel, destroying and collapsing the tunnel itself.