Changes In The Clan

"Your position as clan leader? I won't be able to give it to you." Wanda felt that now was not the best time to give his position.

"You won't be give it to me? What is the meaning of this? Do not forget that you are the head temporarily. Now that I am here, I shall become the head no matter what, you understand me?"

Wanda shook his head, he had something else to say. He took a piece of paper that was on his left and placed it in front of Kentaro.

"I know that you are the rightful clan leader, it was your father's will, I dare not go against it. The numerous clans of the land of earth will come here in two days, I want to be the leader until the summit is finished."

Kentaro didn't like that at all, he wanted to address all the clans and rally them together in a way or another.

"Wanda, I have plans you know. I must address the clans of the land of earth as the head of the Fujimoto clan. So, you will kindly give me your function today."

Wanda gave a little nod, he wanted to stay the head for a couple of days more, but he couldn't.

"Thank you, it's good that you understand. Where is the Chinoike clan, the clans of the land of snow and the farmers of it?"

"The Chinoike clan considers you as their clan leader, you must have done something special for them to see you like that. The farmers of the land of snow have been here for the past three months, they are good and hardworking people. As for the clans of the land of snow, there are none."

Kentaro had not expected that the clans he had helped vanquish the Kazahana clan were not willing to join him.

'Or maybe...they have failed to vanquish the Kazahana clan after we have sabotaged the valley of ice. This is a good hypothesis.'

"The Chinoike clan are living east of our village. They are only fifty and young, why did you want to recruit them at all costs."

Wanda was apparently not aware of the Ketsuryugan.

"They are young and have the time to be nurtured, we shall make them strong-willed and capable shinobi. They have something that will give them advantage in all the fights and battles they will participate in."

Wanda trusted Kentaro's words. After all, he would not go and recruit anyone.

"I see, there is one last thing that I want to tell you. The Kamizuru clan will come here faster than any other clan. Their clan leader wants to discuss with you, he gladly accepts to become our ally." Kentaro was happy to hear that.

The mummy had surely talked good about him and about the great success of the mission.

Kentaro stood up, placed the pot in his cloth bag and left the room. Later tonight, the coronation ceremony would take place, only then would he officially become clan leader.

Kentaro walked towards a house that he knew was inhabitted, he was followed by the five kunoichi.

"This will be your house from now on. Tomorrow, I will come and find you to transplant the eye to my cousin." the kunoichi obediently entered.

Kentaro walked around the village, it was not even one-third of the size of the town of Aiken in the land of lightning.

This place only had one clan living in it while the town of Aiken had a population of ten thousand.

"I must find a suitable place where we will create the hidden stone." a place that has great natural defenses and a lot of place to build the foundations would be perfect.

Kentaro's eyes fell on a particular old man, he was accompanied by ten kids. Kentaro immediately recognized him.

"Iguro!" Iguro was the old man from the Chinoike clan.

"Clan leader, it's so good to see you. It's a surprise to see you back so quickly." Iguro walked towards Kentaro and slightly bowed.

The kids did the same, Iguro had told them that Kentaro was their savior and the new clan leader.

"Iguro, I hope that my clan has welcomed you with open arms. I will visit all of you when I have some time." Kentaro patted Iguro's arm and smiled at the kids.

"Absolutely clan leader, absolutely." Kentaro walked further, he noticed how the clansmen were jovial and happy.

Last time he was here, everyone was mourning their deaths, the mood was gloomy. It was refreshing to see them like that.

Kentaro recognized many faces, they were the farmers that had escaped from the land of snow. They didn't recognize Kentaro because when they met, he had his bestial appearance.

They were working, not as farmers, but as painters. The men were painting the newly build stone houses in red.

The women and the elderly were keeping the kids busy and doing all kinds of chores. They were all smiles, it was no doubt that they were leaving a happy life right now.

Finally, Kentaro could see it, his house, Yuka, Fumiko and Hatsu were waiting for him.

'Fumiko must have grown up, oh shit, maybe she grew to be as tall as me!' he was only away for seven months, Fumiko only four, but Kentaro couldn't help but think that she grew up.

The more he got closer, the faster his heart was beating. It was beating from excitement, to finally reunite with the people who were so dear to him.

Kentaro was in front of the door, he knocked three times and patiently waited for someone to open.

"Hello...KENTAROOOOO!" the little Fumiko jumped on Kentaro, she had missed very much.

Kentaro lifted her high up with his two arms, he relieved to see that she hadn't grown up to be his size.

"Hahahaha! How is my little sister doing!" Kentaro hugged her hard and gave her many kisses. Yuka didn't show herself yet.

"Where is mommy, Fumiko?" It was odd that she didn't come to greet him.

Fumiko jumped down from Kentaro's embrace and walked inside, she walked on the tip of her feet.

Kentaro followed suit, he saw Yuka sleeping soundly on the couch. She was visibly very tired.

"Hello mother, your son is back." Kentaro gave her little kiss on the forehead. He looked around the living room, this familiar place had become unfamiliar.

"It's good to be back home."