Road To Battle

"Have you been hired, Kentaro?" the person asking was the guard who escorted him. He knew the answer but he asked nonetheless.

"Yes, I have been hired by the lord. I am very excited to begin working"

"It is good to have someone like you on our side, follow me. I will bring you to the district of mercenary's" Kentaro followed the guard for a second time.

"Tell me friend, who fights against the Kusa clan?" Kentaro was curious to know, where they the renowned Uchiha clan or the Senju, the clan with a thousand skills.

"Don't worry Kentaro, I will tell you later." Kentaro didn't mind and just followed the guard.

They turned left, right and then right and then left, Kentaro was getting dizzy from all these turns.

But they finally arrived. This place was where the mercenaries working for the Kusa clan lived. Everything seemed cool and chill here.

For the time being that's where he would live. The guard led Kentaro a little bit further to the armory.

"Kentaro, take this chainmail armor top, this is our clan's uniform. you are a mercenery so take this bracelet and put it always on."

Taking everything that was given to him, Kentaro felt that it was getting serious now. No more jokes, he would go killing and maybe get killed.

"Come, I will show you your room" the guard brought him to the barracks. The barrack had ten rooms. each room had to be shared by two mercenaries.

"Before I go, I will explain you the situation of the clan. Our lord wants the control of the whole territory that is filled with grass and mushroom forests.

But another lord has hired a barbaric clan to get rid of our presence in the territory.

The Kaguya clan fights savagely, they are adepts of futon techniques and only a select few have inherited the clans kekkei genkai, the Shikotsumyaku, which allows them to manipulate their bones at will."

Fuck, from all the clans he could have faced he had to fall with Kimimaro's clan.

The guard resumed. "Our clan has control over the north where there are mostly grass fields. The Kaguya clan has control over the south where there are mostly mushroom forests."

With his doton techniques, Kentaro had an advantage in forests, but he didn't know what Chakra affinity the members of the kusa clan used.

"Say, what Chakra affinity does the shinobi of the Kusa clan use?"

"We use a little bit of everything. Some have water affinity while others earth, It depends from person to person."

After having said this, the guard left. Leaving Kentaro alone with his new roommate.

"Hey, are you my new roommate?" an excited voice rang in the ears of Kentaro. Turning himself towards the voice, he saw a young woman.

"Hello, my name is Kentaro Fujimoto haha. Yes, I am your new roommate." he wasn't expecting to meet such a beauty in a mercenary district inside a castle town.

He had to play it cool and show off his manliness. Kentaro began scratching his head and while doing it, he flexed his biceps.

"Nice to meet you Kentaro, I am Nanako Mitsuri, just call me Nanako." she had a lovely voice, she was short and her hair was tied in a bun.

Why was such a young woman working as a mercenary, it was weird to Kentaro.

"Nanako, have you already faced the Kaguya clan members?"

Nanako nodded to Kentaro. "Yes, I have already faced them. They are really scary, the two red dots that are next to each eyebrow makes them even more menacing."

He didn't give a shit if they were scary or not, he wanted to know the average power they possessed.

"No Nanako, I want to know how strong they are. What is the extent of power that an average member yields."

"They are very strong physically, each member knows how to use taijutsu proficiently. They are adepts at futon techniques and only a handful can use the Shikotsumyaku."

Indeed, strong warriors they are. But the thing with the Kaguya clan is that they never engage in battle with a tactic, they just charge.

Kentaro knew that this could be a great advantage in battle. He could place traps and they would just charge in.

"Kentaro, tomorrow we will be sent to scout in the south, so rest well today"

If he said that he wasn't worried it would be a lie. He had talked too much about being exited over fighting against other shinobi.

The day passed quickly and the nightsky had taken its place. Kentaro had trouble sleeping, he couldn't stop but to think about tomorrow.

Will he see comrades die? Will he lose an arm? Will he be killing kids? Will he be killed?

So much was in his mind, finally Kentaro had no choice but to fall asleep.

The sun hung high in the sky and the sound of horses squeeling woke Kentaro immediately up.

It reminded him of the horrible scene he witnessed in the forest. When the skinny horse got... Ohh forget it, Kentaro had developed a PTSD because of this.

"Good morning Kentaro, put your clothes on, don't forget to wear the chainmail armor top under the clan's uniform."

Putting the chainmail armor top on him, Kentaro then wore the yellow uniform. It had short sleeves, his whole forearm was visible and so were the chainmails covering this area, not forgetting his straw hat, he exited the room but was called back.

"Kentaro, you forgot your bracelet!"

Nanako already saved him once. Without this bracelet he would be in trouble and he doesn't even know why.

The clan distributed breakfast to the mercenaries. After the breakfast, groups were formed by Kusa clan members.

Kentaro was with Nanako and two other guys. "Attention please! Groups of four have been formed, every group will be led by one Kusa clan member into the territory of the Kaguya clan."

Every group had one leader. The leader of Kentaro's group was Sora Kusa, a veteran of the battlefield.

After being given a horse, all the groups went to different directions down south. Once they go one kilometer south of Hayakama village, they will officially be in enemy territory.

Kentaro had gotten over his worriness and was now more than determined.

"let's show those Kaguya clan bastards what I'm made of!"