
Hatsu was feeling uncomfortable, she was seeing Kentaro in front of his angry father. He was surely gonna get grounded.

"My son, YOU ARE A SHINOBI and a powerful one at that. You cannot cry for the death of a little boy who you only knew for a couple of days."

Kentaro felt very attacked by his father's statement.

"Ryu and his family where good people they didn't hav-"

Tetsuo slammed his hand on the table, shutting Kentaro immediately up.

"I don't give a shit about who they were or how nice they were! You must have character! As a shinobi you only have the permission to cry for your parents or childrens death. And if they die bravely on the battlefield, you do not have the permission to cry!"

Kentaro didn't say anything and looked to the ground not daring to look at his father.

"When you were away, your grandfather died in battle against the Kamizuru clan. Did I cry? NO! Because he died with honor, he died a warrior's death and this is the greatest blessing for a shinobi."

Kentaro wasn't sure what to think about this new information. He had met his grandfather, Hideo, in the land of grass. He was gentle but very authoritive.

"Not only did you cry but you also lost all rationality and charged in Kaguya territory without thinking when invading the south. A lot of clansmen died because of you.

Kentaro from now on you are forced to stay here in the village until further notice."

Kentaro accepted his punishment, he felt very guilty now that he heard all that. He overreacted over Ryu's death, it was because of his lack of experience.

"I understand father, I will fortify my spirit to keep my emotions in check in the future."

Tetsuo was satisfied to here this response. He looked at Hatsu and asked who is was.

"Kentaro, who is she?"

"She is Hatsu Namikaze, she and her grandma saved my life after my battle against Madara. They fed me and took care of my wounds."

"Thank you for having taken care of my unfilial son. You have fed him and taken care of him, we will do the same with you here, Hatsu."

Hatsu was very happy that she finally was kind of accepted here, because what Habiki had said earlier made her worry.

"Thank you very much clan leader."

Tetsuo gestured his hands to show that it's nothing.

"Don't call me clan leader, Hatsu. You can call me father-in-law."

Tetsuo tried to lighten the mood up after all the shouting.

Hatsu began blushing and playing nervously with her fingers, it was a funny sight to behold.

"Hatsu, you can live with us in the same house, Kentaro will bring you there to meet his mother."

Kentaro and Hatsu leaved Tetsuo's office in the direction of their residence.

It was a big house with a yard and beautiful flowers. From what Kentaro could remember, his mother planted the flowers herself.

Kentaro knocked on the door, it was opened by a little girl not older than four.

"Fumiko! I told you not to open the door when someone knocks."

Behind the little Fumiko stood a middle aged woman. She had long and beautiful black hair, just like Kentaro.

Kentaro knew who it was. It was weird to him, but when he saw her, he felt so connected to her. Yes, he loved this woman from the bottom of his heart.

"Oh... It's you... My son, Kentaro."

The woman hugged him hard, so hard that he found it difficult to breath.

She was crying, crying from happiness and relievness.

"My son, I was so worried everyday for the past four years. You must never do this to me again my son, do never leave me for so long."

Kentaro was sad. He had left for so long at least that's what everyone says.

Kentaro hugged his mom and kissed her on the head.

"I'm so happy to see you back mother. Who is this little girl?"

Fumiko was hiding behind Kentaro's mother and looking warily at Kentaro's menacing scarface.

"She is Fukimo, your sister, Kentaro. She is four years old, so she never saw you and only heard about you when your father recounted some of the foolish things you did when you were little."

Kentaro lowered himself and interacted with Fumiko for the first time.

"Hello, Fumiko! I am Kentaro, your big brother. Come give me a little hug, haha."

Fumiko looked at Kentaro closely and asked him a very important question.

"Are you really my big brother?"

Kentaro nodded and seeing the confirmation, Fumiko jumped in his arms.

The two began laughing crazely and entered the house together.

Hatsu was left alone in front of the door with Kentaro's mother.

"Hello madam, My name is Hatsu Namikaze. I have accompanied Kentaro back to here."

Kentaro's mother welcomed her with a big smile.

"Nice to meet you Hatsu, call me Yuka. Enter please, make yourself home."

Hatsu entered with Yuka. The house was very big and was decorated with lots of plants and flowers.

In the living room Kentaro was playing with Fumiko, she was trying to jump on top of him while he was dodging.

Hatsu could see the happiness in his face, it made her happy to see him like this.

"Hatsu, you carry lots of bags. Put them here in the kitchen."

Hatsu and Yuka were trying to learn each other while cooking the food.

Kentaro had played for one hour straight with Fumiko, she had a lot of energy.

The door of the house opened and it was Kentaro's father, Tetsuo.

Fumiko ran towards him and hugged him too.

"Welcome home, father! Look, look big brother is home! Hahaha."

Tetsuo took Fumiko in his arms and greeted everyone in the house.

Now that Fumiko was with his father, Kentaro was left alone he chose to check the system shop.

'System shop'




Wind style Jutsus: 100 000p

Lightning style jutsus: 100 000p

Lava style jutsus: 15 000 000p

Vapor style jutsus: 15 000 000p

Wood style jutsus: 200 000 000p


Lightning affinity: 125 000p

Wind affinity: 75 000p

Lava affinity: 15 000 000p

Vapor affinity: 15 000 000p

Wood affinity: 200 000 000p


'What the... I have advanced elements in the system shop now?'