The Battle Of Titans(1)

The mace in Emma-ō's right hand deformed and reformed itself into a magma spear.

Emma-ō threw the spear at the Humanoid Susanoo. The spear howled and burned the air around it.

The impact was extremely powerful, the Susanoo shook and slashed with his chakra blades.

The Chakra blades directly struck Emma-ō's body. He was extremely solid and was only a little bit damaged.


Emma-ō roared and slapped in the Susanoo's face. The slap melted the armor covering this spot.

Madara noticed something from Emma-ō's roar. It would enter inside of the target's mind and heart, destabilizing them. This would provoke deep fear and great unrest.

That's why Madara didn't act like himself earlier. To beg for his life wasn't something the strong like him did, only the weak begged.

Kentaro had truly humiliated him in any way possible. To make him beg for his life was truly enraging for Madara.

"I will show you true strength, Kentaro. I WILL MAKE YOU BEG FOR YOUR LIFE!"

Madara slashed with his two chakra blades towards Emma-ō's neck.

The two giant hands placed themselves around the neck, taking a direct hit from the Chakra blades.

This time, the giant hands were deeply cut. Madara had augmented the power in his blades, making them more lethal.

Emma-ō jumped out of the mud field and looked at the Susanoo from far away.

The Susanoo created chakra projectiles from the Chakra blades and threw them towards Emma-ō.

Emma-ō ran forward and punched one of two incoming projectiles, dodging the other. When they hit, the projectile cut through Emma-ō's arm, splitting it in two.

The projectile exited from the shoulder and traveled until it hit a far mountain, destroying the top of it.

The split arm reconnected back together, Emma-ō roared to instill more fear into Madara's mind and heart.

While he was roaring, Two arms grew behind his back. Emma-ō had four arms now.

The two arms that were in his upper back created a large magma spear and threw it towards Madara.

The Susanoo dodged the two spears while charging at Emma-ō.

The two titans grappled. Although more little, the Susanoo held its ground.

But the more massive and powerful complexion of Emma-ō naturally took the upper hand.

Emma-ō grabbed the Susanoo from the ground and carried it on his shoulders horizontally.

He then lifted the Susanoo up and slammed his back down to his right knee.

The Susanoo fell to the ground and was grabbed by the neck. Emma-ō turned around three hundred sixty degrees very quickly.

After having turned around for a prolonged period of time, Emma-ō threw the Susanoo over the battlefield towards the forest nearby.

The Shinobi who were battling saw the huge blue Susanoo fly over them and collapse down in the forest fifty meters further.

The heavy footsteps became louder and the ground shook more, Emma-ō was approaching.

The Shinobi scattered the battlefield after seeing the huge magma monster enter the battlefield.


The deep and demonic voice resounded in their everyone's ear, manifesting deep fears in every man's heart.

"You're little trick won't work on me anymore! SO BRING IT!"

The Susanoo was slowly standing up, but the glowing red leg of Emma-ō stomped him and kept him on the ground.

A large magma sword was created in his right arm, he lifted the sword, ready to kill Madara.

Emma-ō slashed the sword down, seconds away of inflicting the deadly strike.

But just as the sword descended, Emma-ō's right arm was cut down. Magma was gushing out of the large wound.

The Susanoo kicked Emma-ō in the chest, sending him twenty meters further.

Emma-ō stood back up while holding his large wound. The magma soon stopped flowing when the arm regenerated. It turned back into a muddy arm and not a magma arm.

'This is bad, the arm grew back in mud. I can't let him cut another limb!'

When Emma-ō looked back at the Susanoo, he only saw four chakra blades coming to him.


The four chakra blades hit Emma-ō directly. He grabbed the side of his head, half of his neck had been cut of and was nearly decapitated.

The three other chakra blades hit parts of his body and greatly damaged them.


Emma-ō was furious, how could he, The Overlord Of Hell, be humiliated like that.

All the wounds regenerated almost immediately. The three magma arms created three magma heads and threw them at the Susanoo.

The Susanoo began running to avoid the heads but Emma-ō threw them with incredible might and speed.

The three heads struck the Susanoo's back. The blue giant collapsed on the ground, magma spread all over it. It would only be a second before Madara gets melted by it.

But as soon as the Susanoo had completely dissipated because of the magma's might, Kentaro noticed something.

If Madara was dead he would have received points, he didn't receive them, that could only mean that Madara was alive.

The sound of the Chakra blades resounded and two of them pierced through the two feet of Emma-ō.

Behind Emma-ō, Madara summoned the Susanoo, he cut the two magma legs of Emma-ō.

He collapsed to the ground and only had his two arms to serve him as his feet.

While he moved with his two arms, the two arms placed on his upper back served him as attack arms.

They tried to grab the Susanoo with their huge hands, because of their diminished mobility, they struggled to.

The Susanoo avoided the two arms by jumping to the left. With a strike of the right chakra blade, Emma-ō's judge's cap had been cut down.

Kentaro who was in it, fell to the ground. If he reached the ground he would die immediately. Two hundred meters of height was not something anybody could survive from.

Kentaro began forming hand seals, but before he could complete them, the huge right mud hand grabbed Kentaro.

Emma-ō placed Kentaro back in his fully regenerated judge's cap. The same exact moment, his two legs had regenerated to mud.

Madara slashed with his chakra blades, sending the Chakra towards Emma-ō like gusts of wind.

Emma-ō jumped back and his gigantic hands formed hand seals.


When the demonic voice had said what it said, the ground shook and nine pillars of lava came out of the ground.

They were like trees in a forest. They stopped the Chakra blades in their trajectory.


From the back of Emma-ō grew something and quickly formed into a lava serpent.

The lava serpent crawled until it was on Emma-ō's shoulder, it jumped downwards towards the Susanoo.

The fast lava serpent fell on the Susanoo and coiled around it, the serpent bit his neck. This greatly impeded it's movements, more than the volcanic ash.

'I am slowly reaching the end of my chakra reserves. If Madara doesn't fall under the strikes I will now inflict him, I will be forced to activate the unlimited Chakra.'

The lava serpent began swelling and exploded from the surplus of gases that Kentaro placed in it.

The lava was everywhere on the Susanoo and Madara was slowly getting exhausted because of the excessive use of his Mangekyo Sharingan.

The battle of titans was nearing its end!