Like Fire And Water

Kentaro dropped Kenchikuka on the ground, he quickly stood up and patted the dirt away from his clothes.

"Why did you drop me like that!? Do you want ME, the only architect to get wounded?" Kenchikuka walked near the square hole and looked at it.

"I need you to help me build the foundations of the village, we already made this big square hole to help you out." Kenchikuka turned his head around and facepalmed himself.

"To help me out? A square hole? For foundations? A-are you serious Lord Kentaro?" Kentaro was confused.

"Yes, to help you. Why, is it maybe not deep enough?" Kentaro walked near the square hole and placed his hand on the ground.

Kentaro made the square hole even deeper, he was proud that he could help with the creation of the foundations.

As he straightened himself back, Kentaro felt something on the back of his head. Almost instantly, a sound resounded.


Kentaro held his head and looked at Kenchikuka angrily, the boy had just slapped the back of his head.

"Are you dumb? Who told you that I needed the hole to be deeper? Lord Kentaro, you must discuss things with me before touching the worksite!" Kentaro grabbed Kenchikuka and placed him on his shoulder.

"Oy! Oy! What are you doing!?" Kentaro removed Kenchikuka's pants until his butt was visible.

"Don't bring your luck too far, holy architect. Also, stop shouting like a dog." Kentaro started spanking Kenchikuka's butt.

On the other side of the wall, the people didn't know if they were busy with constructions or torture.

Reijiro was sitting down with Lord Haru, they listened to the sounds of spanking intentely. They didn't know if they had to laugh or cry.

"Hahaha, this little naughty boy has angered Lord Kentaro." Lord Haru was laughing like an old man.

"Yes, Kenchikuka found his match, hahaha." the two of them stopped laughing and looked at each other with widened eyes.

"Wouldn't Lord Kentaro be furious at us for having being disrespected by one of our clansmen?" Lord Haru aggressively stood up.

He grabbed Reijiro from the collar and dragged him on the ground, the poor guy tried to stand up a couple of times but wasn't successful.

"Reijiro, you're going to apologize on behalf of your little brother. Come on!" Lord Haru threw Reijiro to the other side of the wall.

He stood up and saw how Kenchikuka's butt was red from the spanking, but he continuesly punched Kentaro on the face.

"Lord Kentaro! Pleaseeee, let my brother live!" Kentaro stopped spanking Kenchikuka and Kenchikuka stopped punching Kentaro, the two of them looked at the knealing Reijiro.

"I know how my brother can be sometimes, I will personally beat him up for having disrespected you! But please, let him live!"

Kentaro and Kenchikuka looked at each other, they made that confused face. Reijiro lifted his head and looked at them.

"Mind your own bussines!" their two angry voices said the same thing at the same time. Kentaro started spanking Kenchikuka and he started punching Kentaro again.

'they are at it again, those two are like fire and water!' Reijiro stood back up and jumped over the wall, there was nothing he could to stop them.

"Pause!" Kenchikuka shouted. He requested a pause in their little fight.

"Pause? What are you talking about? You think that if you said that to the enemy they would stop?" Kenchikuka pushed Kentaro's face and landed on the ground.

He adjusted his pants and covered his red butt, he turned around and looked at Kentaro.

"As much as you don't like me, I don't like you. As the holy architect, I must use my superior mentality and forget about our squabbles to build the foundations of the village."

Kentaro looked at Kenchikuka who had his arms crossed and acting all superior. Deep down, Kentaro knew that he was right.

"You're right, I'll let it go for this once. Next time, you won't be able to walk for a whole year." Kentaro sat on the ground and waited for Kenchikuka to do his architect thing.

He walked around the hole and looked at the mountain ranges, he did the same thing for ten minutes.

"Kenchikuka! I've been looking at you for ten minutes and you do the same thing over and over again! You act like an npc!" Kentaro couldn't endure it anymore.

"An npc! I don't what that is, but I'll take it as a compliment. You see, I've been.....analyzing this place. We can build a gigantic village, but first you'll have to tell me how you want to divide it between the clans and the common people." this was the first thing Kenchikuka wanted to know.

"Does it matter for now? Every place in the village will have the same foundations, I'll devide everything after the complete construction of them."

Kenchikuka ran towards Kentaro and punched him in the nuts, he was tired of Kentaro always questioning his decisions.

"You got some solid nuts, Lord Kentaro. As solid as they are, my punches will always prevail." Kentaro was on the ground he held his nuts in pain.

"Y-you ass kid! I'll rip your head off." Kenchikuka placed his foot on Kentaro's back as if he had vanquished a savage beast.

"Since you won't tell me how you want to divide the village, I will do so in your place. East, south-east, south, south-west, west, I will place five clans on those five positions in the village." Kentaro listened to Kenchikuka while holding his nuts.

"And north, the clan of did you call it again? Ah right, the Tsuchikage. Our earth shadow, the leader of all. The Fujimoto clan will be placed north were the tallest tower-like structure, the Kage residence will be constructed." Kenchikuka was imagining the image in his mind.

"Like this, the common people will be protected by the shinobi clans in case of attacks which will be very unlikely considering the natural defence all around us."

"We will construct many tower-like structures which will serve as homes and all kind of things, we could elaborate further on that once they are constructed." Kenchikuka sat down on the agonizing Kentaro.

"And since there will only be tower-like structures, we will construct a large network of strong and beautiful bridges that will interconnect them to each other."

Kentaro had to admit it it, Kenchikuka knew exactly what he wanted. With an architect like that everything was bound to be successfuly done.