Chapter 192- Understanding The Darkness

Hearing the long story, Liu Guanyi had a thoughtful expression on his face as he digested the information within the story. Although Adori was also silent, it was clear that she was thinking about it deeply as well.

If what the village head told was true, then it would change everything in Liu Guanyi's plan and most likely, the current situation they were in, and also the floor test they were undergoing.

This meant that the current soil they stepped on, was actually the most FUG infested land in the whole tower!

The Mirchea Region, the birthplace of the leader of FUG and its first and most powerful and influential slayer, Grace Mirchea Luslec!

Liu Guanyi and Adori had once looked on the ranking list of the top 100 High Rankers according to the Ranker Administration Office, a branch organization of the Zahard Empire that was established to monitor and evaluate the ranks of Rankers and High Rankers.

Even though Their main office was located on the highest current explored floor of the tower, the 134th floor, they had a branch office on each floor that could serve Rankers who want to test themselves against the test Rankers to determine their ranks.

Or, if they were dissatisfied with the current ranks the Ranker Administration Office gave them, they could also challenge those test Rankers to correct their ranks.

The ranking of the Rankers and High Rankers was determined from three major aspects, their own personal battle strength, wealth, influence, and lastly, their authority in the tower.

Although Liu Guanyi only checked once, he had an impeccable memory. He knew pretty well what kind of rank Grace Mirchea Luslec had…

He was Ranked at the grand position of top 11 in the whole tower!

So it was pretty for Liu Guanyi to imagine what kind of influence, wealth, and power he wielded within his hands in the tower.

If the words of "Millenniums old ancient and powerful being" could be given to describe someone, then Luslec was definitely worthy of that description.

He was one of the beings that truly stood at the top of the tower.

Liu Guanyi believed this without any shred of doubt.

But there was something more to him than that, he was also the leader of FUG, meaning that he was the one that represented those who hated and were hostile against the current government of Zahard Empire and the ten great families.

They were the antithesis of the current order. In other words, if the Zahard Empire and the ten great families were akin to light, then they would be the darkness.

And Luslec represented this darkness.

Hence, even though according to the record the village head spoke of, he was weaker compared to the leaders of the ten great families in terms of power, he was still ranked even higher than some of them simply due to his influence and significance.

Unfortunately, Liu Guanyi knew he was still too weak at the moment so thinking too much about this was useless. He understood that he was still far from being qualified to meddle in the matters of those at the top.

If the entire tower was akin to a huge and more complicated chessboard, then those like king Zahard, the leaders of the ten great families and Luslec were the players while, their organizations and forces were their chess pieces.

And Liu Guanyi was far from being qualified to play the chessboard as a player.

At best, right now, he was still a peon that was being played by them on the chessboard. Indeed, just a peon as he was still inadvertently affected by whenever any of them moved their pieces and couldn't yet stand firmly against their moves.

However, he wasn't just a peon, he was a peon that was racing to the edge of the chessboard, having the potential to turn into something else more than just a peon.

What he would turn into?

A knight? A bishop?

A rook? A queen?

Or a king?

Or would he able to break free from the constrain of the chessboard and become something else entirely, such as a player? Or… something much greater?

Liu Guanyi softly exhaled his breath, no need to be so worked up yet. Although he was interested to get to the top quickly to be able to compete with these ancient and great beings, he could certainly wait patiently a few thousand years to develop and find the next path of the Martial Way before doing it.

Now, moved on to the current predicament.

This floor was probably very dangerous and most likely, the test this time wouldn't be easy. After all, Liu Guanyi knew that this wasn't actually the real formal floor test that they should have taken but actually a problem that appeared in the middle area that the green-haired lazy test administrator from the Phonsecal family shifted to them as a test.

Since he was too lazy, he simply shifted his own problem to them and expected them to wipe his ass? What a waste.

If they really encountered a problem that shouldn't be faced for regulars, Liu Guanyi would give him and the current Floor Ruler a proper payback in the future. He had a great memory after all, so he wasn't worried that he would forget them later.

After all, even if the Ranker gave them this task since it didn't seem dangerous and was merely a trifle out of his laziness, anything could happen in this FUG infested land, especially dangerous things considering the reputation that FUG had.

He wasn't a vengeful person, not at all.

However, giving away their problem to a group of regulars just because they were too lazy to fix it personally and expend their energy just to sleep? Liu Guanyi wouldn't forgive such an action, especially if it was done to him.

If there was a certain group of people that Liu Guanyi sincerely dislike, it was privileged and lazy people that burdened others.









I know that Luslec is ranked in the top 15 but remember that in this chapter, this is still 5000 years before the canon. Hence, Phantamium who is number 1, Urek Mazino who is number 3, Adori and Enne who are both in number 7, and Baek Ryun who is number 9, haven't appeared yet. Or in the case of Adori and Enne, they haven't become top High Rankers yet.