The Wedding

The people had decorated the streets of the village with many flowers. They knew that today, their Tsuchikage was going to marry.

As for many of the shinobi, they wouldn't be able to witness the wedding. Kentaro had ordered them to go gather all the wandering shinobi of the land.

Kentaro also tasked them to bring families of blacksmiths, bakers and all kind of things to start the village economically.

The Haru clan had a whole other mission, they were tasked to fertilize the land. Their mission would start once they reached the west. There, the vegetation was abundant.

With their unique jutsu, they were capable of spreading the vegetation. It would take time to fully vegetate the land of earth, but it was a necessary process which could later give more work to farmers.

Kentaro tasked the Ichika clan to go around towns and inform them about the creation of the village, people were told that they were welcome to live there.

Telling the people to keep it a secret was imperative. If the information about the hidden stone was to leak, it would be a catastrophe. The Ichika clan made sure that the people would not say a word by telling them that they would suffer the Tsuchikage's rage if they were to divulge it.

Five of the six tailed beasts were roaming freely in the land. The only one who was still sealed was Shukaku, he threatened Kentaro to massacre him and everyone else.

Kokuo and Chomei lived west, Son Goku lived north, Saiken lived east and Matatabi lived north-west.

At the moment, Kentaro was sitting on his desk and writing on a scroll, he was writing instructions on if one day the shinobi met with a tailed beast.

How the different tailed beasts had to be addressed, what they didn't like. what the people didn't have to do and what they could do.

Kentaro wrote it all down for insurance purposes, he didn't want the ties with the tailed beasts to be broken because of a shinobi that did something stupid against them.

There were also two other scrolls in front of him. He had written a scroll named 'the rules of the shinobi'. This scroll contained everything about what a shinobi of the village could and couldn't do.

And in the other one, Kentaro sketched the village's symbol and future attire.

"This should do it! I'm gonna take a stroll i' the village." Kentaro stood up and stretched his body. He had been writing since the morning.

The door suddenly opened, Fumiko was accompanied by Mū. The two of them entered and looked at Kentaro.

"You have to prepare yourself, Kentaro. The wedding will take place in the afternoon." Mū had a big cloth bag, he placed it on the ground.

He opened it and placed everything that was inside on the table. There was a pink kimono with white pants.

"This kimono you will wear it. It's Fumiko who chose it for you, it's pretty unique. It's fancy, the people will like it." Kentaro looked at the kimono with a strange look.

"Listen, Fumiko. I won't be able to wear that kimono, ok? I have to wear the clan's wedding kimono, the black one." Kentaro pointed his finger to a black kimono that was in a box.

"I want you to wear this kimono!" Yuka entered and placed her hand on Fumiko's shoulder, she shook her head.

"Fumiko! Don't bother your brother on a day like this one." Fumiko looked angrily at the ground.

Yuka walked to Kentaro and gave him a kiss, she caressed his face and gently took his hands.

"Today, I will see you become a man, for you have always being a kid until now. But son will marry a beautiful and strong woman like me...haha." Yuka kissed Kentaro's hands.

"Mother, are you proud of me? Aren't you disappointed in your son? I have taken so many lives, even Habiki's. Tell me mother, do you still love me even though I have committed such horrible acts?" Yuka didn't understand why Kentaro acted like this all of a sudden.

"I have given birth to the strongest son. With great power comes a price, the price of sacrifice. To achieve your goal, you had to kill Habiki and whole clans. You sacrificed them for a greater cause! My son, I will always love and be proud of you, no matter what."

Yuka walked to the box and took the black kimono out, she removed the pink kimono from the desk and made place for the black one.

"Sit down, Kentaro. Let me take care of you one last time before you turn into a real man." Kentaro sat down, Yuka started taking care of Kentaro's hair.

She gently caressed them, the more she did, the more emotional she got. Yuka tied Kentaro's hair into a bun.

She helped him undress and helped him dress into the wedding kimono. Yuka was cherishing those moments, because those were the last she would get.

In the Fujimoto clan's culture, once the son married, the mother wasn't supposed to take care of him like that. Because it would be to the wife to take upon the role.

