The Witches

The same day, the three of them had already reached the clan's territory.

Passing through the forest of pillars, Kentaro asked Tetsuo if they were here naturally.

"Father, are all those stone pillars natural creations?"

"Natural creations? Do you mean if they were always here?"

Kentaro nodded.

"No, our ancestors have placed those pillars here. For every clan leader that dies, the clan places a new pillar. The bigger the pillar, the bigger the impact this leader had on the clan."

This was a unique tradition. One day, his father would also get a pillar to represent him.

"This place is sacred, because the leaders get buried under the pillars. That is why, if one day one of you two becomes clan leader, no matter who it is, you should never surrender this place to the enemy."

Kentaro had understood his father's command. No matter who it is, he shall fight to the death for this place.

They entered the village, everybody knew why they had left. But when they saw the two dead bodies, they knew that it hadn't go as planned.

Tetsuo, Kentaro and Wanda ran towards the white building.

The Elders were inside, wondering about how the negotiations were going.

When the door opened they saw three familiar faces and two dead bodies.

"Clan leader, what in the world has happened!"

Kentaro and Wanda threw the two bodies on the ground.

"Elders, as you can see, the negotiations didn't go as planned. We had a little fight and we killed Ishikawa and lord Kamizuru."

The Elders didn't know if they had to celebrate or be mad.

"Elders, we will send their bodies back to the Kamizuru clan. Seeing the two most powerful shinobi of their clan death, they will not dare to continue waging war at us."

The Elders nodded in agreement with Tetsuo's words.

"You are right, clan leader. Let's not waste any time and send this filthy bodies to those bee users. Who has killed Ishikawa?"

Kentaro put his right hand in the air when he heard the Elder's question.

"Kentaro, I see. You have avenged your grandfather's death, he will fully rest in peace now. As a reward for your bravery in battle, you are allowed to enter the room of our ancestors."

'The room of our ancestors?'

"Tomorrow morning you shall come here and I will personally bring you there."

Tetsuo was visibly proud of his son and Wanda was disappointed of himself.

If he had fought better, maybe he would have also received this privilege.

"Clan leader, you stay here. You two can go, you have done a great job."

Kentaro and Wanda left the building and went their separate ways.

Kentaro walked around and spotted Hatsu talking with an old lady.

"Hey, Hatsu! What are you doing here?"

Hatsu looked at Kentaro and was visibly reassured that he returned back safely.

"I'm getting some flowers from Lady Misaki"

Lady Misaki, huh. More memories flooded in his mind. Lady Misaki was the wife of the previous clan leader.

When Kentaro was little, he would always play pranks on her. One day, the former clan leader nearly choked him to death because of this.

"Kentaro, haha. You have grown up since the time I have last seen you."

"Old witch! Why are you so kind to me? Oh, I get it! You're are trying to lure me with your kindness, and then, your gonna stab me in the throat! I have seen through your little plan."

Lady Misaki dropped the flowers that were in her hand on the ground.

"I see, you are still the little brat I have always known. Know your place, kid!"

Lady Misaki kicked Kentaro in the chest and sent him flying to the ground ten meters further.

She was a real monster, At the age of ninety she was able to do this.

Lady Misaki was a powerful Kunoichi in her times of youth, she was a master of the clan's lava style.

"Little Hatsu, when you are gonna get married with this little brat don't forget to put him in his place like I have just done, hahaha."

Hatsu knew that she liked Kentaro, but it was not obvious or was it?

Lady Misaki gave the flowers to Hatsu and looked at the agonizing Kentaro.

"Go, help him up."

Hatsu helped Kentaro stand up and supported him when he walked.

"I told you Hatsu, she is an old wi-"

"I can hear you, little brat!"

Kentaro was terrified and tried to walk faster, but it was difficult with the mortal wound she had inflicted him.

Finally he managed to escape from lady Misaki by going to the other street.

Hatsu and Kentaro returned home and were greeted by Fumiko and Yuka.

"Madam Yuka, I have brought the flowers."

Yuka took the flowers out of Hatsu's hand, but she saw how Kentaro was gripping his chest in pain.

"What has happened to him?" asked Yuka

"Lady Misaki has kicked him in the chest."

Yuka sighed, she was used to it. Since little, Kentaro got his butt kicked by Lady Misaki.

"Mo... Mother, I.. I... I am gonna die.... Soon."

Yuka and Hatsu began laughing like crazy people, this was hilarious to them.

"Stop exaggerating, son. That's what you get when you look for trouble with the woman of our clan. You know damn well that we are powerful."

Kentaro became paler by the second and fell to the ground unconscious.

He was dragged to his room by Fumiko and Hatsu and left on the ground.

Fumiko began removing all of Kentaro's clothes, only letting him with his underwear.

Hatsu was trying not to look but she peeped a few times.

"Hahahaha, now I'm gonna hide big brother's clothes. Tomorrow, he will walk around the village in his underwear. HAHAHAHA"

While she was holding Kentaro's clothes, Fumiko looked at ceiling and laughed like the villains in movies.

She was a witch, just like Lady Misaki.

The two of them returned downstairs like nothing happened.

Like this, Kentaro stayed in his underwear until morning.