Chapter 144- Exploration 2

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With the martial technique, Liu Guanyi was able to analyze every single piece of information and detail that all of his senses had captured, from what he saw with his eyes, a slight reverberation that he felt on his feet, the various distinct scents that his nose picked up, and the soundwaves in the air that couldn't escape his ears.

His brain worked immensely to process and reorganize all of the information before Liu Guanyi analyze every single of them in his mind. Although it seemed to take a long time, it was actually but a second in real-time.

With all of the information organized, Liu Guanyi was able to find the best route for him to take and immediately went toward it following and trusting the input of information from all of his five senses, no!

Six senses including the shinsu sense, though it wasn't as far-reaching as his other senses.

Dashing on the messy and uneven ground due to the avalanche, Liu Guanyi nimbly moved his way through the fallen rocks, boulders, and the other obstacles, leaving the increasing rat swarm far behind him.

. . . . .

"Now get back on your feet, it's time for you to show your worth." Liu Guanyi spoke as he casually threw the person on his shoulder to the ground like a sack of potatoes without a care.

"Ugh!" After being baggage and freeloading on Liu Guanyi's shoulder for a long time without paying, even though it wasn't comfortable, he had grown adapted to it. So, Theo was caught off guard when his bottom landed on the hard and pointy rock harshly.

However, not wanting to test Liu Guanyi's patience, the scout didn't dare to complain and quickly got up on his feet.

"Since you are a scout, your job is obviously to go ahead of me and do reconnaissance. So, after I have to save you worthless ass from all of these crazed Shinheuh, you will better do something useful or I won't even bother with you anymore." Said Liu Guanyi coldly.

Liu Guanyi smiled lightly. "And you know what that means, right? Good luck trying to go the surface and survive with all of those Shinheuh around."

"D-don't worry sir, I will do it properly this time, really!" Theo answered with a hint of fear though he made his voice sound as firm as possible.

Indeed, after they had lost the rat swarm, it didn't mean they were safe.

When Liu Guanyi enhanced all of his senses, he had found out astonishing information, they were countless creatures moving chaotically in every direction!

It seemed that the earthquake didn't just stir the rats but also other species of Shinheuh, driving them all to panic and become crazed as they burst out of their hiding. Even those harmless bugs that they had previously met had also gone mad and attacked them.

That was why Liu Guanyi had to carry the scout around and ran for more than an hour before they could finally take a breather.

If Liu Guanyi didn't carry him, the scout would be dead as he couldn't hope to navigate the dark tunnel as well as him nor outrun the overwhelming number of Shinheuh from all directions.

The scout still had his some uses so he couldn't let him die yet.

Looking at their surroundings, the underground tunnel was still as dark and as confusing as ever as in just around them, Liu Guanyi could see there were more than six branching paths.

Although he could use his senses to guess what were these paths about more or less, it was still not as clear as if he had seen by himself so he didn't know where they were going to lead.

That was why Liu Guanyi still needed Theo. Even if he couldn't traverse the dark and complicated tunnel network with much as Liu Guanyi, he could still guide the way with his experience. This would save him much more time.

"Theo, I know that there's still something that you are hiding from us." Liu Guanyi said as he looked at the scout.

"However, think about it. Right now, we are trapped in the underground, not knowing whether when will get out from here. You know her highness, herself, right? She won't let us get out of here before we manage to capture one of the death worms. It is related to the floor test, after all."

"With the earthquake and avalanche, the Shinheuh that were previously calm and doing their own business have suddenly become stirred and enraged, making the situation extremely chaotic. We were pretty lucky to avoid some of the earlier surge of Shinheuh but we might not be so lucky next time."

"The longer we stay here, the greater the risk we have to face." Explained Liu Guanyi calmly.

"If you don't cooperate with us, it will only give you a hard time for yourself. I don't care about the fact that you have tried to trick us. As long as you do your best from now on, I will give my best words to her highness to forgive you. We will pay you your due and you can still enjoy the paycheck you got from the Rankers. Pretty nice deal, don't you think?" Said Liu Guanyi with a reassuring smile.

"It's useless. The Rankers won't let me off since I have failed it anyway even if survive this ordeal. So what use are all these credits for? I am just going to die one way or another in the end." Theo spoke with a tired voice as he put on a wry smile.

"You aren't that bright, aren't you? You can just lay low and stay hidden for a few decades in this desert or anywhere safe after this. Since you have failed the task, the Rankers will just assume that you are exposed and already dead in our hands so they won't put much effort to investigate the case."

"When things have calmed down, you can come out of your hiding to continue climbing the tower with another identity. It's just that simple." Explained Liu Guanyi coolly.

Hearing this, the scout became silent, seemingly pondering hard over his words.

"Alright, I'll do it. Just make sure that you will keep your promise." Said Theo solemnly as he clenched his hands.

"Don't worry, I am well-known for always keeping my promise." Liu Guanyi said seriously with a smile that looked very sincere.

"Alright, now, lead the way. I'll protect your back."

"Got it, sir." Theo curtly answered as he looked to the six pathways with a serious and calm face. He had thrown away all pretenses, it was now time for him to truly show his skill as a top C-ranked scout!