The Alliance Of The Snow

"We would like to help your..alliance in the war against the Kazahana clan."

Kentaro did not dare to sip on the tea. As for Mū, he never took his bandages off of his mouth, so he didn't drink.

Yukon appreciated that they wanted to help the alliance, but he didn't know their exact identity.

"It's weird, why would two unknown shinobi offer their help?"

"We were only traveling, but we could not close our eyes to what the Kazahana Clan was doing to the innocent people."

Yukon sipped on his tea and looked deep into Kentaro's eyes.

"Very good, we would be very happy to have your help. I can feel your is not little, the alliance of snow welcomes you with open arms."

Yukon had a big smile on his face and shook Kentaro's hand and then Mū's hand.

"Yukon, tell me what the objective of the alliance is." Mū wanted to get it over with.

"Our objective is to simply kill the new feudal lord, the clan leader of the Kazahana clan. The problem is that we don't know where he is located."

"I have taken control over one of their clan members, he will spy for us. If you have any prisoners, take me to them and I will turn them into spies."

Yukon loved this idea, he stood up and led Kentaro and Mū to where they held the prisoners of war.

A total of thirty Kazahana's were sitting in cages. Mū turned them into his spies one by one.

"It's good now, we can send them back to their clan."

"How are we gonna collect the information they have?" Yukon didn't know that.

"It's very simple, we will assign thirty-one members of the alliance to go and meet with the thirty-one spies and collect the information."

Yukon was very happy, they had spies within the Kazahana clan now. He returned to his tent.

Kentaro and Mū lived here for the next two weeks. The thirty spies had gotten lots of information about the Kazahana clan.

Apparently, the clan leader lived in the valley of ice. The valley of ice was a forbidden place for the people of the country of snow.

The legends told that there was a monster lurking around this area. Well, it's wasn't true in reality, but common people still feared this place.

Tanaka Kazahana, the clan leader, was protected by a total of one thousand shinobi. They were from allied clans and his own.

The alliance of the snow only counted a total of four hundred men. They were strongly under in terms of manpower.

Even so, they were far from cowards. The alliance prepared themselves for battle.

The four hundred men army marched to the valley of ice.

"Kentaro, Mū, I need you guys to sabotage those fuckers. Can you two do it?"

Yukon wanted to weaken the Kazahana clan before they arrived there.

Kentaro and Mū had no problem with it, they just had to find a way to do it.

"No problem. We'll do it with great pleasure." Kentaro and Mū began running while the others were walking.

Everybody wished them Goodluck.

They reached the valley of ice after three hours of running. The place was truly packed with shinobi everywhere.

"Mū, what do you suggest? I can't use ninjutsu of any sort at the moment, so..."

"I know, its pretty bad. But do not worry, I, the one and only Mū, always has a solution."

Mū created earth chains and binded them around Kentaro's hand and feet.

"What are doing?" Kentaro was confused.

"From now on, you are a savage that is hungry for battle. I will offer you to their clan leader as a gift."

Kentaro didn't know if he had to laugh or cry, this bastard Mū always had weird ideas since they traveled, but they always worked.

Mū walked inside of the valley of ice and Kentaro played the savage.

"Hey! Who are you!? We give you ten seconds, if you don't scram..."

"Easy friend. I am a great supporter of feudal lord Tanaka! I have come here to give him the greatest gift I can." the way Mū talked captivated the Shinobi.

They led Mū to the greatest house of the valley of ice. The house was covered in thick white snow.

Feudal lord Tanaka came out of the house, he was escorted by twenty shinobi.

"Tell me, what gift did you bring for me?"

Mū grabbed Kentaro's chin and treated him like merchandise.

"You see this, feudal lord? He is a savage from the coldest mountains. He his a killing machine, no matter the weapon, it is incapable of piercing his skin."

Feudal lord Tanaka could not believe what he had heard and it was the same for the Shinobi.

Feudal lord Tanaka walked towards Kentaro and stopped in front of him.

"it is true that he looks like a savage, hahaha! You say that his skin is stronger than any blade, right?"

Mū nodded his head. Feudal lord Tanaka took the katana of one of the 'earby shinobi.

He swung the blade and tried to cut Kentaro's neck. When the blade connected, it broke in pieces.

"Hahaha, incredible! With this savage, I will annihilate the alliance of the snow!"

Feudal lord Tanaka was jumping around like a kid who received candy, he turned and looked at Mū.

"You are our guest..." feudal lord Tanaka did not know Mū's name.


"Yes, Mū. You are my guest, give this boy a warm place to stay and bring the savage in a cage."

Mū was given a house very close to the feudal lord, he sat down on the bed and began to think of ways to sabotage the place.

Kentaro was brought to a little cage. Thirty shinobi were assigned to protect the cage and keep an eye on Kentaro.

They had successfully infiltrated the valley of ice.