Once he was dressed and prepared, Yuka left the office with Mū and Fumiko. They had to prepare too.

Kentaro stayed there for a few hours, he thought about how Amaterasu would look like. Kentaro's door opened.

"Kentaro everything is ready. Follow me, brother." Kentaro stood up and exited his office.

"After you, Wanda." Wanda gave Kentaro a nod and led him out of the Tsuchikage's residence. Kentaro saw how the streets had been decorated with pink flowers.

"Will the wedding take place in the wedding hall?" they had built the wedding hall for those occasions, everyone was allowed to use it after the Tsuchikage's permission.

"No, the whole village wants to witness your wedding. It's as important for them as it is for you." the more they got closer the more Kentaro's heart was beating.

The center of the village was immense, thousands of chairs were placed next to each other. Many people were sitting, almost every seat was taken.

The people turned their heads to look at Kentaro, their faces were full of smiles and happiness.

"Lord Tsuchikage, we wish you luck." many encouraging voices resounded. Kentaro walked until he was in front of Lord Sara.

Lord Sara was going to take care of the wedding ceremony. Slowly, the sun was setting.

Yuka walked besides Kentaro as she was requested to be next to him all along the wedding for the wedding ritual.

Kentaro looked towards where he came from, he saw the approaching figures of Daitan and Amaterasu.

She was dressed in a graceful white wedding kimono. The two of them joined Kentaro and Yuka.

Amaterasu looked once at Kentaro, he looked back at her and she immediately averted her eyes towards Lord Sara.

"The cemenoy may begin. Today, we have all gathered to witness the wedding of our Lord Tsuchikage and the heiress of the Kamizuru clan, Amaterasu Kamizuru." Daitan looked proudly at the pair.

"All of you, I said all of you will witness the union between those two. Kentaro Fujimoto, will you take Amaterasu Kamizuru as your wife?" Kentaro had to come up with a vow.

"Yes, I will."Kentaro turned to Amaterasu, she looked at him with wide eyes. Her face began slightly blushing under the sunset.

"My life is forever entangled with yours from this day on. Amaterasu, I promise to be your pillar and support you in anything you do." Lord Sara turned to Amaterasu.

"Amaterasu Kamizuru, will you take Kentaro Fujimoto as your husband?" Amaterasu turned towards Kentaro and looked into his eyes.

"I promise to be your honest, faithful and loving wife for the rest of my days. You are my every dream come true. I can't wait for the reality we get to build together." Amaterasu's voice had more emotion to it than Kentaro's voice.

Hearing this, Lord Sara filled three different-size cups of sake each greater than the other. He gave the most little one to Kentaro.

Kentaro took three sips and gave the cup to Amaterasu, she also took three sips.

"The first three sips represent the new and greater bond that has been created during this wedding!" Lord Sara then gave a greater cup to Kentaro.

Kentaro repeated the same actions, he took three sips from it and so did Amaterasu.

"The second three sips represent the flaws of hatred, passion and ignorance!" Lord Sara gave the last cup which was the greatest to Kentaro.

When Kentaro and Amaterasu had taken three spis each, Lord Sara took the cup back.

"The third three sips represent freedom from the three flaws." Lord Sara filled the three cups again and gave them to Yuka and Daitan.

They did the same process as Kentaro and Amaterasu, but they had another meaning.

"The parents have sealed the bond between the two families! Kentaro Fujimoto, Amaterasu Kamizuru, you are officially husband and wife!" the croud erupted in cheers.

Daitan and Yuka were tearing, Amaterasu was happy to finally marry Kentaro. As for Kentaro himself, his thoughts were somewhere else.

"Normally, the wedding is then celebrated in private between family member. But for all of you we have made an exception, food will be brought and we shall feast together." Daitan announced the news.

The crowd were even more happy, for hours they played music and ate. When it was midnight, Kentaro and Amaterasu returned to the Tsuchikage's office.

Kentaro walked to his office's balcony and looked at the village intently. Amaterasu followed behind him and stood next to him.

She tried to get closer, Kentaro noticed it and placed his arm over her. Together they looked at the full moon.

'Three, four, five, six years. It could happen at any moment. I'll just have to strengthen the village and wait until those bastards unite.'