Chapter 177- A Weird Place Part 4

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"Well, I guess I am lucky that I am being disowned by my family then. At least I managed to get out of there before I was infected with their insufferable attitude and became wasted like them." Xin commented casually with a smile.

"Correction, you were insufferable but now have become better. However, you are still wasted since you always slack on your training." Adori said with a smirk.

"Hooh? Then what about you, princess? Don't act like you are always being good. Weren't you also often act like a prick yourself?" Xin retaliated with fervor.

Both of them bickered for a while as Little White continued to run with gusto. The tiger grunted as she seemed to be annoyed with their worthless squabble.

These two hoomans had been freeloading on her back while she was doing all the work.

Now, they even dared to bicker on top of her and annoyed her? Unfortunately, she could do nothing against the smallest hooman let alone the white-haired hooman.

Also, she was a smart, loyal, and most importantly, awesome tiger!

She would show the amazing hooman who was the most useful one compared to the two hoomans that just freeloaded and wasted space and oxygen.

While Little White was having her own thoughts, seeing the two were bickering, a smile curled up on Liu Guanyi's face. Although it looked like they were currently having an argument, it wasn't the case at all.

So far, Adori's and Xin's relationship had become much better than two decades ago.

Adori didn't ignore Xin's existence anymore as she often trained him to support Liu Guanyi's cause, though she seemed to be quite disappointed with his result.

Meanwhile, Xin had grown up a lot both mentally and physically and learned a lot from both of them so he could act more calmly and confidently so he actually wasn't really offended by her joke anymore.

Hence, they often joked and bickered to lighten the mood or just to have fun. There weren't many things entertainment around when they do the floor tests and the tests also took a long time to accomplish from weeks to months each.

Also, when they weren't taking the tests, they always spent most, if not all of their time, training and improving themselves so joking and chatting became their main way to entertain themselves in their spare time.

"Alright, guys!" Liu Guanyi cleaned his throat and spoke as the two immediately stopped bickering and turned their attention at him.

Liu Guanyi smiled. "Well, even though they make our life hard as regulars since they behave like that, when we finally become Rankers, their wasted and careless attitude will help us immensely instead."

"They probably wouldn't care about tiny ripples we are going to create since they are too aloof and too lazy to step down from their perch high above in the sky." Liu Guanyi said as he dragged his finger across Little White's fur in a circular pattern, creating small circles as the fur he touched became depressed.

"With that, we will be able to create even more tiny ripples that will create even more tiny ripples and merge together to eventually become a massive ripple before they could even do anything or react." Liu Guanyi ended as he linked all the small circles to become a large circle.

"As expected of you, Mr. Liu, your wisdom never fails to awe me! Just as you said, there's no need to correct or stop your rivals and enemies from making their own mistakes." Xin grinned and spoke with enthusiasm.

"You are right, it does make things easier." Said Adori casually with a thin smile.

"However, to really leverage their arrogance and negligence and profit off of those pompous nobles, we need someone who can penetrate deep into their inner circles. To put it simply, we need an insider that we can trust and has a high enough position." Liu Guanyi said as he took a good look at Adori and Xin.

"That's hard isn't it, Mr. Liu? Finding someone who is trustworthy but also capable enough or has strong connections so they can mingle with the inner circles of the ten great families is even harder than looking for a needle in a haystack." Said Xin.

"Indeed." Answered Liu Guanyi calmly.

Then, he turned to look at Adori who sported a meaningful grin on her face. "But we have a suitable candidate to do that job here, right, Adori?" Liu Guanyi said with a smile.

"Indeed. Truly, you still have a lot to learn, Xin." Adori smiled and spoke to Xin with

"What it's you?!" Xin exclaimed dramatically.

However, he quickly rubbed his chin and thought about it. "Hmm, it does make sense though with your position as a princess of Zahard and all."

Xin turned toward Adori and. "However, the question is, can you really do it, princess? Or you will mess up on the way?" He spoke seriously and emphasized his tone.

Adori simply smiled and spoke nonchalantly. "Don't worry, Xin. I am not like you, I am more than up to the task, right, Liu?"

Liu Guanyi didn't answer her and simply laughed lightly. However, Xin didn't seem impressed as he looked at him intently, waiting for his real evaluation of Adori's claim.

Liu Guanyi understood the look that Xin was giving him and spoke with a reassuring tone. "No need to worry, Xin. Adori is more than capable you have seen it over the years with your own eyes, haven't you? I know I can trust her capabilities."

Hearing this, Xin could only nod lightly while Adori lips curled up into a relaxed smile. Although she didn't show it, she seemed to be happy to hear Liu Guanyi's positive answer.

"What Adori needs is just that last bit of oomph to cement her position and importance to make the plan work. And we can get this little push by obtaining one of the thirteen months." Liu Guanyi stated calmly.